Daily Archives: February 28, 2007

Montpelier Democrats Meet to Select Nominee(s)

( – promoted by Jack McCullough)

The Montpelier Democratic Committee will be meeting on Thursday, March 8, at 6:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to nominate candidates to replace Rep. Francis Brooks, who has retired from the House of Representatives after more than two decades of service to the people of Montpelier and the state.

The meeting will be held at the East Montpelier Room of the Kellogg-Hubbard Library.

Bill Doyle’s blog

Photo: State Senator Bill Doyle, Washington County, Vermont; citizen legislator and blogger (photo via billdoylevt.com); click here to be redirected to his blogDid you know that state Senator Bill Doyle had a blog? (if not, me neither; had only just came across the Web address for it on his annual town meeting survey form for this year)

His blog is at billdoylevt.com: Senator Bill Doyle’s Official Website.

Read an article about Senator Doyle’s annual Town Meeting Day survey, here [via Barre – Montpelier Times Argus (Wednesday, February 28, 2007)].

fyi: Town Meeting Day

[cross-posted at Norsehorse’s Home Turf, here]

What Steve West Said…

As Jack mentioned below, Steve West, co-host of Live & Local on WKVT 1490, wrote this reaction to the attack on John Odum…

…I’m reading a vitriolic screed by a man defending his own anti-racism credentials (which have not been questioned), slamming the character of Mr. Odum (who he does not know), and implying that Mr. Odum’s employer should put a tighter leash on him.

No matter what the details of this discussion……….that’s just not cool.

Any hope of keeping the “moral high ground” that SVR and Mr. Naylor had prior to this phenomenon is gone. He has displayed some fairly childish “schoolyard bully” behaviors, and has entirely alienated at least one potential comrade to the SVR cause……….meaning me.

Even if Odum’s posting was wildly off base and without merit……………the response was, dare I say, nasty and personal, and only tangentially addressed the issue. At this point, frankly, I’m pretty tired of the whole thing already. But now, today, John Odum says that, in order to keep the peace at his workplace, he is stepping down from GMD, where he has helped to add intelligence, humor, and energy to the political dialogue in Vermont.

And that’s just not right.

And to Professor Naylor and others of like mind at SVR, I say……….right or wrong, I’ll stick by John Odum on this one. He has shown himself to be, in my experience, intellectually honest and well-intended. I cannot say the same of the responses I’ve read from SVR.

And now I, for one, will redirect my attention to more immediate and measurable threats, while hoping that Odum reconsiders.

Well said, Steve. And thanks for saying it.

More coverage of the purge (Updated)

Cathy Resmer covers the VNRC purge of GMD founder and former blogger John Odum here.

Cathy says: I’m sorry to see him go, especially in this way. He says GMD will continue without him.

Exactly right, Cathy. We feel the loss here, but we’re going to keep it up.

From the extreme right (I hope she doesn’t object to that description), She’s Right blogger Charity Tensel also covers this story, describing the loss this way: This is a great loss for political blogging. Odum’s thoughtful posts and comments kept GMD in the realm of sensible discussion. He was an anchor, a rock, keeping the blog focused on remaining relevant and holding it back from slipping into the realm of radicalism.

Philip Baruth has the same story, along with a photo of John (I’m not sure we’ve ever posted photos of him here.)

Philip: The Vermont blogosphere is still very much in its infancy, and it depends on a handful of sites for its signature feel. Green Mountain Daily has been, and will remain, one of those deep-anchor sites. And although others have contributed greatly, GMD is John Odum’s brain child, and his love child, and its success is in large part his success.

We also have this link from Reason and Brimstone.

… And this just in.

Steve West of WKVT’s “Live & Local” has now weighed in with his take on the story. Check out his latest – and very funny – blog entry, Odum Addendum and dem Demagogues.

Haik also covers the story, with a different angle. We know that this wasn’t about Snarky, but he couldn’t restrain himself from chiming in. You kind of have to wonder what would motivate someone like that, don’t you?

If you’re a regular reader of these pages you know about this story, but it’s obvious now that this decision is going beyond the world of Green Mountain Daily.

When you read about attacks on journalism, and particular citizen journalism of the kind we practice here, you don’t necessarily think about relatively enlightened places like Vermont.  Now we know that we cannot afford to be complacent.

Thank you all for your support.

from JD – article in Seven Days here.