Daily Archives: June 15, 2007

Is Hillary the progressives’ Nixon?

No, it's not a hit piece involving corruption or anything. It's not even a hit piece, but I'll bet it got your attention. Paul at Alien and Sedition draws a rather apt comparison to how the conservative movement reacted to Nixon and how the progressive movement could react towards a Hillary Clinton presidency:

All interesting enough. But a more instructive comparison for the progressive movement might be between Hillary and Nixon. The right wing, never particularly fond of Nixon, turned on him with a vengeance after he had been in office for a couple of years. If we wind up with a President Hillary, the progresssive grassroots/netroots could find itself in a similar state. After all we've done, why are we going back to this? Why are we going back to Bill Clinton and triangulation? Echoes of: Why are we going back to Eisenhower and Keynesianism and internationalism? What really makes the parallel amusingly complete is how Hillary's right-wing enemies, like Nixon's on the left, see her as the ebodiment of extremism, while her own party's activists view her as little more than a self-interested centrist.

It's a quick interesting read, and I've often asked myself the same questions in regard to a H.C. presidency being a HUGE step backwards for our movements. Check it out, it's worth a look and a ponder.

Come to the Jean Ankeney Memorial Picnic Tomorrow

( – promoted by odum)

Please join us on the Ankeney Farm to honor the memory of Senator Jean Ankeney by celebrating the end of the legislative session with House Speaker Gaye Symington and her legislative colleagues. Also joining us as a special guest is Michael Strizki, who built the first hydrogen-powered home system as well as hydrogen-powered vehicles. You can google Mike Strizki to learn more about his work.
You can RSVP here.

More info available below the fold…

Music by Bill Myregaard and the Willoughbys.

Saturday, June 16, 2007, 1 – 4 PM

784 Ayer Road, St George VT Chittenden County Democratic Committee

Hot dogs, beverages, and chips will be provided. Please bring a side dish or dessert and something to sit on. Suggested donation is $15 per person or $25 per family.

We hope to see you there, RAIN or SHINE!

Directions – See Map button below. *** From I-89 South: Take Exit 12 off I-89 and travel south for 4 miles on Route 2A. Turn LEFT on Ayer Road and travel 1 mile to the top of the hill. The Ankeney farm is the second on the LEFT after the top of the hill. *** From I-89 North: Take Exit 11 off I-89 and travel west for 2 miles on Route 2. Turn LEFT at the white church onto Oak Hill Road and travel south for 4 miles. Turn RIGHT on Willow Brook Lane. The farm is .7 miles ahead on the RIGHT. *** Parking: Please park on the north side of the road, leaving enough room for cars to pass. *** If you can’t find it, call 233-5238.

Delenda est Carthago, or, H.520: Overriding The Governor’s Veto

I am not an expert on the History of the Roman Republic. But what I do know leads me to believe that I would never have gotten along with Marcus Porcious Cato The Elder and, (which is basically to say the same thing in a different way) if Marcus Porcious Cato was alive today– he would have been a neo-con.

Thus, it may seem odd that I would turn to Cato as inspiration in the fight to save H.520….the Vermont Energy Bill.

As most readers of GMD know, The Vermont Legislature passed H.520, Governor Jim Douglas has Vetoed it…and it’s going to take a lot of work on everyone’s part to help the Vermont Legislature rise to the occasion and Override the Veto…”Ed’s” post on GMD is a great summary of the issues involved. I, and many other readers here, would like to see this Veto over-ridden.

And it is in that desire that I turn to this Ancient Roman. Cato the Elder was nothing if not single minded and, like him or hate him, his single-minded approach lead to results. Having decided that the Rome’s rival city-state, Carthage, constituted a major threat to the Republic, Cato developed a single minded obsession with that city.

He therefore ended every single speech, no matter what the topic, with the phrase: “Delenda est Carthago”- which means: Carthage must be destroyed.

And so his speeches would sound something like this: “….and so we must implement this agricultural policy…AND CARTHAGE MUST BE DESTROYED.”

Eventually, Cato’s single-mindedness paid off, and Carthage was literally wiped off the face of the earth.

Why tell this story? Simple…I would like to propose that Vermont’s liberal blogging community adopt a similar tactic between now and the July vote to override the Governor’s Veto of H.520….

…write about whatever you want…but somewhere in each post…don’t forget to mention “…AND H. 520 MUST BE PASSED.”

You could even write in Latin if you want…but, like George W. Bush, I?m not sure if there is a Latin word for “Veto”.

At any rate, I hope you have a great weekend…and H.520 MUST BE PASSED.

The Role of Media in Plainfield, N.H. standoff

Certainly one of the most ignored components of the Plainfield, N.H. standoff between the feds and Ed and Elaine Brown will be the incredible outgrowth of support they have received through alternative media channels. The owners of “mainstream” media in the U.S.–corporate, profit-driven, unconcerned with true, investigative journalism–will surely not report well on the vast numbers of people who have been rallying on blogs and websites for months now on the side of the non-taxpaying Browns, and have been clamoring for a peaceful resolution.

The Brown family has thousands of supporters around the region and world, and most of them are peaceful–as I imagine them to be at core, although they're obviously very prepared for the worst. And the federal government might just give it to them since by sheer numbers of soldiers and guns it looks like they're getting ready to blow the place up. But watch closely for the role of the corporate media who may be inclined to help light the match by offering close-eyed, unabated coverage poring over any unflattering detail of the Browns' lives, condemning their stand as the last stand of a couple crazies who won't pay taxes and who've had the audacity to question the motivations and increasingly violent actions of the U.S. government. In particular the mainstream media might seek to demonize Ed and Elaine Brown on the basis of theirs or their supporters' questioning  of “the official story” of 9-11, which is fraught with so many inaccuracies and questionable events that it SHOULD be questioned, and re-investigated thoroughly. But then again maybe they won't seek to give the 9-11 Truth Movement the kind of honest and unslanted coverage it deserves.

So how will it end? Will our federal government look at how this is going to play in Peoria, and decide to back off? Will they realize that at this point most people get their real news from the Net and already know from the Browns' blog and their MySpace account that the couple is intelligent and peaceful and generally reasonable, and that there is an answer far more effective than our stock response of defensiveness and fear and thoughtlessness and violence? Will they realize in time that there is no answer here but one of nonviolence, and that they hold the power to make that decision?

Let's hope so.

James Gage

Sometimes Small Things Matter

(“Small is beautiful.”

– E.F. Schumacher – promoted by Brattlerouser)

Per the, NYT:

THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

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