Daily Archives: February 20, 2007

HILLARY: Okay, I f***ing LOVE her.

Now you know.
That’s what all that was REALLY about.
But I can’t hide from it anymore. I’ve been in some serious denial.
This could mean the loss of some hard-earned progressive cred.
And to add insult to injury, it could also have a somewhat adverse effect on my marriage.

How do I love Hillary? Let me count the ways.

Sub folda.

Okay, first of all, Bob Johnson can kiss my kestrel ass.

He’s going to go around and talk shit on my babygirl.

What’s up with this kiss and tell thing, Bob?

Look, I’m a lousy lover. Dozens of former girlfriends and my wife will attest to this fact. I’m as lazy as George Bush. It’s all about me. All the time.


I never would have figured you for the type, Bob.

That said, we clearly see that Bob Johnson does not possess my mad skillz in such matters.

After I make love to a woman, the neighbors light cigarettes.

Anyway, when I’ve got some serious, pent-up emotion invested in this kind of shit….like now…..

I’m just a love machine. A huggin’ kissin’ thing.

So never mind that…that…THING I put up here about hating Hillary. I could never hate her….I was just LASHING OUT, okay?

This is why I love Hillary…..and want her to have my baby:

Because hippie chicks are hot.

Because she swings both ways, and God, I love that in a woman.

Because she helps me mail my letters.

Because I want to be more than just a chapter in somebody’s book.

Because she would wash my back.

Because she doesn’t pick her nose.

Because Hillary has her priorities straight……

Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Because the enemy of my enemy who tries to make nme think my enemies are actually my friends…or is it the enemy of my enemy who tries to make me think my friends are my enemies AND my enemies are my friends is my friend even if she voted with the enemy who said our enemies were a whole nother somebody else who ain’t nobody at all that we was just talkin’ about?

Because we’re not all like that.

Because my current side action is going psycho on me.

Because I shall demonstrate the meaning of “inadequate” to Little Willy.
Most of you know my first name is Eddie.
Occasionally, someone will address me as “Mr. Ed.”
I fully expect that will occur again in the near future.

Because Hillary looks hot in leather.

Because she has a Buddy Jesus. I want a Buddy Jesus.

Because her situational awareness impresses me……..

Because Bob Johnson told me about that thing she does with her tongue.

I’m confident it’ll work out.


Nope (1+ / 0-)

People who are being PAID to like Hillary.  this is actually a pretty good investigation and I thinbk it’s a story that deserves attention.  It’s not just calling out all the Hillary defenders.  It’s calling out the people whose IP addresses come from her office.

Yeah that’s right.

mwOOOOOOOhahahahahahahahhahaha!!!!! And soon, we will crush you all as insects.

Right on  (1+ / 4-)

It is once again another pro-Hillary spin diary. 

Curses, foiled again. And I’d have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for that meddling kid.