Daily Archives: December 29, 2008

More “change” we can be sure of …

On January 20th, 2009, Barack Obama will be sworn in as President of the United States. The second he takes the oath of office his hands will be covered with blood.

I’m talking about the blood of a Palestinian people who have been abused by their Arab neighbors and slaughtered by the Israelis (with direct support of the United States government).

Obama will have a choice: turn his back on AIPAC and the foreign policy neo-cons of America, or smear that blood all over his body. Judging by Obama’s so far obsequious and fawning words when it comes to Isreal, I’m betting he’ll be doing a lot of smearing.

Obama’s obvious distaste for the Palestinians is mirrored quite well in his invitation to well known radical right wing religious preacher Rick Warren to perform the invocation at the inauguration. Obama was happy to accept the money and volunteer efforts and votes from folks who feel very strongly about human rights. And Obama has been just as happy to proclaim that “change” didn’t include them or the folks who want to enter into a same sex marriage.

Apparently the change Obama has been talking about referred to the color of one’s skin … not the politics of death and destruction and deprivation our federal government has been practicing for decades.