Daily Archives: August 24, 2008

Douglas Clean and Clear

“We must have both jobs and a healthy environment in order to realize the true promise of Vermont.” Sept.2003 press release

Gov.Douglas announced in 2003 Clean and Clear an effort  to clean Lake Champlain that balanced regulations and voluntary efforts to reduce pollution and not slow or put harmful restrictions on development .Five years later how’s that working out Governor ? The Governor’s people have unveiled a plan to dredge and treat part of St.Albans Bay floor with alum.A strategy reportedly that will cost millions of dollars and only have short term effects as pollution continues to flow into the water .  

September 30, 2003

Governor Douglas Announces Clean & Clear Water Action Plan”After more than a decade of discussion…we can, and we must, act now.”……….”I believe strongly that our environment is not an inheritance from our ancestors to be spent down; it’s a loan from our children and we ought to be prepared to pay it back with interest,” Douglas said.

August 2008………

“We were playing basketball here last week and the ball went into the water. My friends were like, ‘Don’t get it, don’t get it,’ the water was so gross. We spent like 20 minutes trying to fish it out with a stick,”

St. Albans City resident



link for Blue-Green Algae in Lake Champlain info from State Health Dept.


Odum’s in Denver but he’s only a click away

      Maybe you’re jealous, maybe you miss him. Maybe Odum’s recent appearance in The New York Times’ “Fashion and Style” section makes him dangerously comparable to Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. If you’re a Republican. Maybe that 3AM text message bleeping Biden has primed you for all politics all the time. Maybe you’ve realized that when Biden literally says “literally” he literally means literally.

           Maybe you wish you were in that other state with the green license plates. Maybe you’ve got Denver on your mind. Maybe the Sunday morning yapfests leave you feeling empty. Maybe just maybe you didn’t get to see VTblogosphereTV’s first episode on public access television…….

Okay I already posted the first two segments, but if you haven’t seen them yet, click here and here.

             And here’s the last pieces uploaded to Youtube to make for the first ½ hour episode. I looked at ustream but it appears to be purely about live streaming, and I do a bunch of post-production work that wouldnt fly on such a format.  But keep the suggestions coming, good stuff all around.

          BREAKING:  Episode Two with Nate “mydog” Freeman is ready to air! I will post some Youtube clips well before the Lt Gov primary on September 9, but you can see the whole thing on ORCA media  starting September 1. I’ll post times and clips soon.

          Nate and I went on a bit long as the production folks at ORCA didn’t give us a time check, so we’ve got nearly an hour of quality content! Imagine Brian Dubie yapping for an hour. Hey you wake up.

          Nate’s got a ton of enthusiasm and insight to get us all woke up into the twenty first century and he articulates his vision in an accessible way. Vermont has a great tradition of citizen politicians and Nate is effectively challenging the stultifyingly stagnant Republican executive branch.

       VTblogosphereTV will also show on V-CAM in Chittenden county and I will post air times soon. Episode Three will be with Philip Baruth right fresh off the plane from Denver. He’s not just a blogger, he’s an Obama delegate and is in Denver as I type.

         I would like to get this show on more local public access stations and that requires a local sponsor. So if you live elsewhere other than the VCAM or ORCA service areas let me know at mcabadi(at)verizon.net. If you fill out a form then VTblogosphereTV can show up on your local access channel. And in the spirit of reciprocity, if you have a show you’d like to broadcast in the ORCA service area, I’d be happy to sponsor it. Just let me know. Here’s a list of public access service areas.   The production people at ORCA are talking about a live broadcast on election night so we’re poised to grow. Don’t be surprised if I bother you about coming on the show or let me know if you have any interest.

          I’m telling you, when the blogosphere hits public access TV, we’ll have some serious media democracy on our hands. WGOP look out. And now video updates from Denver on the GMD site? Exciting times.

         So enjoy, produce communicate vote activate educate advocate. Nice to see the sun go down on free market ideology nonsense. Time to plant the seeds for people’s governance. Gardening at night. Oh what a beautiful morning awaits. Darkest before the dawn and all that.