Daily Archives: May 15, 2007

Time to strip Lieberman of his committee assignments….

Bush’s lapdog is at it again. The self-proclaimed “independent Democrat” just helped out at a fund raiser for Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine, as the WaPo reports:

Not only has Lieberman endorsed Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine.) — one of Democrats’ biggest targets in the 2008 cycle — but he’s planning to co-host a fundraiser for her on June 21 in Washington, D.C.

The event, which will be held in a Capitol Hill location still to be determined, will feature Lieberman and Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) — a very rare bipartisan fundraiser. Attendees are being asked to raise $3,000; $2,000 would come in the form of a political action committee donation while the other $1,000 would be a personal contribution, according to an electronic invite for the fundraiser obtained today by The Fix.

Now can someone explain to me how a fundraiser for a Republican senator is a “bipartisan” fundraiser? Is Jack McMullen or Rich Tarrant going to have one for Pat Leahy next time around?

More than ever, aside from his love of all things Iraq in which he continually undermines the efforts to end the war, Lieberman needs to be neutralized. It’s time to strip him of his seniority and committee assignments as soon as posssible. It’s quite clear whose side he’s on now, and it’s not ours.