Monthly Archives: October 2008

Election Cause and Effect in the Final Days

The 11th Hour surge in energy and aggressiveness from Symington on the issue of Jim Douglas’s use of public resources for campaign purposes comes as much (or more) from the VT Democratic Party proper and Nate Freeman leading the grassroots as it does from the actual Symington campaign. It certainly could’ve come two weeks ago, bouncing as it is off of the reporting from Seven Days’ Shay Totten, but its heartening to see regardless.

But the unspoken question on the lips of many, given the dramatic change of political fortunes seemingly taking place, is whether or not this last minute surge isn’t ultimately to the electoral benefit of Anthony Pollina, rather than Symington herself. It’s a tough question.

The art of looking at poll numbers is in the attempting to discern cause from effect. Usually its not too hard. In the latest R2K poll, there are three numbers of note: the huge increase in Pollina’s numbers, the significant drop in Symington’s numbers, and the huge increase in Symington’s negatives. Cause and effect are clear here – you don’t decide you dislike a candidate because you don’t want to vote for them, you decide you don’t want to vote for a candidate because you dislike them. Clearly, Symington’s negatives are the driving force in the huge difference between this poll and the last R2K poll. The financial disclosures issue lit a fuse that has continued to burn steadily and quickly, eating up much of her goodwill and opening the door for Douglas to cast further doubts on her character by whatever means he can think of. There’s no question that the disclosure issue will be remembered as a turning point. And in Vermont, all it takes is finding and exploiting one key negative narrative to step on a campaign. With only 400,000 voters, political changes – as a matter of percentages – have the potential to turn faster here than any other state in the union. They just don’t, usually.

On the Progressive side, as outraged as many Dems were, Pollina hasn’t taken a hit from his latest campaign finance challenge. With that off the table, he really hasn’t been making mistakes (and as I noted recently, he’s been fairly creative with outside-the-box organizing). Nor has he been so ready to beat up on Democrats as a collective entity, narrowcasting his criticism to Montpelier instead.

And the massive increase in Symington’s negatives also suggest that the Pollina’s increases aren’t due so much to his own messaging, so much as his positioning to be the beneficiary of Symington’s stumbling (given the lack of his own of late). As such, he seems – both from the recent poll and anecdotally – to have broken out of the single-digit doldrums. Voters may be allowing him a “reboot” and we could easily see him repeat his numbers against Shumlin.

If I had to bet money, I’d still think that he will end up in third, but just barely. Douglas’s tone has certainly changed. Last week, Douglas seemed to be going out of his way to promote Pollina’s candidacy, presumably because of the effect it has on Symington’s numbers and with an eye towards keeping the runner up well out of the range where a legislative promotion of a non-Douglas candidate is politically easy. As I said, if Douglas were serious about Pollina, he’d be getting mean. It’s what he does.

Well, in the last couple days, Douglas has gotten mean, hitting Pollina on the Milk Company troubles. Now that does mean he’s up in the polls.

It’s an interesting game of fine-tuning going on. It seems unlikely to impossible that either Pollina or Symington on their own could keep Douglas below 50%, despite the inevitable crowing of both sides. Douglas’s job is to fine tune his negative attacks and the resultant peaks and troughs in the polls of his opponents to keep them largely canceling each other out and preventing one or the other from getting close enough to pull off a legislative coup. Something he seems to be doing masterfully.

But back to the original point: Does this latest push from Symington benefit her campaign or Pollina’s? In the twin bubbles of Washington and Chittenden Counties, anecdotal evidence runs high that the clear, unprecedented surge in early voting is benefitting Pollina more than Symington – but it can be hard to see the rest of the state from here when one is depending on anecdotes. Die-hard Progressives are certainly confident, as they have been far more solicitous to me of late with the “it’s all about Douglas” and “we have to pull together” comments (the exceptions of a few posters on this blog notwithstanding). Even with some “oh yeah, we’d support Gaye if she came in second” stuff that I very specifically was not hearing before. Human nature being what it is, that’s a good sign they have less concern about Symington actually coming in second, and that Mr. Pollina’s comments to Mark Johnson that “Boy I wouldn’t want to be the governor who came in second, to tell you the truth.” are so no longer operative, if indeed they ever were.

Let’s hope this new rhetorical reality is consistent (even if next Tuesday doesn’t go as Pollina supporters hope), and that Symington supporters can match it, if necessary. Getting the legislature to move on the number two if he or she is not within 10 is going to be like pushing a boulder uphill, and they’re going to need the support of the number three to have any chance at all.

“We’re Not Your ATM” rally photos

( – promoted by odum)

Here’s a sampling the "Jim Douglas, We’re Not Your ATM" events around the state. This piece is a work in progress as more photos are sent in later today. In Burlington there was a good turnout with lots of enthusiastic honks

From Green Mountain Daily

Wow, a great turnout in the early morning hours!

From Green Mountain Daily
From Green Mountain Daily

A big crew here:

From Green Mountain Daily

More below the fold, and more to come…

Here's a couple from Bennington, where Jim Douglas balked in his scheduled appearance and quickly organized a "counter-rally" from the sheep in his flock.

From Green Mountain Daily
From Green Mountain Daily

Director of National Intelligence gets the “Yea, Duh!” award of the day.

A Washington Post headline in the “Nation” news section is a pure example of the politically obvious.  So alright, we can give the  some cred for what's also obvious:  Mike McConnell's transparent, fear-mongering nod to McCain 4 days before the general election.

Intelligence Head Says Next President Faces Volatile Era 
By Joby Warrick
Washington Post Staff Writer 
Friday, October 31, 2008; Page A10
NASHVILLE, Oct. 30 — The next U.S. president will govern in an era of increasing international instability, including a heightened risk of terrorist attacks in the near future, long-term prospects of regional conflicts and diminished U.S. dominance across the globe, the nation's top intelligence officer said Thursday.
Competition for energy, water and food will drive conflicts between nations to a degree not seen in decades, and climate change and global economic upheaval will amplify the effects, Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, said in a speech here.
McConnell, who has given security briefings to both major-party presidential candidates, said the list of worries will soon drown out the euphoria as the next occupant of the White House settles into the job.
“After the new president-elect's excitement subsides after winning the election, it is going to be dampened somewhat when he begins to focus on the realities of the myriad of changes and challenges,” he said. 


Naked Brattleboro, Episode #9: Nuclear Free Jubilee

I take it many of you saw my slide show from the Nuclear Free Jubilee. Now here’s the video, done up by BCTV’s Frederic “Freddy” Noyes and Tim Wessel. You’ll recognize some familiar faces such as Anthony Pollina, Gaye Symington, “Ed” Anthes, Mike Mrowicki (my state rep and Julie’s state rep. YEAY!), Peter Shumlin, former state rep Steve Darrow, Reverend Billy, and Peter Schumann of Bread & Puppet Theater. It’s a half an hour show folks, so sit back, relax and enjoy the show… and the weekend.


“Jim Douglas, We’re Not Your ATM” rallies across Vermont on Friday

From Green Mountain Daily

Taxpayers to denounce Jim Douglas' use of state money for his campaign

In light of reports that Jim Douglas has failed to reimburse the state for campaign-related expenses, Vermont taxpayers will hold visibility events around the state demanding his campaign refund the money. The photo above was taken at a rally in Bennington today.
And guess what?  Douglas delayed his appearance in order to organize a counter rally.  So expect more of the same tomorrow.
WHAT: Taxpayer visibility to demand Jim Douglas reimburse the state for campaign-related expenses.

WHEN: Friday Oct 31& WHERE:

Bennington County:
Intersection of Main and South Streets
7 – 9 a.m.

Chittenden County:
Staples Plaza, Williston Rd.
7 – 9 a.m.

Intersection of Church and Main Streets
12 noon

Rutland County:
Corner of Routes 4 and 7
7 – 9 a.m.

Windsor County:
Bridge at the Intersection of Routes 4 and 14 in Hartford
7 – 9 a.m.

Washington County:
City Hall, Montpelier
7 – 9 a.m.

Windham County:
Corner of Main and Bridge Streets
7 – 9 a.m.

Discussion on how Symington is better (and Poll!)

Robb wrote:

there seems to be a lacking of discussion on how Symington may be/is or will be better than Douglass or Pollina, the dialogue is a constant attack on Pollina.

So glad you asked.

Let’s take a substantial proposal from each one of them and compare.

For Symington, I like her idea to basically “front” the funds to homeowners to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, and then repay it through an amount tacked on to their utility bills, which will be lower due to the improvements. The most substantial proposal I can remember recently from Gov Dougless (besides that one to improve VTers’ health through McDonald’s Playspaces) was to sell the lottery to Lehman. I heard Pollina on the radio this morning saying that his idea for a VT credit card was the most discussed issue he’s ever had.

These 3 proposals offer a good perspective on the 3 candidates. Douglass wants to offer as many opportunities for private business to profit as he possibly can. Whether he actually believes this will ultimately help the other 95% of us or not is beside the point as this approach has now been pretty thoroughly exposed. Bad idea, bad ideology, Vermont needs to get rid of him and move in another direction as quickly as possible.

Symington’s idea is effective and elegant, imo. Little long term impact to the state budget, with high returns on investment in reduced energy costs, reduced use to lower the need for power plants of any kind, and good for the environment. A nerdy, intelligent, politically-workable idea.

Pollina’s credit card plan is to get VT banks to offer CC’s that have both a lower interest rate and also generate “frequent-flyer” type rewards that will be diverted to a fund used to support local agricultural and renewable energy projects. This is a gimmicky, impractical idea. Like we need more credit cards, right? And how exactly does this happen? Banks just decide to lower interest rates and offer cash back??? Pollina asks “Pretty please”? If this could be done, why not just set up “Vermont gas stations” that will offer gas at lower prices AND give drivers free oil changes?! We could still have the cute credit cards. How about “VT Bars” while we’re at it and feature discounted Long Trail or Switchback? This sounds more like something from the Onion than a serious policy proposal.

Pollina has been very eloquent about the problems facing Vermonters but has not shown any ability to address them seriously. Symington on the other hand, may lack some campaigning skills, but has offered intelligent ideas. I think she’d make a very good state executive. Douglas wants to continue the failed economic policies that got us into this mess.

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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R2K Poll results: President, Governor, Lt. Gov, SoS and AG

More detailed breakouts of the recent poll from Research 2000 commissioned by WCAX below the fold. They include some details on the highly-discussed Governor poll, but also polling on the Presidential race, as well as the elections for Secretary of State, Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor (with Costello only 14 points behind Dubie).

R2k does a great job with Vermont. I wish the sample sizes were a little bigger (a 5% margin of error is a bit high for political geeks), but that’s what WCAX is willing to pay for, I guess.

Methodology and sample:

Those interviewed were selected by the random variation of the last four digits of telephone numbers. A cross-section of exchanges was utilized in order to ensure an accurate reflection of the state. Quotas were assigned to reflect the voter registration of distribution by county.

The margin for error, according to standards customarily used by statisticians, is no more than plus or minus 5% percentage points. This means that there is a 95 percent probability that the “true” figure would fall within that range if the entire population were sampled. The margin for error is higher for any subgroup, such as a gender or region.


Men                        189    (48%)

Women                   211   (52%)

North                      255   (64%)

South                      145   (36%)


QUESTION: If the election for President were held today, would you vote for the Democratic ticket of Barack Obama and Joe Biden, the Republican ticket of John McCain and Sarah Palin, or another candidate?

                                OBAMA        MCCAIN    OTHER    UNDECIDED

ALL                             57%                36%             3%               4%

MEN                            53%                40%             4%               3%

WOMEN                     61%                32%             2%               5%

NORTH                       55%                38%             4%               3%

SOUTH                       61%                33%             2%               4%


                                      FAV      UNFAV      NO OPINION      

Jim Douglas                    50%          42%                  8%

Gaye Symington             34%          45%                21%

Anthony Pollina              45%         35%                 20%

QUESTION:  If the election for Governor were held today, would you vote for Gaye Symington, the Democrat, Jim Douglas, the Republican, Anthony Pollina, an Independent, or another candidate?

                     DOUGLAS      SYMINGTON    POLLINA    OTH    UNDECIDED

ALL                   47%                  24%                    23%            2%             4%

MEN                  50%                  20%                    25%            2%             3%

WOMEN           44%                  28%                    21%            2%             5%

NORTH             49%                  22%                    23%            2%             4%

SOUTH             42%                  28%                    24%            2%              4%


                                      FAV      UNFAV      NO OPINION      

Brian Dubie                     48%          36%               16%

Tom Costello                   39%         15%                46%

QUESTION: If the election for Lieutenant Governor were held today, would you vote for Tom Costello, the Democrat, Brian Dubie, the Republican, or another candidate?

                   DUBIE       COSTELLO      OTHER     UNDECIDED

ALL                47%             33%                   2%              18%

MEN               50%             31%                   3%              16%

WOMEN        44%             35%                   1%               20%

NORTH          48%             32%                   2%               18%

SOUTH          45%             34%                   2%               19%


                                      FAV      UNFAV      NO OPINION      

Bill Sorrell                      47%           24%               29%                    

Karen Kerin                    28%           27%               45%

QUESTION: If the election for Attorney General were held today, would you vote for Bill Sorrell, the Democrat, Karen Kerin, the Republican, or another candidate?

                               SORRELL        KERIN        OTHER       UNDECIDED

ALL                            58%                33%               1%                      8%

MEN                           57%                35%               1%                      7%

WOMEN                    59%                31%               1%                      9%

NORTH                      57%                34%               1%                      8%

SOUTH                      60%                31%                1%                     8%


                                      FAV      UNFAV      NO OPINION      

Deb Markowitz               51%         24%               25%

Eugene Bifano                31%         18%               51%        

QUESTION: If the election for Secretary of State were held today, would you vote for Deb Markowitz, the Democrat, Eugene Bifano, the Republican, or another candidate?

                   MARKOWITZ      BIFANO      OTHER     UNDECIDED

ALL                    55%                     34%               1%                 10%

MEN                   51%                     38%               1%                 10%        

WOMEN            59%                     30%               1%                 10%

NORTH              54%                     36%               1%                   9%          

SOUTH              58%                      30%               1%                11%


But wait … I thought ….

In today’s Times Agus an article titled Entergy: Yankee dismantling in 2067 provides some interesting points:

1) Even if Entergy Yankee were to shut down in four years, dismantling won’t commence until 2067.

2) Entergy Yankee does not intend to make another contribution to the dismantling trust fund until 2026.

3) Actually Entergy Yankee doesn’t intend to make that contribution at all … the buck will be passed off to Spinco … err … “Enexus” Yankee (yeah – the proposal by Entergy to spin off its older reactors into a super highly leveraged/built on borrowed money corporate entity owned by, but not the responsibility of, Entergy.)

4) And that radiation stuff we’re told is so safe … well it ain’t really safe. “The long delay also allows some of the radioactivity to decay, lessening the danger to workers.”

Thanks Douglas, for helping Vermonters Entergy!