Citizens Awareness Network (CAN) and the Buddhist order of Nipponzan Myohoji will coordinate a walk throughout Vermont to support safe sustainable energy and abolish nuclear power and nuclear weapons. Potluck dinners will be followed by discussions of the dangers of Vermont Yankee.
The Vermont State Legislature MUST VOTE NO for the 20-year license extension of the thirty-five year old brittle and corroded Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor in Vernon, Vermont.
Reverend Gyoway Kato of Leverett Peace Pagoda will lead this walk as part of the Mayors
for Peace Project’s month-long walk against nuclear weapons and nuclear power.
It will begin in Putney, Vermont, proceed down Rte. 5 to a vigil at ENTERGY headquarters
on Old Ferry Road in North Brattleboro, and then continue through downtown Brattleboro.
FOR INFO: or Deb Katz at 413-339-5781. Both walks will have support vehicles for anyone needing assistance. Both walks are alcohol free and drug free.
March 24 to April 1, 2007
MARCH 24, Greenfield, MA
MARCH 25, Brattleboro
MARCH 26, Bennington
MARCH 27, Rutland
MARCH 28, Middlebury- public fast 10 a.m.-4 p.m. observing the anniversary of the Three- Mile- Island accident in 1979
MARCH 29, Montpelier – public fasting on state house lawn to oppose 20 year relicensing of Vermont Yankee nuclear reactor
MARCH 30, Johnson State College
MARCH 31, Burlington /University of Vermont
APRIL 1, Burlington – closing ceremony on waterfront. All are welcome to join!
For further contact: Vermont Yankee Decommissioning
Alliance (VYDA) at 802-476-3154 or or Deb Katz at 413-339-5781.
The old adage is true: busy people get things done. Your help is needed to encourage people to walk, to host a potluck afterwards as well as finding beds for the out-of towners for the towns listed. Link up with Hattie Nestal of CAN at and please send the message to your networks. We’re looking for more college involvement (from those not listed,) including walkers and speaking engagements. We should also invite all our legislators to attend the potluck(s) and update us on Act 160. Thanks, Barbara