Daily Archives: December 5, 2008

Trial balloon watch: AG Secretary

It seems that there's another trial balloon floating out there, this time for Obama's Secretary of Agriculture. The WaPo has a shortlist available now. And of course, some of the selections are rather troubling, even moreso to Vermonters, who value local farms and food. Kos diarist Orangeclouds115 has a good diary about the choices here, but a quick rundown:

Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who many of you are familiar with. There's not a lot on her, other than she's a popular governor of a farm state.

Charles Stenholm: a lobbyist for BIG-AG, as wel as the horsemeat industry. Aside from Obama's promise to lessen the influence of lobbyists, this is horrible choice, because the needs of Big Ag are usually in opposition to the needs of local/small farmers. The last thing we need right now is more handouts to Big Ag, and Stenholm had a lot of input on the 2002 farm bill, which had a lot of Big Ag handouts.

Dennis Wolff: the current PA Sec. of Ag, he owns a 600 acre dairy farm,  tried very hard to ban RgB-free labels in PA, which was overturned by Gov. Rendell, has done lip-service for Mosanto front groups, and seems to overall be the last person on earth we need dicatating the farm policies of the nation. There's more on him here.

Two of the above are absolutely horrendous choices. This is one of those times where it's important to spread the word about this, especially if you know any farmers, and be sure to go the the Obama transition website here and let your opinion be known.

Breaking news item: Mark Larson is stepping out of the speaker’s race

We’ve got sources telling us that Larson’s about to drop out.  Looks as though it’s down to just one candidate, Shap Smith.  Will update more when we get more details.

Okay, first update is Mark Larson’s e-mail:

Good morning,

Later this morning, I will be announcing that I am withdrawing from the Speakers race and supporting Shap as our next Speaker.  Before doing that, I wanted to say thank you for supporting me in this campaign.

I entered this race because I know what we can accomplish as a state. Vermont has always been on the forefront of change and I believe we are at a crossroads that challenges us to lead once again.

As you know, elections are filled with ups and downs.  What has sustained me during this race was the support of people like you who share my sense that we need to stand up for our values and stand with our neighbors who need our leadership now.  I am immensely grateful that you were willing to put your faith in me.

Thank you.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow.


Also, per a fellow GMD front-pager:

Floyd Nease seems to have the Majority Leader position wrapped up, and its likely he may be the only candidate by tomorrow.

Another update: Mark Larson e-mailed me with a longer version of his e-mail that I’ll post after the fold.

And another update. Rep. Nease posts in the comments below: “This morning I received a call from Rep. Ancel in which she said she is withdrawing from the race prior to caucus tomorrow.”  -odum

The first e-mail was the one he sent to his supporters.  This is the one he sent to the entire caucus:

Dear friends,

For the past several weeks, I have had the pleasure of talking with members of our caucus about the challenges we face as a state.  We have talked about how we as Democrats can be the leaders that help our state not merely survive difficult economic times, but build a stronger future for our communities.

To address our economic and political challenges, I believe that we need to lay out a clear vision for our state, demonstrate our support for working families more consistently and take advantage of the talented leaders within our caucus.   Our agenda must respond to the challenges families and communities are facing and show that we can deliver results for the diverse interests represented in our caucus.

As we prepare for our work ahead, our most immediate task is the election of a leadership team that can unite us as a caucus and empower us to produce the work we are capable of.  I have stated from the start the importance of a unified caucus.  Our ability to be the responsible leaders that our state desperately needs is compromised if we break into factions unable to work together.  

With this in mind, I am writing today to let you know that I am ending my campaign to become Speaker and urge all caucus members to work with me to elect Shap Smith the next Speaker of the House.  My friend Shap has demonstrated that he is ready and able to be an excellent Speaker. He is prepared to help us define our priorities, defend our values and set a clear path to finding real solutions for our state.   He is the leader to help us accomplish the work that Vermont depends on us to get done.

I also ask that you join me in electing Floyd Nease as Majority Leader, Lucy Leriche as Assistant Majority Leader, and Kathy Pellett as Caucus Clerk.  Together, these outstanding people will form a great leadership team, one that we can be proud of.   It is time for us to unite in support of them.

When I began my campaign for Speaker, I stated that I was excited to stand shoulder to shoulder with our caucus – a strong mix of experienced members and talented newcomers, prepared to take action on the critical issues facing our state.  Today more that ever, I remain excited to be a part of our caucus.  With the dawning of a new day in the White House, we stand ready to rise to the challenges faced by our state and nation.  In such times, Vermont has always proven that we are leaders.  Our state and nation look to us once again to do just this.

I look forward to seeing you tomorrow and to working together in the upcoming session.


Mark Larson

Finding Saturday’s Meeting

(Bumping back to the top. – promoted by odum)

The fix it meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 1-3PM in Montpelier. Our location was set to be the meeting room of the Police Station behind City Hall. The overflow space in case this thing were to become more than simply cozy has been set to be the city council chambers in City Hall (the door to which is a mere 20 feet or so from the primary location in the Police Station).

Well, here’s the map to both – but from the increase in buzz this meeting has gotten in the last few days, its a safe bet we’ll be in the overflow room to accommodate everyone. The directions are the same, as the doors face each other and are a scant distance away, and I’ll inform the police dispatcher where we are in case anybody comes in wondering. An email to those I know who have RSVP’ed will go out tomorrow. In the meantime, here is a map:

From the Montpelier exit on I-89, drive in on Rt 2 to your fourth light (Main Street). Turn left, drive over the bridge and past the Shaw’s on the left. City Hall is less than a block down on your right. The Police Station – as well as the rear entrance to the city council chamber – can be found in back of City Hall. There should be parking.

Talking Ds and Ps

( – promoted by Jack McCullough)

Maybe you can’t be at the 7Days lovefest tonight. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some civil discussion of the D and P rift. Included are the definition of an ideologue, the December 6 meeting,  the candidate vacuum, “weeniecrats,” legislative vs. electoral arenas, and a nice Greenspan hunting season beat rounds it all out.