Daily Archives: October 21, 2007

Nobody for Attorney General

Michael Mukasey is certainly qualified to be Attorney General of the United States, if Alberto Gonzales sets any precedent.

And while that may be the least convincing recommendation anyone can ever be given for the job, consider that Mukasey yesterday gave perhaps the least convincing answer to one of the most important questions asked of him — by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)– in his confirmation hearing:

WHITEHOUSE: Is waterboarding constitutional?

MUKASEY: I don’t know what is involved in the technique. If waterboarding is torture, torture is not constitutional.

WHITEHOUSE: “If waterboarding is constitutional” is a massive hedge.

MUKASEY: No, I said, “If it’s torture.” I’m sorry. I said, “If it’s torture.”

WHITEHOUSE: “If it’s torture.” That’s a massive hedge. I mean, it either is or it isn’t. Do you have an opinion on whether waterboarding, which is the practice of putting somebody in a reclining position, strapping them down, putting cloth over their faces, and pouring water over the cloth to simulate the feeling of drowning. Is that constitutional?

MUKASEY: If it amounts to torture, it is not constitutional.

WHITEHOUSE: I’m very disappointed in that answer – I think it is purely semantic.

MUKASEY: I’m sorry.

And Whitehouse is right, of course. To say torture is not constitutional is — or should be, in a sane world — to say nothing at all. That is the response one might expect from a junior high school civics student, not a nominee for Attorney General.

But Mukasey, and his putative boss, George W. Bush, have a much bigger problem than being able to get away with massive hedges. The problem is that Bush’s policies have made it impossible for any nominee for Attorney General who hopes to retain any amount of faith with this “administration” to answer these threshold questions with any amount of honesty.

It is simply bedrock truth that no one can answer the torture questions honestly without exposing the fact that the “administration” hinges its entire detainee policy on semantics.

It is similarly unfathomable — or once was unfathomable in America — that a nominee for Attorney General of the United States would ever have to say anything other than “no” to the question of “Is waterboarding constitutional?”

George W. Bush’s detainee policies have, quite simply, rendered honest and conscientious service as an Attorney General impossible. One simply cannot serve both this president and the law faithfully. It is a paradox and an impossibility, because this president does not serve the law faithfully. And what it means, at bottom, is that George W. Bush’s “administration” is an enemy of the rule of law, and has so diminished our capacity to live by it that no honest Senator should permit him the charade of attending to it with the window dressing of confirming an Attorney General.

Anyone who would hold that job in this “administration” will by definition be reduced to serving as a placeholder only — a mere figurehead to whom everyone will, out of pure habit only, refer to as the “Attorney General,” but who will at the end of the day be prevented from administering the law he will have sworn to uphold.

Vermonters say: Wind–yes; Vermont Yankee–no

From Carl Etnier's blog:

If the 100+ citizens gathered by the Department of Public Service at the Montpelier Elks Club last Thursday had their way, the state would shut down Vermont Yankee, invest heavily in in-state hydro, and landscape the ridgelines with wind turbines in view of participants’ homes.

The meeting was the third of five public workshops in a series called (for some reason) “Vermont’s Energy Future.” The workshops are actually about electricity, just one of the many forms of energy used in Vermont. Transportation and heating, which also represent large (and increasingly pricey) chunks of the state’s energy budget, were ignored. The workshops are part of the public engagement process the legislature directed the Department to go through to help develop a good policy response to the scheduled shut-down of Vermont Yankee in 2012 and the expiration of the state’s utilities’ very favorable, long-term contracts with Hydro Quebec over the period 2012-2015.


GMD online poll result

On the GMD polling matter; “Should Anthony Pollina be the Democratic candidate for Governor (assuming he would accept the Democratic nomination)? – it seems consensus eludes us. Democracy's just so messy, aint it?

Rutland Herald on Vermont Yankee

This morning’s Rutland Herald Piece on Vermont Yankee has a couple interesting items in it. It talks generally about the safety concerns, but it has one specific item that was news to me, even though it probably shouldn’t have been:

Since Entergy received final approval for the power uprate in March 2006, Vermont Yankee has produced 20 percent more electricity ? about 100 megawatts more, for a total of 640 megawatts, with little of the new energy staying in Vermont. Less than half of its total power generation is sold to Vermonters.

In other words, when Vermont Yankee wants an uprate to produce more energy, they’re not doing it to meet the demands of Vermonters. They’re doing it to make more money out of state.

Why on earth would anyone think that the increased risk that comes with the uprate is worth it if it doesn’t even benefit our own state?