So. The Obamamercial has come and gone. Little to no content, but there was never going to be any content. If that’s what you were looking for, you were fooling yourself.
This was always about campaign theater. Heartstring persuasion writ large. And as a former electioneer myself, I could hardly wait. Nobody has ever done anything like this before, and I was dying to see what they would do and how well they’d pull it off.
And wow, did they. They nailed it. Just enough schmaltz. Sprinkles of the beginnings of policy content throughout, to give the illusion of content. This was a universe removed from Ross Perot and his charts and likely homed in like a laser beam on many in the swing voter set.
Now would I like beef? Content? Sure. But again, this wasn’t made for me. I knew that going in. Judged on its own terms against its own goals, I think it was a freakin’ masterpiece. And the fact that the last World Series game was forced into a rain delay in what otherwise could’ve been the series finale – that was an act of god, man. Having the World Series audience as a lead in bumped this to a whole new level.
Wow. We’ll see the ratings. If nobody watched it, I’ll have to eat my words, but I think we will see this create a noticeable bump in the polls.
UPDATE from Julie Waters: here’s the video for those of us who missed it: