From Hallenbeck (emphasis added):
Douglas said there are certain businesses from which he won’t accept money, including drug and tobacco firms. However, his campaign finance report lists a $3,000 donation from Mylan Inc. PAC, the political action committee for a pharmaceutical manufacturer with plants in St. Albans and Swanton.
Casey said the situation with Mylan is different because it’s a local company. “They’re important to the economy of Franklin County,” she said.
Oh, you see its okay. He hasn’t broken his word. Apparently there was a secret, unspoken clause if it was a local company. But he couldn’t mention that cuz it was a secret.
This particular local company is based in the local Vermont town of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and was founded in West Virginia. It has a presence in 92 countries, employes 12,000 people and brings in revenues of $4.2 billion. That’s some local success story, eh?
Of course, this is the Jim Douglas definition of a local company apparently. That donation from Wal Mart? Just another good, Vermont company. And AT&T as well. Same for Anheuser Busch, or Century 21. All good, local businesses. Say, Vermont must be booming after all!
So support your community by buying local the Jim Douglas way. Be a good localvore and go buy yourself a Chicken McNuggets value meal and hop on over to a quaint, traditional Vermont institution like Wal-Mart and pick up one of those local products, like a Sanyo TV or something.