Daily Archives: August 30, 2008

Chaos In St Paul- Already!

(This seems like it’s worth keeping an eye on. – promoted by JulieWaters)

Over at my blog, Integral Psychosis I posted daily- and in some cases with multiple updates- what I could find (and what I heard from friends on the ground) about the protests at the DNC.  My plan was/is to do the same for the RNC.  However, I thought I had a few days to post about other stuff, clean the house, work in the garden, and finish re-siding my garage.  Boy was I wrong.  Activists, folks concerned with police oppression (and political oppression of minority ideas), and those interested in seeing just how f*@!ed-up the system is when you believe a better, and entirely different, world is possible, will probably find this interesting; here’s my post from last night (with numerous updates from this afternoon):

I’ve still got a few posts I was hoping to get up over the next few days, before I switch into RNC protest coverage.  Seems me and the St Paul PD aren’t on the same page.  A story hit Infoshop a day or two ago predicting emanate preemptive arrests of protest organizers in St Paul and other “anarchists”, and well, turns out they weren’t just being paranoid:

As of 11:45 PM MTN time, word from the Twin Cities Indy Media site is that at least one person has been arrested following a police raid of the convergence center, where activists have been meeting and planning for the upcoming RNC.  At least a dozen SPPD officers raided the facility with guns drawn and blocked off the street which accessed the center, detaining everyone who was inside.  Individuals and their possessions were searched, ID’s were scanned and names (etc) were taken down; anyone willing to have their picture taken was released immediately.  The report as of 10:00 PM (local time) is that the police had no warrant.  From TCIMC:

At 9:15 Friday night, the Saint Paul Police entered all doors of the RNC Convergence Space in St. Paul, MN with guns drawn. The Space serves as a community center and organizing space for the upcoming protests against the Republican National Convention. At the time of the raid, people were sitting down to dinner and watching a movie.

The police presented no warrant at the time of the raid, but claim that they have a warrant to search the space for “bomb-making” materials. No “bomb-making” materials were found. Rather, the police barked orders for everyone, including a 5 year old child, to get on the floor with their faces to the ground. Everyone inside was put in handcuffs.

In the hours following, the police photographed everyone inside the space and recorded information from their Identification cards. The police took all personal laptops and hard drives.

One female activist was sexually harassed by a cop who groped her crotch.

The police are claiming that the space must be closed down due to “fire code” violations. According to City Council member Dave Thune, the police do not have the authority to enforce fire code. Only the Fire Department has the power to enforce this code.

A statement released from the RNC Welcoming Committee (an umbrella group co-ordinating many of the planned RNC protests):

“The Ramsey County sheriff’s dept and the SPPD raided the RNC convergence space and detained over 50 people in an attempt to preempt planned protests of the rnc on Monday.

Looking for items found in any twin cities house like jars, paint, and rags, this attempt to portray us as criminals and destroy our credibility has already backfired as evidenced by the masses who have come to support us.

We are now accused of a simple fire code violation, which is outside the scope of the sheriffs department and clearly not justified provocation for a forceful raid with guns being drawn. Children and elderly people were inside the convergence center when the police violently busted down the doors. The police may claim that the raid was executed according to protocol – however, the violence inherent in this action may only be a hint of the violence to be expected on Monday and beyond, and is only a hint at the violence perpetrated daily by the police.

The convergence center is simply a gathering place and is not used for illegal actions – it is a place for workshops and trainings. Tonight we were watching films and sharing food.

This action will not deter us from our plans to protest the RNC on September 1st. We want to invite all people who oppose this police oppression to join us on Septemeber 1st. See you in the streets.”

Awesome.  Now, I’m glad I wasn’t in Denver, but I’m really starting to regret not being in Minnesota.  Much more to come.  The RNC Welcoming Committee has a Saturday morning press conference scheduled.

IMPORTANT UPDATE!:  The raids have continued this morning.  At least three seperate houses in Minneapolis & St Paul have been raided by police, sherifs, FBI agents, and members of the Dept of Homeland Security.  At least one person from Food  Not Bombs has been arrested and charged with four counts of conspiracy, and now TCIMC is reporting that at least another three people have been arrested and charged with conspiracy to incite riots.  Legal observers and lawyers have been on the scene, but it appears to be entire chaos in St Paul.

Also, at least two organizers associated with the convergence space that was raided last night have reported that, while being detained by the police at the convergence “someone” broke into their homes and cars, taking nothing but clearly opening file cabinets and boxes and rifling through various documents and personal belongings.

My personal plea is that the Feds and cops chill out for a couple days: I’m trying to get ready for a BBQ over here and staying glued to my computer for updates and developments is not particularly helpful.

UPDATE #2:  Raids on known homes of activists and radicals have been continuing throughout the Twin Cities in Minnesota all morning and afternoon (the latest one I read about includes cops drawing automatic weapons!); other than last night’s raid on the convergence center, public spaces, such as Twin Cities IMC, aren’t being raided but have seen city and State regulators come through looking for code violations to shut them down.  

UPDATE #3: Members of the National Lawyers Guild (NLG) were kicked-out (!) of the police press conference regarding the raids and arrests earlier today.  Also, there is no certain number of arrests made (that I’ve seen) but my casual count from a handful of sources would put the number around a dozen, and growing.  In addition, it is being reported that journalists from Indy Media and Democracy Now! have been detained.  A 4:00 PM (MTN Time) press conference has been scheduled (the one planned for this morning doesn’t seem to have happened, most likely because everyone was being detained by the police.

Pop on over to the above link to my site for continuing updates.

Sarah Palin open thread

“What I find interesting is that, as a mother of five, she’s still a virgin. I think that beats Our Lady AND Mother Theresa in one punch.” – Anon E. Maus


What was the McCain camp thinking? This is comedic gold for us Dems. Discuss.

Random thoughts on the convention

I missed some of the highlights, like the roll call, that I always enjoy. Still, I think there were some great speeches and events this week, and some that were a bit lacking. Here are some of my reactions.

Obama's speech: As I said before, I liked it. It had substance, it showed his ability to attack McBush, and it also brought in the emotional content that really pulls people together.

Al Gore's speech: the content was great, probably the best speech I've ever heard him give. I was dissatisfied by the presentation. He talked too fast, and stepped on all his applause lines. It made me wonder if they had the TelePrompter going too fast so they could hustle him off the stage to get Obama on. If they were running long, why not can that first boring song that Stevie did, or, better yet, can Michael McDonald completely?

The Clintons' speeches: I haven't watched his speech yet, but I thought Hillary Clinton's speech was really good. A number of people I talked to said it brought tears to their eyes. After eight years of Obama as president she'll still be qualified, and Biden will be too old.

Chelsea Clinton: After all the shit she's had to put up with from the right wing, especially Limbaugh, she's turned out great. Any parent would be proud to have raised such a smart, poised, articulate daughter. Whatever their personal failings, the Clintons obviously did something right.

Brian Schweitzer: Also a good speech, although these guys from the big, empty states lose me when they start talking about “clean” coal–hint–no such thing.

Best line of the week: It's got to be Barney Smith: “I want a president who will put Barney Smith ahead of Smith Barney.” I don't know, or care, who wrote that.

New Jobs and Businesses




Northfield, VT – Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor Nate Freeman today announced an economic plan that tackles the critical need for new jobs and businesses in the state.

“For those who are out of work, struggling to get by or nervous about their own job security, it is painfully obvious that our state isn’t creating enough new jobs and businesses,” said Freeman, who is vying for the Democratic nomination in Sept. 9th primary election.  “As Lt. Governor I will actively seek to inspire a new wave of entrepreneurs and start-up companies.  Just as Ben & Jerry's, Green Mountain Coffee Roasters, Burton Snowboards and others emerged from their humble beginnings 25 years ago, I believe that we can again become a place where people create companies that support our way of life in Vermont.”

Freeman, a small business owner from Northfield, called on current Lt. Governor Brian Dubie to…


Freeman, a small business owner from Northfield, called on current Lt. Governor Brian Dubie touse his office to take a more proactive role in helping Vermonters in this tough economy.

“When so many Vermonters are hurting the way they are now, we need leaders who will stand up and fight for them,” said Freeman.  “I haven’t seen Brian Dubie do that at all.  Where has he and the rest of the Jim Douglas administration been on this issue?”

For his part, Freeman proposes to create jobs and new businesses by:

  1. Fully funding and supporting Community Capital of Vermont, a non-profit that provides capital and business development services to Vermont start-up companies.  The organization’s programs, such as the Vermont Job Start Program, help entrepreneurs start and grow the companies that create the kinds of jobs that are badly need in the state.    
  2. Initiate a matching grants research program that will enable Vermont’s university researchers and students to work side-by-side with the state’s technology companies to develop new cutting-edge technologies.  This applied research will make Vermont businesses and their products more competitive, while introducing Vermont’s top students to local companies, increasing the odds that the students will get in-state jobs when they graduate.  The state’s in-kind and monetary contribution would be matched by the participating companies, providing a big return on the state’s investment.
  3. Review why the Vermont Economic Development Authority failed to produce results with the formation of Vermont Capital Partners in 2004.  Vermont’s $2 million investment in this for-profit venture was supposed to result in another $23 million in seed funding for Vermont companies.  That didn’t happen and only two companies received seed funding, one of which now lists its home as Texas. 

“I believe that Vermont’s creative and hard-working people can once again become a national leader in developing high growth, socially responsible businesses,” said Freeman.  “Let’s not forget how creative and determined we Vermonters can be.”
For more information about Nate Freeman’s campaign for Lt. Governor, visit www.NateFreeman.com.



Freeman, a small business owner from Northfield, called on current Lt. Governor Brian Dubie touse his office to take a more proactive role in helping Vermonters in this tough economy.

“When so many Vermonters are hurting the way they are now, we need leaders who will stand up and fight for them,” said Freeman.  “I haven’t seen Brian Dubie do that at all.  Where has he and the rest of the Jim Douglas administration been on this issue?”

For his part, Freeman proposes to create jobs and new businesses by:

  1. Fully funding and supporting Community Capital of Vermont, a non-profit that provides capital and business development services to Vermont start-up companies.  The organization’s programs, such as the Vermont Job Start Program, help entrepreneurs start and grow the companies that create the kinds of jobs that are badly need in the state.    
  2. Initiate a matching grants research program that will enable Vermont’s university researchers and students to work side-by-side with the state’s technology companies to develop new cutting-edge technologies.  This applied research will make Vermont businesses and their products more competitive, while introducing Vermont’s top students to local companies, increasing the odds that the students will get in-state jobs when they graduate.  The state’s in-kind and monetary contribution would be matched by the participating companies, providing a big return on the state’s investment.
  3. Review why the Vermont Economic Development Authority failed to produce results with the formation of Vermont Capital Partners in 2004.  Vermont’s $2 million investment in this for-profit venture was supposed to result in another $23 million in seed funding for Vermont companies.  That didn’t happen and only two companies received seed funding, one of which now lists its home as Texas. 

“I believe that Vermont’s creative and hard-working people can once again become a national leader in developing high growth, socially responsible businesses,” said Freeman.  “Let’s not forget how creative and determined we Vermonters can be.”
For more information about Nate Freeman’s campaign for Lt. Governor, visit www.NateFreeman.com.



Justin Campfield

Campfield Public Relations, LLC

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Thank you, GMD’ers

I just wanted to send a quick, heartfelt thank you out to those GMDers who clicked that Paypal button to help us Denver=bound boys out. It helped out a lot, and I hope you got your money’s worth.

Also, thanks to odum, Christian, the two Peters, Philip Baruth and Selene for both the assistance and the good times.

Thanks again.