Daily Archives: May 18, 2007

Dean and Edwards to Speak at DemocracyFest

(Promoting. This is an all volunteer event, and I’m one of the volunteers. 😉 – promoted by mataliandy)

The 4th Annual DemocracyFest is coming June 9-10 to the Wayfarer Inn in Bedford, NH. The event will feature progressive speakers, trainings, and entertainment. Organized by volunteers who met through Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, the event has previously been held in Massachusetts, Texas, and California.

DemocracyFest Incorporated, the producers of the event, have just confirmed that

  • Sen. John Edwards
  • DNC Chair, Gov. Howard Dean will be speaking Sunday evening. Gov. Dean’s speech will be free and open to the public.
  • NH Grassroots hero: Rep. Carol Shea-Porter,
  • Bev Harris,
  • William McNary,
  • Mark Crispin Miller,
  • Jim Dean, DFA Chair
  • Bob Fertik,
  • Jeff Feldman,
  • Sec. William Gardner.

Entertainment will be provided by Cecilia St. King, Rebecca Padula, and The Subway Serenade, and more…

Plus our own local celebrity, Jeffry Taylor, author of the Rutland Resolution, will be part of an impeachment panel.  We’re waiting to hear whether Dan Dewalt can fit us into his schedule.

“DemocracyFest is an opportunity to network with people who share my political values, and I get to learn how to make a difference while having fun.” says annual attendee Ellen Garneau from Vermont. “I wouldn’t miss it for anything!”

The presenting sponsor of this year’s event is Democracy For New Hampshire. Other sponsors include Democracy For America, Latinos For America, and Camp Wellstone.

More information about the event can be found at http://www.democracy…

Order your tickets today!