Daily Archives: March 26, 2008

Massive Antarctic Ice Shelf About to Break Loose

An Antarctic Ice Shelf the size of Connecticut is getting ready to come loose, dumping tons of water into the oceans as a result of global warming.  The Wilkins ice shelf would be the biggest Antarctic ice shelf to come down yet. Perhaps its time to stop referring to “global warming deniers” and start calling them “giant state-sized iceberg deniers.”

This is the sort of melt that raises the sea levels, as well. (not so, as mydog pointed out from the same article… the “ice shelfs” are purely sea based already… my bad… makes this another big warning bell rather than the actual diaster). Arctic ice is frozen sea ice, so its melt – while environmentally significant – won't add extra water to the oceans. Ice from the Antarctic continent and Greenland will.

So enjoy those trips to the cape and islands while you can, because I don't think they're gonna be there for your kids to appreciate in their adulthood, the way things are going, at least not as we know them today.