Daily Archives: July 13, 2007

Live Earth’s Tragic Vermont Connection

( – promoted by Vermonter)

Michelle Gardner-Quinn, the young woman who was murdered after being abducted on Main St. in Burlington last October, was an environmental studies student. Two days before she was murdered, she submitted an essay, entitled “This I Believe,” on her dedication to the environmental movement.

Well, some very famous women (as well as Michelle’s mother) just got together to read excerpts from her essay.

It’s a very moving tribute.

Michelle’s full essay can be found here.

Governor labels Democrats ‘big losers’ on vetoes

Per The Rutland Herald:

A day after the Legislature failed to override his vetoes, Gov. Jim Douglas on Thursday labeled legislative Democrats “big losers,” faulting them for what he said was a lack of civility.

“I think the big losers yesterday are the Democrats. I’m sure they understand that. They decided to bring the Legislature back and suffered two defeats,” Douglas said.

I think it’s time we start to really seriously look at why this guy keeps getting reelected and how to keep this sort of nonsense in the public eye.

Veto supporters

These are the 11 Ds who supported the veto of 520


Franklin-2      St. Albans Town George  Allard
Chittenden-7-1  Colchester      Jim Condon
Bennington-2-1  Bennington      Timothy Corcoran
Chittenden-6-1  Essex           Debbie Evans
Franklin-3      St. Albans City James Fitzgerald
Franklin-4      Enosburg                Avis Gervais
Franklin-2      Fairfield               Richard Howrigan
Chittenden-6-2  Essex           Tim Jerman
Franklin-3      St. Albans City Kathleen Keenan
Franklin-6      Richford                Albert Perry
Orleans-Cal-1   Glover          John Rodgers