Daily Archives: April 9, 2008

Again With the Open Thread

It’s the little things…

Dissed! Today marks Shay Totten’s debut as Peter Freyne’s replacement in Seven Days. In his first segment, Totten does a great job fleshing out more details in the still-developing Compostgate story, providing background in what looks more and more like a political jihad from the Douglas administration to shut down the Intervale composting operation (something we’ll discuss in detail soon). It woulda been nice to have received a tip of the hat, as it was GMD that lit the fuse on the story, which was then picked up by John Dillon at VPR, but no biggie. What was more of a biggie was Totten’s second segment, in which he announces (with prominent pull quote) that “Seven Days has learned” Shumlin plans to run for Lite Guv. Scroll down a bit to remember where you’ve heard that before. On Monday. Before 7 Days’ Tuesday print deadline. In fact, the day after we posted that, the St. Albans Messenger referred to Shummy’s plans in their editorial column, which Vermont Tiger reprinted. Tacky, tacky, tacky Shay, Pamela and Paula – and an unfortunate introduction of Mr. Totten’s column to the blogosphere (smack ’em for us, Cathy).

Curtis Awards! I called last elections Democratic Lt Governor primary point spread on the nose, as I called Vermont’s Presidential primary point spread (if not the actual vote count), but I was only 1 for 3 on my call for the Curtis Awards recipients (the CAs being the big annual VT Dem awards and associated fundraising event). This year, there are only two awardees; Dottie Deans and Senator (and former Lieutenant Governor) Doug Racine. Congratulations to both! Wish I could say I’ll see you there, but at $60 a pop, this year, I’m officially priced out. Bummer.

Legislative retirement update. Here’s the list of retirements I’ve heard about thusfar in the legislature: Rep. Gervais (D-Fra 4), Rep. Valliere (R-Was 3-1), Rep. Pillsbury (I-Windham 3-2), Rep. Larrabee (R-Cal-Was 1), Rep. Howrigan (D-Fra 2), Rep. Fitzgerald (D-Fra 3), Rep. LaVoie (R-Fra 5), Rep. Branagan (R-Fra 1) (I stand corrected), Rep. Perry (D Fra 6), Sen. Coppenrath (R- Caledonia). Anybody got anymore, add ’em in the comments.

Wee Hours Open Thread

Philip’s already mentioned it, but the 3rd Annual VDB/GMD BBQ is slated for Sunday Saturday June 28th, again at North Beach in Burlington. Stay tuned for details. Needless to say, it’s a perennial big scene, so mark yer calendars.

Speaking of being “slated,” William Saletan likes GMD.

There’s a rumor out there that the Republicans in Lamoille County have offered to fund a Progressive to run against Democratic Representative Linda Martin (Lam-2), in the hopes of splitting the vote to allow for a GOP pickup. Just a rumor? Seems a little far-fetched, doesn’t it? (Apparently it’s not – check the comments…) On the other hand, GOP head Rob Roper – a Lamoille County resident – does feel strongly that the County should be Republican territory (which also inevitably means yet another quixotic, resource-heavy run against Sen. Susan Bartlett, no doubt).

Speaking of quixotic, Barlow reports at his blog that supporters of perennial “legalize marijuana” gubernatorial candidate Cris Ericson are sabotaging Senator Bill Doyle’s (R-Washington) Wikipedia entry. Apparently they’re angry because Ron Paul was left off the Doyle poll. I guess their strategy is to take the long way to marijuana legalization.

Must’ve Struck A Nerve Somewhere

Crossposted @ www.vermontbloggernaut.blogspot.com

This letter was in response to a previous post/letter to editor by yours truly about the Grand Isle Drawbridge.  It was put into the local Islander paper.  Must’ve struck a nerve if I elicited a response from Neale Lunderville, Douglas’s Campaign Manager, I mean The Secretary of Transportation.  Even more interesting that Senator Mazza a democrat also put his name on the letter.  Don’t worry boy’s, you’ll have my response coming your way soon enough!  

“To the Editor,

Work to rehabilitate the North Hero/Grand Isle Draw bridge is now complete.  On behalf of everyone involved, we want to thank Islanders for their patience and cooperation during the past several months as crews worked on this important project.

We also want to thank Jason Brisson for his kind words in a recent letter to the editor regarding the men and women who worked on the bridge.  Their efforts were indeed exemplary.  Unfortunately the letter distorted the process by which the Agency of Transportation will plan future bridge work, and we would like to take a moment to set the record straight.

Throughout the process that led to the recent emergency repair, the local Select Boards and town managers were kept in the loop.  Agency of Transportation engineers offered to travel to the islands to meet with selectmen during public meetings, but the boards instead elected to be kept abreast through phone calls, letters and e-mails.  There was always a standing offer to attend a public meeting if selectmen believed that necessary.

Mr. Brisson’s letter asked what’s next?  He then questioned why he has yet to hear about future bridge repairs, and why there have been no public meetings to inform Islanders about the Agency’s plans.

The answer is simple: there are no plans at this time so there is nothing as of yet to report.  The rehabilitation that was just completed will keep traffic moving safely over this important bridge for the next decade or two.

VTran’s staff put significant time and resources into the bridge rehabilitation that was just completed.  The work was done during one of the most difficult winters in memory and completed in time for the upcoming nautical season.  The paint is barely dry.  As engineers concept what might be next for this bridge, Islanders and their local government officials will certainly be involved.

Neale Lunderville,

Secretary Agency of Transportation

Dick Mazza,

Senator Grand Isle”