Daily Archives: October 28, 2008

Thank you for your contribution to the Douglas Campaign

(Important diary, but you see in it the real problem with holding Douglas accountable… the blogs cant do the campaign’s, the legislature’s, the press’s and the AG’s job for them. – promoted by odum)

Jim Douglas has continued his polling expenditures and must know something the rest of us only suspect. This race is tight and Douglas is very worried about breaking 50%.

Could a scandal finally break Douglas’ calm demeanor? One involving taxpayer money and dirty campaigning, at a time when the unemployment is at a record high?

Every major elected official inlcuding Bush, Leahy, Welch, and every other US Senator, Congressperson and Governor knows that you can campaign on the public dime but you need to pay some, or at least PRETEND to pay, the taxpayer back.

But NOT Douglas:

After a week of dodging repeated questions about whether the Douglas campaign follows Dean’s lead, the governor’s campaign manager Dennise Casey told “Fair Game” on Monday: “No, we don’t.” (Seven Days, Shay Totten)

This is a CRAZY big scandal…

And you can even tell Douglas want to sweep it under the rug by “dodging repeated questions”. But it has been over a week since Shay reported this and nothing… silence.

The question is how can the story break to reach mainstream? Will it take Symington or Pollina to do a press conference and maybe even run TV ads based on it?

If you remember, the VT press corps ignored the Elizabeth Ready story on her resume discrepancies until Randy Brock threw a press conference and ran commercials.

What can a committed group of folks, like those who read GMD, do on something like this?

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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