crossposted at five before chaos.
I was originally starting this off as a post on Sam Brownback, but chances are, if you follow the doings of the theocratic wingnuts, you probably already know about crazy Sam, and it's not like he has a chance in hell of getting the GOP nomination anyways, so why bother wasting anymore pixels on him?
Anyways, I was over at the Anti-Sam Brownback Blog and caught wind of this piece over at called “They All Suck”. Yep, for once they were actually correct about something – the sorry state of the current GOP roster of presidential candidates. But a look through the comments was rather revealing as to how clueless these people at RedState really are. They really do have theat Krazy Konservative Kool-Aid running through their veins. Hop below the fold for some choice excerpts as we take a laughable… and sometimes frightening journey (cue ominous music here) … into the Conservative Brain Stem!
First off, we know that many cons have to construct their own parallel universes so their worldviews can actually exist… Apparently this parallel universe also has its own set of lefty blogs….
- (on Newt Gingrich) – “I pick up on a lot of the liberal leaning blogs that Newt is their perceived general election winner.“
- “I always read Daily Kos to see what's going on in la la land, and apparently quite a number of them are pretty scared of Huckabee. They were saying things like, “He nailed it on John Stewart last night” and “He might be a wingnut, but he camouflages it well.”
Keep an eye out for my upcoming piece on why we all need to fear the upcoming and very real possibility of Tom Tancredo not only getting the GOP nomination but the White House itself. Brown people, beware.
In RedState world, machismo still rules supreme, coupled by a pants-pooping fear of ‘the jihadists’. It’s really all about supporting the guy who talks the most like a tough-guy badass (and almost certainly has never served in the military).Or at least someone who's not afraid to remove someone from a theater:
- (on Giuliani) – He was inspirational after 9/11, even while he, himself, was greiving the loss of personal friends. He never wavered on terrorism, even before 9/11. He did throw Arafat out of some concert in 1995.
- Rudy gets it when it comes to what this country faces and he IS America's mayor. We have to have someone with the moral authority lead 60% of this country in the war and neutralize the left. Bush has lost is ability to do that and I'm not even sure Rudy can pull it off but he has the best shot in the lot. As long as 60% of the country remains bliss to or in denial of the threats we face we're doomed to a fate far worse than 9/11.
- Cheer up. The candidate we get may not be as conservative as you like — particularly on social matters. But, by far, the most important thing facing us right now is the jihadist threat.
And of course, there’s those that are truly clueless. It’s amazing they know how to even turn on a computer:
- Brownback! And, why is Jeb (Bush) never mentioned? I know it sounds dynastic, but who could deny he has everything? He's right on social issues and fiscal issues. And many of our wavering Senators would see him as a savior to look forward to.
- Has Jeb absolutely said he won't run? Couldn't we draft him?
- I would also love to see Lynn Cheney in the hunt for either top office! Wouldn't you love to see that? All the focus and courage of her husband, but with twice the eloquence and none of the baggage.
- Who says an older white guy can't have a “compelling life story”? I'd say that Fred Thompson pretty much qualifies in that regard and would be a darn sight better than some of the announced candidates. If we can't persuade Big Fred to run, then Haley Barbour would be an excellent choice.
I can see it now, another Bush/Cheney ticket, this one being Jeb and Lynne. All of the corruption and incompetence that you’ve come to know and love from the Bush family brand, and as an added bonus, the “focus and courage” that is synonymous with the name “Cheney”! We’re talking landslide, here, folks, a Gore/Obama ticket wouldn’t even break single digits against Bush/Cheney: The Sequel. And I can’t wait to hear about Fred Thompson’s “compelling life story” as a second-rate actor and a hardcore K-Street lobbyist! We’re talking some serious stuff here, maybe even TV-movie-of-the-week, if there’s a lot of details about his wife, who’s old enough to be his granddaughter.
I’ve always avoided the righty blogs for various reasons, mostly they’re wrong about everything (aside from the homophobia, warmongering, racism, theocracy, etc.). But who knew I was missing out on so much humor?!?