Daily Archives: April 17, 2008

Douglas plans $100M stimulus package

(This is far worse than it looks.  I’m writing up a companion diary to this to post soon. – promoted by JulieWaters)

The article is coy about what this package may actually wind up containing,it’s full of Douglas’s favorite buzz words ,maybe some helpful things will emerge .All the talk the past couple weeks was of belt tightening and  cuts….. today Gov.Jim Douglas comes up with $100 million stimulus package.He gets the legislature talking on his belt tightening turf and then zaps us with this. Maybe he can bait a hook! You would think he was facing some opposition for re-election.  

April 17, 2008

Vermont Press Bureau

MONTPELIER – Facing a sagging economy and declining projected state revenues, Gov. James Douglas is expected to unveil by next week a state economic stimulus package worth more than $100 million.

State officials would not say what will be included in the measure, but it will be drafted and timed to maximize the impact of the federal measures like a forthcoming tax rebate, they said.

Douglas spokesman Jason Gibbs confirmed that a proposed economic recovery program is being drafted by administration officials.

Gibbs said. “The governor understands that Vermonters want their leaders to do everything they can now to strengthen our economy, encourage growth and provide relief from rising costs. The governor also understands the best way to balance the state budget is to grow the economy,”

NH Impeachment Resolution Fails, 227-95

Now that’s a landslide.

The NH House of Representatives tabled HR.24, the resolution petitioning Congress to commence impeachment procedures. A motion was made to table the resolution, 227 approved, 95 opposed, the motion carried. WMUR Channel 9 has the obit..

Growing up in New Hampshire most of my life, I’m not surprised it was this lopsided. I knew it would be a uphill battle on all levels. Kudos to Betty Hall, the 95 members of the House who voted for it, and all the organizers who believed.

…. now where is Odum’s big diary I’ve been hearing about??? Sorry…. the peyote’s gotten to my head.