Daily Archives: December 28, 2008

Did anybody else notice…

I’ve been out of town visiting family so this is a catch-up to something posted several days ago. Sorry if this is old.

Okay, so on 12/23 there was a diary by odum which included the following missive from Burlington City Councilor Jane Knodell about an upcoming caucus.

The caucus is open to voters of ward 2 who wish to be members of the Progressive Party. Since the Progressive Party is a party of principles, membership requires subscribing to the Statement of Principles in the Party Charter…

Inspiring a snarky comment by odum about top-down versus bottom-up party organization. Which in turn inspired a brief outbreak of Dem/Prog snark. Now, I didn’t have particularly strong feelings about Knodell’s notice. But it does seem remarkably curious, coming from the same person who was, only a few days earlier, quoted thusly by Shay Totten:  

Progressive City Councilor Jane Knodell (Ward 2) was in the crowd at Wright’s announcement. She said later that Wright “did a great job” and she thinks he’ll “have broad appeal across the political spectrum and across the city.”

Great job and broad support? Is this the makings of a “Progressives for Wright” group? Nope, said Knodell. So she’s backing Bob Kiss, right? Wrong again.

“I am not going to be publicly supporting any candidate this mayoral election,” said Knodell.

Let me see if I understand. Knodell expects party members to adhere to party principles. Fair enough. But she doesn’t feel the need to publicly support one of her party’s leading officeholders?

Color me confused.