Daily Archives: October 24, 2007

The “Hitler Comparison”

The “Hitler comparison” should be shouted from the rooftops, as should the Goebbels comparison, the Himmler comparison, the Mengele, Stalin, Torquemada, Beelzebub comparisons and all the rest. If it struts like a Nazi, talks like Nazi, tortures like a Nazi and wages aggressive and illegal war like a Nazi… it’s not a duck.

Eighteen months or so ago I wrote a post comparing Bush, Cheney and the boys from PNAC to Hitler, to the Nazi hierarchy and to the wonderful folks who gave the world kristallnacht, the terror bombings of Guernica, of London and conducted history’s magnum opus of human carnage, the holocaust, the destruction of two thirds of the Jews in Europe and millions of other “undesirables.”

I took a moderate amount of heat for what one local (Dayton) commenter called my “classlessness,” and received a few surly EMails from people who are probably, to this day, driving around with “Bush/Cheney” bumper stickers on their Cadillac and Lexus SUVs but since I want so badly to be loved and admired, (or at least not ignored) I resolved to try to avoid using the “Hitler Comparison” after that.

I saw it used by others on the blogs and, guardedly, in the MSM, witnessed their reception of similar treatment and I realized that a taboo (see Godwin’s law) had been created. “Disrespectful to the office of the President,” some cried, “diminishes the horror of the holocaust and the brutality unleashed on Europe’s Jews by the real Hitler,” cried others, “the ultimate ad hominem attack,” wrote one academic seeking to show that such comparisons were childish , demeaning to those who offered them and “kills dead,” scholarly internet discussions.

As the months dragged on and the war escalated, the deaths, the casualties, the carnage mounted, the attacks on dissent increased, civil liberties began to erode and disappear, as the regulatory bureaucracy and the judiciary were stripped of independent professionals and replaced with ideological partisans, as tens of billions of dollars of American taxpayers cash simply disappeared into the black hole of “privatization” and reason itself came under constant attack, I couldn’t help myself, I began to use the “Hitler Comparison” more often in my various rants.

I don’t pretend to scholarship, or journalism, I’m an old carpenter, not an academic, I’m content to be a pamphleteer. As long as the feedback tells me that people are reading my electronic leaflets, not ripping them from under their wiper blades and kicking them to the curb, if I sense that they are following the links, I find a small measure of hope, not a lot, just enough to make me look forward to coffee and another batch of leafleting in the morning.

The war..s continue, and as the fervor grows for another, in Iran and more evidence of official “misdeeds,” of lies, of outright criminality, of incompetence, rampant cronyism and fraud continue to seep out from under the closed doors of what has developed into the most secretive, insular, antidemocratic administration in the history of the Republic, the “Hitler comparison” has grown in my mind and, I believe, much of the public’s to the point that we need to repeal the “Godwin law” and popularize the idea in the hopes that by holding up the mirror to the tyrant we may drive him from our shores. I’m serious, we need “Hitler Comparison” T shirts, by the millions.

Sunday night I watched Naomi Wolf on PBS as she was interviewed about her recent book by “guest interviewer” Viet Dinh, a former Assistant Attorney General, and principle author of the Patriot Act, greatly admired by none other than Rupert Murdoch, in other words, as Adol George W is wont to say, no cream puff. Ms Wolf more than held her own, after all, she knows her book and the research on which its based and defended it well against a wholly predictable neo-con cross examination.

Her book may represent, albeit in a much more scholarly and reasoned way, the ultimate in “Comparisons,” (I confess I haven’t yet read it) She says that she charts the closing of various previously open societies, from Hitler to Stalin to Pinochet and on to our current rapidly closing system, and finds the comparisons striking, the trends frightening, ant the peril, imminent enough to cause her to run around the country like a latter day Paul Revere shouting that the redcoats brown shirts are coming, while making astute “comparisons” between current and past events, motives and personalities.

It is, of course, a book tour and yes, the object is to sell the book but there is much more here, I hear a clarion call in her voice and feel truth in her message.

Would that several million people, Germans perhaps, in 1933, 34 or 35 had been possessed of the poor taste and “classlessness,” had been willing to succumb to the gaucherie of loudly and publicly comparing Adolph Hitler to… well ..what the hell, lets go for it.. Adolph Hitler, I wonder what result might have ensued. Or, back in the USSR, had Russians stood up and said “hey this Stalin guy is becoming a real Hitler or maybe even a Stalin,” how many of the fifty million Russian dead might have been spared, the cold war, arms race avoided, at least greatly reduced.

There is a responsibility of those who govern to speak truth to the governed, but, when they fail in that responsibility, there is a greater responsibility on the part of the governed to speak truth to power, to spit in its eye and to dethrone it as necessary to insure the continuity of the rights, freedoms and welfare of the public, for that is what finally matters, not the government, nor the corrupt interests of the criminal oligarchs that it represents.

I listened to the GOP candidates a bit the other night, a little goes a long way with these birds, and heard the words “personal responsibility” several times, a phrase which is nothing more, on Republican lips, than a code word for racism, sexism and a continuation of the war they have waged against the “lesser classes’ for all of modern history.

I agree with them in this sense, it is time for a large percentage of the population to take personal responsibility for themselves, for their country, to unite in the name of freedom, in the name of economic, political and spiritual liberty, to rise up and seize control of the whole package, the big damn shebang, to wrest control from the five percent who have kept them enslaved, who have enforced ignorance and poverty and to throw aside the twenty percent who guard the prison.

It may be “classless” and a violation of “Godwin’s law to “Compare” George Walker Bush, the arrogant young scion of eastern establishment wealth and power, grandson of Senators and son of Presidents, cowboy of windshields and owner of chainsaws, to the beer swilling gutter scum of the beer halls of Munich and Berlin but I’m afraid it is unavoidable, it is inescapable, obvious, and it is historically necessary.

Terrorism? 9/11? The attack on the World Trade Center was their Reichstag fire, the invasion of Iraq, comparable to the blitzkrieg into eastern Europe. They share the same motives and ideology, the same vision, they exhibit the same compassion, and wield power with the same ruthless disregard for the lives, for the welfare and dignity of common humanity.

Make no mistake, these people, the architects of the last six years of international turmoil, of domestic division, of war and death, of crushing despair and hopelessness, are Nazis, perhaps not yet in the full bloom of adulthood, not yet grown to the evil proportions of their twentieth century predecessors, but they have emerged from their larval stage and are prepared for full flight, They have all the weapons, they lack nothing, nothing, but to complete their rewriting of our laws and of course, they need those handsome uniforms.

The only thing that can prevent them from fulfilling their wretched and terrible goals of oligarchy, universal slavery and domination of the world is your voice, your derision, your hand, raised in resistance, your lips mouthing a simple no.

Hurry, I think the uniforms have been ordered.

Bob Higgins

Worldwide Sawdust

Rice to Testify Before Welch’s Committee

This could generate a few interesting You Tube moments. From Welch's office:

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is scheduled to testify before the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and Rep. Peter Welch tomorrow.

The hearing, “The State Department and the Iraq War,” will take place Thursday, October 25 at 10 a.m. in 2154 Rayburn House Office Building.

“Secretary Rice has a lot of questions to answer.  This Administration must be accountable to Congress and the American people,” said Welch.

The hearing will examine questions regarding the performance of the State Department on several major issues relating to the Iraq war, including the impact of Iraqi corruption and the activities of Blackwater USA.  The Committee may also question the secretary regarding allegations of wrongdoing associated with the construction of the new U.S. Embassy Compound in Baghdad, as well as other matters under investigation by the Committee.

There will likely be some interesting and maddening exchanges. Rice will stonewall and belittle, and I'm sure Welch – among others – will be forceful in his questioning.

Then we'll all have to watch closely and see what, if anything, actually comes of the hearing from Waxman, Welch and company. 

Once Upon a Time…

Back in 2000, I worked for the Vermont Democratic Party. A handful of weeks before the election, we received word that there was to be a coordinated march on several Democratic Party HQs across the country, protesting – I believe – some oil company holdings of Al Gore's mother.

So we knew they were going to be coming from the Peace & Justice Center, and a meeting was held the day before among the coordinated campaign staff. The ED put the problem to the floor, and to a person, everybody who spoke up wanted to call the police and have them there, on the ready, blocking the entrance.

I dissented. Strenuously. I said that these folks were coming, and it was inconvenient, but that's just the way it goes. I insisted that the way to deal with them was meet them in the office entrance room with donuts and cider. Listen to them. Tell them that there wasn't much pull we had with Al Gore's family, but that we could at least try and pass the message along to the DNC. I told my officemates that some of these folks may be planning on getting arrested, so we should check with the group up front, find out who those folks are, and make the arrest process as painless and orderly as possible, so they can do what they needed to do, we could do what we needed to do, and we could keep it on a human-to-human level, without conflict. Everybody thought I was nuts.

Except my boss, who simply said “I think we'll go with Odum's plan.”

The next day came, the crowd came, my boss and I went out and met and talked with them (and we were joined by Elizabeth Ready, who happened to be in the office that day). Donuts were eaten, cider was imbibed. No one opted to be arrested (which surprised me), but there was a lot of talk – sometimes a little testy on both sides, but persoon-on-person communication won out. I made sure their concerns were sent to Washington.

A note to those at any political office who are inclined to deal inappropriately with protesters; they may be a pain, you may feel like you have better things to do, but dealing with citizens in this way is simply part of the job – and like any other part of the job, should be done with dignity and respect – even if the protesters choose not to reciprocate (and there will likely be a couple that don't, as there were in the experience related above). If you really have a problem with that, it's probably time for another line of work.

Obama and Clinton give lukewarm support to FISA filibuster

Barack Obama and Hiilary Clinton have finally finished consulting with their focus groups and have offered lukewarm support of filibustering FISA if the telco immunity provision stays intact, as Kos is reporting. Clinton hasn't even read the bill yet, but promises to “study it very hard.”

The Obama campaign issued the following statement:


“Senator Obama has serious concerns about many provisions in this bill, especially the provision on giving retroactive immunity to the telephone companies. He is hopeful that this bill can be improved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. But if the bill comes to the Senate floor in its current form, he would support a filibuster of it.”

Clinton said:


HRC: I am troubled by the concerns that have been raised by the recent legislation reported out of the Intelligence Committee. I haven't seen it so I can't express an opinion about it. But I don't trust the Bush Administration with our civil rights and liberties. So I'm going to study it very hard. As matters stand now, I could not support it and I would support a filibuster absent additional information coming forward that would convince me differently.

Now, of course it's a good thing that they're finally on board and let's give 'em props on that, but more strongly worded statements would certainly inspire more confidence on the actual occurence of some follow through, And the fact remains that as 'front-runners”, they should have been running to the front on this issue instead of following Dodd and (gasp!) Biden.I suspect that if/when the filibuster occurs, they will both offer rather muted support. We shall see.


Leahy not sure he’ll vote for Mukasey

Tuesday October 23, 2007

Bob Kinzel   (Host) Senator Patrick Leahy says he's not sure if he'll vote for Attorney General nominee, Michael Mukasey.

Leahy, who chairs the U.S. Senate Judiciary committee, says he has some serious concerns that Mukasey doesn't oppose the use of torture in the interrogation of suspected terrorists.

In Bob Kinzel's story on VPR Leahy is heard saying that he's not sure about whether someone who won't say unequivocally that waterboarding is torture should be confirmed.

I don't see why this should even be a question: unless you can answer that question correctly you should never be in a position to advise the federal government on what is legal or illegal.

We still have the chance to contact Leahy on this issue. I won't post his contact information again today, but it's been all over these pages, so give him a call or drop him an e-mail.  

(Oops, I did it again.) 

Dubie not picked for FAA post

Dubie not picked for FAA post

October 24, 2007

    MONTPELIER – Vermont Lt. Gov. Brian Dubie will not become the head of the Federal Aviation Administration, a post he had been in the running for.

Acting FAA administrator Bobby Sturgell, a former pilot for United Airlines, will be nominated by President George W. Bush instead, according to Dubie and news reports

Not that we were expecting him to get the job around here, but this means that the Democratic candidate, whoever it winds up being, will be challenging an incumbent, not an open seat. 

I'm listening to the story on VPR right now and Dubie is talking about airport congestion, saying that the free market has not worked.

Maybe we're seeing a clue about why he didn't get the job. 

Vermont GOP Promoting Corporate Global Warming Denyer, Embracing 21st Century Neo-Trogladytery

By all accounts (except for the crude one in the Rutland Herald, written in such a way as to make one wonder if the reporter was even present), the recent McKibben-McLaughry debate on global warming was a one-sided bloodbath, with reports that McKibben not only casually countered every phony, long-obsolete canard offered by McLaughry, he actually had McLaughry beginning to accept reality and discussing solutions.

Well, apparently it didn't take, as the “Ethan Allen Institute” (such as it is) is now sponsoring a Vermont appearence by Dr. Marlo Lewis, Jr. Hardly news, but it's interesting that the Vermont GOP is actively promoting this lecture on their website, lashing themselves haphazardly to the Exxon-Mobil funded Lewis, whose scientific credentials seem to consist of degrees in Government and Political Science, and a career in partisan hackery. Here are some choice comments from Mr Lewis:

26 April, 2006
The main incontrovertible effect of global warming to date is that it has made those severely cold regions slightly less lethal to people and other living things.
Source: www.cei.org/pdf/5288.pdf

1 February, 2007
“The asserted consensus that global warming is a planetary emergency and that all right-thinking people believe we need to limit our energy use has been exposed, once again, as unsubstantiated myth.”
Source: Heartland Institute website 2007

It's continually outrageous that anyone continues to spout this nonsense, and Lewis wavers between outright denial and passing off climate change as a really swell thing for everybody. What's interesting at the local level is that the state GOP is gleefully associating themselves with this sort of rhetoric, when many of their elected politicians are wising up enough to realize what kind of poison such views are to their electability.

Global Warming denial is steadily moving into the realm of evolution-denial. It's flat-Earthism. The new issue for the casually engaged swing voter that defines a candidate as that political nowhere creature (at least in the purple-to-blue states); the Neo-Trogladyte. The Neo-Trog label sticks, and becomes a shorthand measure of a candidate's character to the marginally engaged, who so often turn close elections.

If Roper wants to continue to hang this sort of nonsense around his Party's neck in this state, more power to him.