Daily Archives: August 10, 2008

Psssst…….Remember Acid Rain?

Guess what?  It hasn’t gone away.  We’ve just had record rainfall, and it was all acid rain.  Nope, they haven’t stopped using coal-fired plants in the Midwest to generate electricity.   Yup, we haven’t solved this yet, but we’re already forgotten about it and moved on to Global Warming.  

That’s what I hate about causes, once one becomes boring and passé people move on to some cause that’s new, exciting, and getting all the press.  There’s no success story here like gaining in the war on water chestnuts here in Lake Champlain.  It’s not like personal choices affect acid rain either, like reducing your carbon footprint.  There is nothing individuals can really do to make a difference with acid rain other than try to mitigate its affects.  What’s a person to do?  Walk around with pieces of limestone tossing them here and there?

If acid rain had a headstone it’d read “RIP Acid Rain, There’s Nothing Any Of Us Can Do, So There’s Nothing Any Of Us Did.”

I worry about stuff like this.  Will people get exasperated and give up on global warming too?  Plant trees people!  Global warming and carbon emissions are a much easier problem to keep up with.  Just think, if people plant a dozen trees a year, and increase garden space in their yards (instead of mowing), you’re actually making a difference.  Ride your bike instead of taking your can a few short trips a week and you’re a carbon footprint hero.

But what are we going to do about Acid Rain?

Police use taser to subdue man experiencing seizures

Okay, I’m going to make this simple:

Per The Rutland Herald:

What started as a medical call to assist a man having an asthma attack on Prospect Street last week ended with police using a Taser and physical restraints to subdue the patient.

The whole story is a bit complicated and I will not go into the full details here, because there is one simple fact at work: the man in question had suffered multiple seizures in the presence of the police before they chose to taser him.

Seizures can be caused by a disruption in the electric activity in the brain.  

So yeah, including a large external electric charge?  That’s a great idea!

The man in question was extremely drunk, had suffered an asthma attack, and had been talked into going to the hospital.  After a seizure, he changed his mind, and tried to go back to his house.  

The police tasered him as part of the process to subdue him while trying to force him to go to the hospital against his wishes.

I am so far beyond angry over this.  Doesn’t anyone train these officers?