Crossposted at Blue Hampshire.

“The Heroes in our nation’s history who fought for liberty never calculated the odds. The just did what was right, and the legacy of their heroism is all around us. … The didn’t stop to ask whether they could really succeed; they just stood up against injustice because there was no other alternative. And they succeeded.”
Former U.S. Congresswoman and member of the Nixon Impeachment Panel, Elizabeth Holtzman in “The Impeachment of George W. Bush.”
New Hampshire state representative Betty Hall (D-Brookline) isn’t calculating the odds, nor is she questioning whether or not HR.24 can succeed. She’s standing up to President George W. Bush and Vice-president Dick Cheney because there’s no other alternative: U.S. Congress will not do stop the Bush Administration’s abuse of power. History may not look too kindly on our Congress but perhaps there will be a footnote for one New Hampshirite’s courageous stand. Blue Hampshire caught up with Betty Hall and discussed the myths of investigations into impeachment, HR.24 efforts, and why NH Democrats should support it. Enjoy!
Christian Avard, “NH Ex-pat”
NH Ex-pat: Tell me a little bit about why you did not support Nixon’s impeachment and why you’re supporting Bush & Cheney’s now. Are their actions more deserving of impeachment than Nixon’s and/or Clinton’s?
Betty Hall: They’re definitely worse than Nixon’s but that isn’t the reason why I didn’t support Nixon’s impeachment. NH state representative, Eugene Danielle of Franklin, introduced the Nixon resolution back then but did it very early in Nixon’s second term. The reason I didn’t vote for it was because I didn’t really understand about a lot about impeachment, at that particular point. I hadn’t been exposed to a lot of discussion about it, it was something that I didn’t understand, but I’m certainly learning a lot more than I did then, and I definitely believe that Bush and Cheney are much worse than Nixon was. This one is much more serious.
NH Ex-pat: It seems that the more people learn about investigations into impeachment, the more likely they are to support it. Do you believe that?
Betty Hall: I believe that. John Nichols, author of “The Genius of Impeachment” is going to be at our event April 14 and when you read it, you come to a very different view of impeachment. You think positively about it rather than negatively. Bill Clinton’s impeachment left a sour taste in everybody’s mouth.
NH Ex-pat: Right and that leads into my next question. It seems that there’s this big stigma attached to investigations into impeachment. Why is that and what do you think is the most misunderstood aspect about investigations into impeachment?
Betty Hall: Many people think this is taking vengeance on someone you don’t like in power. Many were upset that Clinton’s impeachment was a vengeful act by the Republicans and the crime did not rise to crimes and misdemeanors. So people on each side of that issue were emotionally charged. I think that any time we consider impeachment, it is going to be emotionally charged because your dealing with potential abuses of power that’s difficult to face.
A lot of people are saying that this is not important enough but after a lot of discussion, I’ve come to the conclusion that this is not an option. It’s a duty. It is important because the Constitution mentions it six times and sets up the process for it to happen.
NH Ex-pat: Critics may say this is only symbolic and it will never get anywhere. Aside from sending a strong message, what else could this resolution do to augment investigations into impeachment?
Betty Hall: It has to be an expression of the will of the people the Legislature represents. It’s a process whereby Congress can know what the people are thinking and it’s very clear to me that if the people are thinking that Congress is not doing its job, that’s going to affect how they vote, how elections are conducted, and what kinds of things are candidates have to talk to us about. So there are very powerful implications when the people speak.
NH Ex-pat: One of the amazing things I’ve encountered in the Vermont impeachment movement is the diversity of people involved, not lefty-loonies. You have democrats, republicans, old and young, evangelicals, and much more. How would you describe those in New Hampshire pushing for impeachment? Is the diversity just the same in New Hampshire?
Betty Hall: It is across the board. We had a public hearing where over a 100 people showed up and they were all across the spectrum. There were people from the John Birch Society; there were people on the left and others in between. If you go to my Web site, we had a recording from the House I.D. system, split the speeches, and put them on YouTube. You can hear what people at the public hearing said and I tried hard to make sure there were people across the board. I think I got the whole range of people on there. I think if you listen you’ll get a really good picture of how ordinary people feel about it and it’s not just limited to Democrats and Republicans.
NH Ex-pat: I take it you are receiving a lot of support from around the country? Where else have you heard from? What has stood out?
Betty Hall: We’ve had over 3,000 letters from all over the country and the letters are tremendous. They are so impressive it almost makes me want to cry. They’re overwhelmingly in support of our efforts; they have come from all over and I’ve had a couple from overseas and Canada too.
NH Ex-pat: Now you need 202 votes to pass HR.24. What have been some of the biggest obstacles in garnering support for passage?
Betty Hall: Many are taking the position of the National Democratic Party leaderhship, that they don’t want to divert attention to (the 2008 election). My position is (and you can quote me) all our candidates and leaders need to know the truth that’s being hidden by Bush and Cheney now so they can make an intelligent judgments and turn (this country) around. How are they going to turn things around if they don’t know what’s actually happening and what is being conceived by people like Hariet Miers and Josh Bolten at the behest of the White House They won’t honor the subpoenas issued to them by Congress. That’s an impeachable offense in my opinion and only impeachment driven subpoenas are going to get this thing turned around.
Another obstacle is people think is ‘why should we do this today?’ A representative from Londonderry (Al Baldasaro) wanted to add a floor amendment to my resolution. It was in the seat pockets of all the representatives when HR.24 was scheduled to come on the floor and was subsequently put over until April 16. Baldasaro’s amendment was a list of reasons why Carol Shea-Porter should be impeached and it disturbed everybody there. I’m sure that was one of the reasons why it wasn’t taken up then and postponed until April 16. Among other things, it was late in the day and we had a long day getting bills out to go to the Senate. This bill didn’t have to go to the Senate, so it got pushed to the end of the calendar. Everybody was exhausted by the end of the day. So that was another good reason for postponing. There were four others that were postponed too.
I know a lot of people who want to vote for it. I don’t think that Democratic caucus is against it as a whole but someone could table it from both sides too. So that’s another obstacle.
NH Ex-pat: It seems seems that Democrats think if they pursue this, it will hurt their chances in the next election. Why is that incorrect?
Betty Hall: I don’t think it’s whether or not it’s correct or incorrect it is but I do think across the country there are so many Democrats (and some Republicans) that worked so hard to bring change in the 2006 election and nothing has happened! The changes we worked for hasn’t been made! So I definitely think that will be an issue in this coming election.
I’m hearing there are a number of candidates that will run in the state primary on the impeachment issues. So it will come into the campaign. Cindy Sheehan is going run against Nancy Pelosi in California and there are other people who have announced their run for Congress based on their disagreement with the Democratic leadership to keep impeachment off the table.
NH Ex-pat: Critics say why bother when Bush & Cheney are a lame duck administration that’s going to be gone in less than a year? Why should that not be an excuse not to support HR24?
Betty Hall: If we start now we will get the necessary information to ensure that justice and accountability for the crimes that have been committed, we need to put them in motion. Why should we wait until the next president gets elected and then have to find out what kind of justice will be given for these two guys?
NH Ex-pat: Critics also say it will take too much time. Why is this not true?
Betty Hall: It shouldn’t take long because there’s certainly a lot of evidence already to conduct investigations. There is plenty of stuff out there that we don’t know that needs to be exposed too.
***Note: The Vermont House of Representatives spent a half an hour debating their own impeachment resolution in April 2007.***
NH Ex-pat: Should HR.24 not get enough votes to pass, what’s next?
Betty Hall: We’ll keep working! Other Legislatures are considering similar resolutions and every day the more people that haven’t reached their tipping point, including Senators and Representatives in all Legislatures, I hope that our representatives in New Hampshire will reach the tipping point by April 16 but the tipping point will be reached after April 16 and justice and accountability need to happen. I think demand is going to continue for it. As for me, I will not quit!
NH Ex-pat: There has been lots of discussion at Blue Hampshire over whether this resolution is worth it.
Betty Hall: I know I’ve been following that poll you put up there!
NH Ex-pat: Why should we care and why is investigations into impeachment in the Democratic Party’s and (Blue Hampshire bloggers) best interests?
Betty Hall: Is our country worth it? Is our Constitution worth it? Why is it important to set a precedent of doing the right thing and not just sweep it under the rug? No matter who gets elected president, all of these crimes that Bush and Cheney have committed are still available to use, and no one will be penalized! To me what’s worth it is, following your oath of office and doing what you’re supposed to. It’s certainly going to be worth it if we can get our representatives to do their jobs. Everything we’re doing is worth it and to find the support that’s there is more than I ever would have dreamed of. That helps me very much.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer
HR.24 will come to a vote on Wednesday April 16. Call your representatives today and ask them to support HR.24. To find out who your representatives are click here.