Daily Archives: August 25, 2008

Goodnight Denver. Wake Me When It’s Over.

(Cross posted at Broadsides.org)

Repeat after me: We’re a long, long way from Plato. Or Socrates. Or any other great, Greek thinker on democracy. Because, baby, today it’s all about style, soundbites, sophomoric jabs, mind-boggling contradictions and – oh yeah – one, big spectacle intended to do one and only one thing: Negate substance.

I’m speaking, of course, of the political circus that is now capturing America’s post-Olympic attention: The Democratic National Convention. Quick, before it ends: Feel the nothingness of it all.

Conventions, in case you forgot, used to be about picking a candidate, about ironing out the party’s platform and about hashing and re-hashing the differences between the factions. But that is all sooooo yesterday. Because today’s political conventions are about anything but what they used to be about.

Debates have been replaced with pom-poms. Votes have been replaced with soft-focused documentaries of the long ago “chosen one.” And policy debates have been kicked outside behind 10-foot fences, cops in riot gear and the threat of Guantanamo-like accommodations for anyone who dares to spoil “the show.”

But wait. What about the people? One, two, three: Fuck the people.

Because, you idiot, this is the political playground of the rich and famous who are rich and famous enough to make you think that their rich and famousness are still powerful enough to make you sit in awe as they parade around a stage sponsored by Coke AND Pepsi while still pretending that they care. In other words: Ass, meet face. And enjoy the week.

The biggest irony in the very non-democratic show that is taking place in Denver this week is the way the Democratic Party hierarchy has managed to completely co-opt the liberal blogosphere. Frankly, it’s nothing short of pure genius how the Dean-led DNC held up a cookie for the oh-so-eager liberal blogs, asked them to sit, and then – realizing they had their full attention — offered the most obedient blog from each state a “free blogging pass” to the stinky spectacle that is about as spontaneous as a Wayne Newton concert. Good boys and girls. Now roll over, start drooling, and, better yet, send home posts about the pure spectacle of it all. Yawn.

Here in Vermont, where all things by Vermonters are considered to be next to holiness despite the inanity of most of it (I mean, come on, we still think Rusty DeWees is funny and Bernie Sanders is a socialist), the great anointed blog by the DNC to “cover” its convention is the Green Mountain Daily blog. You know, the folks who do little but steal from the mainstream AND alternative media but then pout until the cows come home for not being recognized for their ability to steal from the same sources they stole from. Oh yeah, I forgot: Have blog, assume you’re a media God.

But this is “their moment,” a chance to have an “official pass” and prove that their coverage is oh-so needed to provide the people with a view of the spectacle that they would otherwise not be getting (did they not know that there was 24/7 coverage on numerous channels?).

Soooo, let’s check in on their coverage. Oh wait, cut, cut, cut. Because it seems like they’re all just “tired.” Odum, J.D, and Avard of GMD, for example, all made the their first posting all about how early they had to get up, how tired they were, and how the travel was exhausting. Avard, however, did manage enough coffee to provide us with this starry-eyed nugget:

“…I was sitting outside, going through my Big Tent “goodie bag,” I saw George Stephanopolous. We made eye-contact, nodded to each other, and he went in the bookstore.”

Oh please, tell me more. And let the blogging revolution begin!

But, if you want to dig deeper into the Vermont blogging coverage, you can find Philip Baruth of both the Vermont Daily Briefing and the Free Press telling us all about his stepping into cat puke and making damn sure we all knew about his political persuasions by posting his favorite photo of him staring lovingly into the eyes of Obama with a look that says little more than “how many ways can I bend over for you?”

Oh my, I remember when the blogs were supposed to be about the new media revolution. But, I guess, that was so yesterday. Before, for example, the DNC had blogger lapdogs willing to sit and kiss ass for official passes.

What can I say? I miss 1968. You know, back when a protest meant a protest. And when the “alternative media” still meant the alternative media, not a bunch of YouTube and blogging whores who think that if they’re the first to report that Hillary Clinton said “good things” about Obama that they’ll win a chest scratch and – perhaps, depending on their behavior – another invite in 2012.

It’s going to be a long week if you think democracy is happening in Denver. It’s as staged as staged can possibly be. In the end, it will be nothing short of the most massive, unending documentation of nothing other than the coronation of Barack Obama that democracy has seen since – oh – the most massive, unending documentation of nothing other than the coronation of John Kerry. But America loves spectacles as much as it loves suckers. And, together, it makes a convention.

Personally, I’d rather read Plato and weep.  

This Week’s Convention Coverage

Vermonters will certainly get their per capita share of coverage for the Democratic Convention starting tomorrow. Here’s a sense of what you can expect from GMD writers…

For myself, I’ll be posting one or two reports a day that will alternately focus on some of the more interesting peripheral events (there are many), as well as the Vermont delegation itself. To supplement coverage, I’ll be posting roughly 3 brief video “lifecast” style posts a day viewable at the zannel.com widget atop the page. In addition, I’ll be doing some blogging for the website of the UK’s Guardian newspaper. They will be viewable on the Guardian op-ed page, “Comment is Free America” and will be crossposted here (I think).

JDRyan will be blogging at Five Before Chaos as well as this site – and will be doing some vlogging of his own at the VCAM site. He gives us this preview:

As far as people go,  I’m covering Michelle Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Bill Clinton and whatever happens inside Invesco (as well as any other speakers I happen to see). Some might be articles, some might be liveblogging, I’m not sure yet. I’m also gonna cover some of the stuff in the Big Tent, and as much as I can cover of the protests without getting in trouble. I’ll also interview anyone I have access to if they’re notable.

Christian Avard will also be at the convention, but will be blogging under the auspices of the Huffington Post. I suspect he’ll be crossposting some of his coverage here, as well. Christian:

I’ll be doing spot news stories and exclusives for Huffington Post’s “Off the Bus.” Expect lots of photos. I’ll be covering a variety of events: Big Tent, protests, PDA conference, the press pool scene, etc. I’ll also do a nightly recap of events, observations, and gossip for Green Mountain Daily, iBrattleboro, and now Docudharma!

….and of course, blogging luminary and former GMD front pager Kagro X will be on the scene for DailyKos. Kagro sez:

I really have next to no idea what I’m going to do there… My backup plan is to borrow a video camera and post some “You Are There” YouTube videos, just conveying the experience.

Most of my time will be making the rounds of traditional institutional advocacy groups, looking to build bridges on legislative analysis, which we’re going to be doing a lot more of next year.

While we fully expect to inundate you with coverage, if you just can’t get enough, Delegate Philip Baruth will not only be blogging at Vermont Daily Briefing, but at the Burlington Free Press website as well.

Seven Days will also have a blogger on hand, but I forget who because I’m stupid. An attempt to find out on their website (including using their search function) came up short, and I’m too tired to keep looking. Maybe somebody can let us know.

And as far as the Democrats themselves, there will be updates on their website, as well some early-week blogging from gubernatorial candidate Gaye Symington on her campaign website.

…..and there will no doubt be even more from other media outlets. If you’re not sick of hearing about this stuff by now, give it – ohhh, about 24 hours. In the meantime, our intrepid GMD crew will continue to remember the other things going on in the state and the world, I’m sure.