(I have not been as consistently thrilled with the TA’s editorial’s of late as Nate is, but there’s no question this one merits special recognition. – promoted by odum)
Kudos to Sue Allen in today's Times Argus in her editorial, Loose Lips. So far, I haven't seen any MSM accountability call for Clinton's Cold War posturing and language, but at least our leading editorialist in Central Vermont is calling out Clinton on unacceptable, escalatory messages to our allies and friends overseas. Here's Allen's lead in:
Our leaders must be accountable for their words, and the words “totally obliterate” mean nothing less than nuclear annihilation. If John McCain had unleashed a threat of nuclear annihilation against Iran, the cry would go up that he was a crazy man
Not to fawn over today's piece to the point of a lack of a critical read, Allen's used of the now tired phrase, “Where's the outrage…?” followed by, “…is she getting a pass?” might not have been necessary. But heck, this observation should be directed to the entire spectrum of national MSM.
Besides today's editorial, we should note the high quality of Sue Allen's daily writing in the Argus. Since an editor most often hears only about what readers don't like about their daily paper, I decided to send her a note last week to let her know what a good job she's been doing with the editorials.
I've put Allen's column on my daily read list. My note to her last week is below the fold. But if you're pressed for time, just check out today's piece a la Allen.
Since you have been Editor of the Times Argus I am confident you have received commendations from readers on the rising quality of the daily news as well as your own editorials. I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation for your leadership in journalism as well as your brilliance in writing.
Today's editorial, “Start Talking” reminded me of a piece you wrote several years ago titled, “Bankrupt” in your call for the level of integrity Americans deserve from Washington and the national media.
But I am not writing today to simply offer kudos on two particular editorials written by your hand. My letter today comes from a cumulative impression about the rising level of quality of the Times Argus and how you have created this trend through your leadership, writing, and very smart political observations.
Thank you for work well done. No breakfast is complete without you.