Daily Archives: February 19, 2008

A cautionary tale: I voted for Reagan…

…when I was 12 years-old.  It was 1984, and I was in civics class.  Do they even have those kind of classes anymore?  Our teacher actually worked part-time as a nighttime deli meat slicer at a local supermarket to make ends meet.  He really didn’t do that great a job teaching, since he was kind of lazy and didn’t really care too much.  I once got into a fight with another kid in class after the teacher had left early to go to lunch…before the lunch bell even rang.  

Anways, our teacher had photocopied the actual general election ballot for our city and handed out a bunch of copies to us all.  They had old-time voting machines in my city back then with those levers that you actually had to pull to vote for a candidate.  There was one master lever at the top that you could pull to vote a straight party ticket as well.  

This one kid across from me (I forget his name but he was some tall, blonde kid whose mom was a Democratic school committee member) just checked off the box to vote a straight Democratic ticket.  He was all proud of himself, and he decided to show us all how quick he was done voting.  I remember thinking (and maybe even saying to him) that was a strange way to vote.  Now, I almost never vote for Republicans, but anyways…

So, we all voted in a mock election, and our teacher totaled the votes.  I think Reagan won the class, and he ended up winning almost every state in the country too in the real election that year.

That night, my Mom, Dad, and I went out to Woolworth’s (a small department store chain) to do some shopping.  We were having a typical “what did you do at school today?” conversation, and I told them about the mock election that we had.  My parents asked me who I had voted for.  So I started telling them, “Well, I voted for Reagan and…”

Both my parents wheeled around in the parking lot as we were heading towards the store, “You did what?!?!”

“I voted for Reagan…all the kids did.”, which was true, and, since I didn’t know any better at the time, so did I.

“Get back to the car and stay there!”, my Dad yelled at me.  So I had to stay in the car for the entire time that they were in the store that night.

They both couldn’t believe that I had voted for Reagan.  They were both big Democrats at the time, and neither could stand Reagan.  Now my Dad talks about how great he was, but that’s just cuz he went off the deep end in 1988.  My Mom always says, “They fooled me once, but never again.”  She voted for Nixon (as I think a lot of young kids did back then cuz he was in favor of having 18-20 year-olds vote I guess), and she always regretted it.  

Now, imagine if everyone’s parents had disciplined their kids for voting for Reagan…   🙂

Clinton campaign comes to Vermont

Clinton to step up campaign effort in Vermont

Published: Tuesday, February 19, 2008
By Sam Hemingway
Free Press Staff Writer

<!–ARTICLE BODY TEXT–> Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton's campaign is sending three paid staffers to Vermont and opening a campaign office in the state this week, former Gov. Madeleine Kunin said Monday.

That's all I have on this so far. I'm working on getting contact information for the Vermont staff, and I'll post it when I get it. 

Ben Cohen redecorates his vehicle for Obama

From Vermonters for Obama:

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, co-founders of Ben and Jerry’s, publically announced their endorsement of Barack Obama for President today. Joined by U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy, the former John Edwards supporters said they believe Barack Obama is the best candidate to unite America and finally tackle the challenges facing our nation.

The funny thing about this is that I recognize that vehicle.  It was the “true majority” car a couple months ago– it had the pie chart from True Majority on it where the Obama logo is now.  Ben brought this to a couple Edwards events I attended in January.

Oh, and is it just me, or is anyone else really amused by the cow in the middle of the Obama logo?

Franklin County Obama Organizers

There’s an informational & organizational meeting at St. Luke’s Episcopal in St. Albans on Wednesday, Feb. 20, 6:30 pm brought to you by the Obama campaign.

Phone banking is being organized, too.

St. Luke’s is across from the southeast corner of Taylor Park (the green space in the center of town; the parish hall door is around the side to the left of the building.

If anyone is organizing for Hillary in Franklin County, I’ll post that, too.


In a Time of Universal Deceit, TELLING the TRUTH Is a Revolutionary  Act. — George Orwell

Tasers are weapons. Torture is an interrogation technique

In another thread, there was a claim that saying that tasering is not torture is a defense of tasering.  

I think of this as a relatively simple concept, but I guess I need to spell it out.  Punching someone in the face, in itself, is not torture.  Tasering someone, in itself, is not torture.  Drowning someone, in itself, is not torture.

Any of those things in the context of an interrogation is torture, but there are plenty of contexts where they’re just plain old violence.

I’m sort of amazed that I even need to explain something so simple.