Daily Archives: March 26, 2007

Occupation Project targets Sanders office

The Occupation Project, who inspired last week’s non-violent protest at Peter Welch’s office last week is having another sit-in at Bernie Sanders’ office tomorrow in hopes that he will not vote to approve the supplemental funding for the war. From the press release:

Citizen Sit-In  and Call-In at Senator Bernie Sanders’ Office to Protest War Funding
Meet in front of Burlington City Hall on Church Street at 2pm Tuesday, March 27 to plan
Walk to Bernie’s Office, 1 Church Street, between 2:20 and 2:30 pm

There will be a Citizen Sit-In and Call-In at Senator Bernie Sanders’ office in Burlington on Tuesday afternoon to voice dissent about the $100 billion supplemental war funding up for debate in the US Senate. Inspired by a national movement called The Occupation Project and Voices for Creative Nonviolence,  participants from all over the state will be asking Senator Sanders to vote no on the funding approved by the US House on Friday.  Iraq Veterans Against the War, college students, members of local peace organizations, and concerned citizens are all planning on participating either by visiting Sanders’ office or calling the office. They will meet in front of Burlington City Hall on Church Street at 2pm Tuesday, March 27 to plan.
They will then walk to Bernie’s Office, 1 Church Street, to arrive at 2:30 pm.  Participants will each decide for themselves how long they would like to stay at the office.

Odum’s post here last week discussed the war bill, and many of you were not in support of it. I called Sanders’ office a few moments ago, and the person on the phone told me that Sanders has not indicated how he will vote. His statement on the website isn’t clear, either:

In the coming week, the Senate is set to debate legislation that calls for a troop withdrawal from Iraq. Having originally voted against the war, Senator Sanders has been an outspoken advocate for bringing our troops home as soon as possible. “We have got to use the budget to tell the president that this war cannot go on. We have to bring our troops home as soon as possible,” Senator Sanders told Thom Hartmann during his weekly Air America interview program “Brunch with Bernie.”

So, if you are in opposition to the continued funding of the war, this is an opportunity to let Bernie know loud and clear.