Daily Archives: July 11, 2007

Some food for diehard political junkies…

Nope, nothing about impeachment or the clowns known as the 'legislature' here.

It's safe to assume that all of our readers have at least a fleeting interest in politics, I mean, you're not coming here for recipies, right? And then there are others…they're like the Trekkies of politics, not just interested in the current events, but the actual history of politics. Well, my friends, I have something for you that I stumbled upon a few nights ago. The University of Virginia's Miller Center for Public Affairs has a great site here that is full of thousands of hours of recordings of presidential conversations, many secretly recorded… and it's not just Nixon:

Between 1940 and 1973, six American presidents from both political parties secretly recorded just under 5,000 hours of conversations. This site is designed as a service to the research community by making freely available all of the presidential recordings, along with relevant research materials, so that scholars, teachers, students, and the public can hear and use these remarkable tapes for themselves.

Lots of good stuff there, from the Nixon stuff to JFK discussing the pros and cons of withdrawing from Vietnam, even FDR speaking about African-Americans in the military. Yeah, I know, it's for the political diehards, but if you are one of those kinds, you can now have some junk food as well as get a great glimpse into little-known history. Enjoy. 

Running Against Douglas: Looking at the Potential Candidates

It's veto-override time, and the Dems have laid out an issue that places them in stark contrast with Jim Douglas. Despite his attempts to control the global warming debate, Douglas has let his snarky side shine through with dismissive and patronizing comments about the topic. Meanwhile the Democratic legislators have been out drawing contrasts on this, as well as on the other veto in play – the campaign finance bill. Check them out here and here for some examples.

Given the events of the week, it would seem to behoove us to consider the names being bandied about as potential replacements for Governor Douglas – all of which would, presumably, take energy and climate issues more seriously. Despite the assumptions of many, most of the Democratic “A-listers” are in no hurry to challenge political juggernaut Douglas. There's no sign that politicos like Peter Shumlin, Gaye Symington, Deb Markowitz or Jeb Spaulding are making any moves. For who is, we consult the rumor mill (and if anyone has heard any other buzz, please chime in in the comments)…


Bill Sorrell

Matt Dunne

Paul Millman

Resume Attorney General of Vermont since 1997, when he was appointed to fill the spot by Governor Howard Dean (for whom he’d served as Secretary of Administration) after Jeffrey Amestoy became Chief Justice. Sorrell argued for Vermont’s campaign finance law before the Supreme Court and has argued against tobacco companies and auto manufacturers on behalf of Vermonters Former Majority Whip in the Statehouse, Americorps head and State Senator from Windsor County. Unsuccessfully ran against Lt. Governor Brian Dubie last year and has been promoting his Service Politics Institute since. He is currently doing community outreach work for Google CEO and co-founder of the employee-owned Chroma Technology in Rockingham, which received the Business Ethics Living Economy Award. VP of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, and a board member of Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility and the Business Alliance for Local Living Economies. He’s a member of the VT Business Roundtable.
Buzz Baruth has been pushing him as a candidate recently, and Sorrell is clearly allowing his name to be floated Dunne is a political animal and is widely expected to run for either the top spot or the number two spot again. Freyne has been promoting him as a challenger to Douglas. Still only a rumor, but a rumor-plus at this point. Millman is well known in Windham County as an entrepreneurial success story.
Pros The most well-known of the three to Vermonters, having been on multiple statewide ballots, generally winning handily. Has a moderate image that may appeal to swing voters. A solid campaigner who knows how to run an effective operation. Has been “introduced” to Vermonters on a statewide ballot already. Strong on the stump and popular among the base, having defeated popular former state Rep. John Tracy in the ‘06 Lt. Gov. primary. A tailor-made resume to hit Jim Douglas on his strengths – particularly among the swing voters. Strong management experience and an engaging success story. Has been widely lauded by people of all political stripes. Personal wealth and connections could narrow Douglas’ fundraising advantage.
Cons Largely untested in a tough race. Some ambivalence towards him from the Democratic base, outright hostility among some in the left in southern Vermont following his response to the Woody Woodward police shooting incident. Would be running for the top spot after coming off a loss for the number two spot, would therefore have to convince people he could win against a tougher candidate. Seen by some as too young for the top job. Although the hubbub places him as politically progressive, he remains largely an unknown on policy issues. Not a familiar name outside of Windham County. Democratic base may be leery.

Sheehan v. Pelosi, and How about Dewalt v. Welch ?

(This would be something. – promoted by Brattlerouser)

cross posted at Evolving Peace 


Out along the Left  Coast an earthquake is about to emerge in the city by the bay. Now I don not wish for a real earthquake to happen in San Francisco; however Cindy Sheehan is about to make some seismic fault lines upon the weak Democratic machine of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Nancy Pelosi who self appointed her dictation to the rest of the Democratic Party and claimed that “impeachment is off the table,” is now about to see the power of democracy. While Cindy Sheehan is about to throw her hat in the ring and challenge the weak impotent Nancy Pelosi for her Congressional seat I encourage others across the land to follow suit. In Vermont, I nominate Dan Dewalt for that call.


While Speaker Pelosi has dictated her will upon her faithful flock of chicken hawk Democrats the Bush/Cheney administration continues to ignore the rule of law and the will of the people. Let us remind the Democrats that we elected them to reverse course in America and as we sit on the sidelines more die in Iraq, individuals are still spied upon and secretly tortured and the detriment to our earth is further exasperated. It is nice to hear words from Democrats that they do not support the war nor the President and now we even a few token Republicans give lip service as well; however the truth of the matter is that until we remove the chief architects of this deceit America’s reputation will be permanently tarnished.

Here in Vermont, Peter Welch continually says his number one priority is to end the war, and says that impeachment would be a distraction from its resolve. I refute his claim and state that it is not his prerogative to follow Nancy Pelosi’s agenda but to follow the grassroots call of impeachment. For that reason, even though I tediously worked on his campaign and wrote numerous letters on behalf of his candidacy I am publicly declaring that I will not vote for Peter Welch unless he signs on to articles of impeachment. Likewise, since Peter appears not to listen to voice of the people I am recommending that we as a people vote for someone who truly understands Democracy and that is why I am recommending Dan Dewalt for Congress. A man who understands what freedom and democracy stands for.


Come on and take the Pledge.


I state your name so solemnly swear never to vote for a political candidate who 1. Refuses to uphold the Constitution and continues to allow and imperial President and Vice-President to do as they feel fit with our country or 2. Has supported the war directly or indirectly or. 3. Has supported other candidates who have voted for this war (including Obama, Clinton, and Edwards).


And therefore, I solemnly swear to only vote for candidates who have supported Articles of Impeachment for President Bush and Vice-President Cheney and those who clearly voted to defund the war immediately and have never once supported any measures of this illegal and immoral war.


Those who are failing to call for removal of the war’s architects are just as responsible as those who have orchestrated it. If you live in San  Francisco say no to Nancy Pelosi and anywhere else in the country stand up and refuse to support the candidates of war and obstruction. Democracy calls for impeachment…



Robb Kidd


“Let's impeach the President for lyin'
And misleading our country into war
Abusing all the power that we gave him
And shipping all our money out the door
Who's the man who hired all the criminals?
The White House shadows who hide behind closed doors
They bend the facts to fit with their new story
Of why we had to send our men to war”- Neil Young..



The Simpsons Take Vermont

In case you haven't yet heard, Springfield Vermont has won the battle of the Springfields for the privilege of hosting the premiere of the Simpsons movie, due in theaters soon. Jim Douglas has already made a pithy comment on the matter, and other politicians will undoubtedly follow. No doubt local celebrities galore will attend. Ten to one the event will even turn out our US Congressional delegation, pictured below.

See ya at the movies (h/t to Bill).