Daily Archives: February 20, 2008

Another environmental report from the legislative session

(These things are great.  Keep them coming. – promoted by JulieWaters)

Here’s an invitation to GMD readers to check out the Vermont Natural Resources Council’s Dispatch from the Statehouse for February 20th, 2008. This is the latest in our weekly vlog series of reports on the progress of environmental legislation under the Golden Dome, and this week’s dispatch includes guest cameos from Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin and Progressive Representative Sarah Edwards. Be sure to stop by vnrc.org each week for another installment of Dispatches from the Statehouse.

Thanks! (Video runtime is 3:51)

Obama Office Grand Opening

Posted for the Vermont Obama campaign. When I hear about an office for the Clinton campaign I'll post that information, too. 

Hi Everyone,

It's official! We have an office.

Stop by any time to help out, and please join us for our grand opening on Thursday evening and spread the word…

Montpelier Obama for America Office Opening
Thursday, February 21st
7 pm
41 Elm St., Second Floor (Above the Soup Restaurant)

Bring friends, family, and Obama supporters!

Here's the link to the Obama campaign. 

Condos for Lieutenant Governor?

There are a couple names being batted around behind the scenes for a possible Lieutenant Governor run. Right now the one who seems most serious (although still not ready to leap in) may be Senator Jim Condos (D-Chittenden).

Condos reached the Senate in (I believe) the 2000 election. At the time, some activists were quietly concerned he would be too much of a conservative for comfort. In reality, Condos has been hard to pigeonhole. And he certainly has no qualms about challenging Republicans – whether it be online, or by confronting Bill O’Reilly’s goonsquad:

Rep. William Lippert, D-Hinesburg, was eating oatmeal in the Statehouse cafeteria a little after 8 a.m. when members of a camera crew, who bystanders said were from the Fox News program “The O’Reilly Factor,” arrived…

…Sen. James Condos, D-Chittenden, called the incident “extreme verbal abuse” against Lippert.

“I don’t think O’Reilly cares about the truth, I don’t think O’Reilly would know the truth if it hit him in the face,” Condos said.


There are clear pluses to a Jim Condos candidacy – the most obvious that he might be able to cut into Essex resident Brian Dubie’s advantage in the critical swing Burlington suburbs, such as Essex and Condos’ own South Burlington, where he’s gained significant experience in municipal and regional government and enjoys wide support. He does seem to press Republicans’ buttons (especially in regards to education matters), as they engaged in a whisper campaign trying to suggest that he spent enough time out of Chittenden County that his residency should be questioned, so a Condos candidacy would certainly create some entertaining fireworks.

The question, of course, is – with the clock ticking – how serious is Condos, and how far along in his consideration of the effort is he? Reportedly, he had a sit down with Brian Dubie to apprise him of his electoral musings, but over email, he clearly indicated to me that he remains undecided. With the election only 8 months away, times a-wastin’, and these electoral vacuums are playing havoc with the morale of the Democratic base.

If this drags on too long, I’m gonna start pestering some of our GMD front pagers to swoop in and save the electoral day (heh, watch out, world)…