Most of you know me as a result of one specific action I took shortly before the 2006 election. Namely I accidentally uncovered a set of policy statements and press releases from Martha Rainville which were stolen from other politicians and then sent evidence of those stolen statements pretty much everywhere I could find. Since I’m a frontpager now, I’m posting this to give a little more context to who I am and what my interests are. So…
I’m an avid bird photographer and musician. I also design web sites professionally and teach a variety of subjects at the undergraduate college level. As a hobby, I design a variety of puzzles (word, math, logic, etc.) and, for personal reasons, I refuse to post solutions to the puzzles. I figure, if you want the solution, you can take the time to solve the problem.
I’ve lived in Vermont since 2000 and have been an off-and-on activist my whole adult life. My activism started in the 1980’s with protests against US covert support of the Contras in Nicaragua and has continued on a wide range of issues– HIV/AIDS, animal cruelty, LGBT issues, environment as well as a host of others.
I should probably clarify my positions:
LGBT issues: I’m for full equality under the law, which means either equal marriage rights, or (my preferred solution) leave marriage to religious institutions and treat it as a contract issue with respect to civil marriage; full employment equality under the law,
Environment: I’m strong proponent of natural resources and leaving large tracts without human interference or with only very low-impact use, such as the Nature Conservancy sites around the world. I’m also a fan of buildings which work with the environment rather than treating it as an enemy to be tamed. I heard a piece on NPR a few months ago about temporary housing which was designed to be torn down and turned into gardens when it was finished. I.e., the walls were made of biodegradable material and inside the casing was topsoil with seeds– after a year of living in the housing, you tear down the walls and put it on the ground and, viola! — instant garden.
HIV/AIDS and animal cruelty: I’m against them both.
I’ve never identified with a formal political party and I’m not a great fan of either Democrats or Republicans, but for me it’s more a matter of being able to enthusiastically support about 30% of what Democrats do and 1% of what Republicans do. There are some great Democrats out there who are often hindered by the more mediocre elements of the party. I’m a fan of the phrase “more better Democrats.” I.e., it’s not about getting Democrats elected. It’s about getting more good democrats elected.
I’m a big fan of people being smart. I don’t mean intelligent which has a lot more to do with genetics and upbringing, but I mean being willing to think things through and look past the simple and obvious choices. There are all sorts of excuses for not being good at thinking past obvious solutions. There are no excuses for not even bothering to try.
This, of course, gets me in trouble. I have no respect for stupid and there’s plenty of stupid from people both left and right and I’m not particularly hesitant to identify something as stupid, even if it makes my own side look bad.
I am a strong believer in civil dialogue, even (maybe even especially) when someone’s being very nasty to me. Civil dialogue doesn’t mean I don’t stand up for myself or allow myself to be bullied. It means I don’t engage in name-calling and if I say something that’s going to be taken as an insult I be very specific and factual in terms of what, exactly, I am trying to say and why I think it’s relevant.
Okay, I think I’ve said enough about me. I’m going to end with a little video I stuck on youtube awhile ago– just an improvisation of some guitar stuff that I did for fun.