Daily Archives: January 14, 2007

The Mad Cowboy Strikes Again with yet another undeclared war

The New York Times and CBS reported this weekend, “According to U.S. military figures, 198 American and British soldiers have been killed, and more than 600 wounded by advanced explosive devices MANUFACTURED IN IRAN and smuggled in through the southern marshes and along the Tigris River.”

but the UK’s Independent wrote on Sunday “…soldiers, who were targeted by insurgents as they traveled through [Iraq], died after being attacked with bombs triggered by infra-red beams. The bombs were developed by the IRA using technology passed on by the security services in a botched ‘sting’ operation more than a decade ago. THIS CONTRADICTS THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT’S CLAIM THAT iRAN’S REVOLUTIONARY GUARD IS HELPING SHIA INSURGENTS TO MAKE THE DEVICES.

There’s more (if you have the stomach for it)

“The Independent on Sunday can also reveal that the bombs and the firing devices used to kill the soldiers, as well as two private security guards, were initially created by the UK security services as part of a counter-terrorism strategy at the height of the troubles in the early 1990s. According to security sources, the technology for the bombs used in the attacks, which were developed using technology from photographic flash units, was employed by the IRA some 15 years ago after Irish terrorists were given advice by British agents.”

“IN FACT, THE DEVICES WERE MADE IN AMERICA. ‘In late 1993 and early 1994, I went to America with officers from MI5, the FRU and RUC special branch. They had already sourced the transmitters and receivers in New York following liaison with their counterparts in the FBI,’ Kevin Fulton, who infiltrated the IRA in the Newry area while being handled by the Force Research Unit, told [Ireland’s] Sunday Tribune in June, 2002. Fulton’s trip was confirmed by the FBI, according to Matthew Teague, writing for the Atlantic. The Independent on Sunday ‘has also spoken to a republican who was a senior IRA member in the early 1990s. He confirmed that Mr. Fulton had introduced the IRA to the new technology and that the IRA shared this with ‘like-minded organizations abroad.'”

Is there any doubt we’re at war with Iran now, with more facts ‘cooked’ by Bush and lapdog Tony Blair again?  According to Friday’s Washington Post,  “last month, U.S. forces seized two senior Iranians — Brig. Gen. Mohsen Chirazi and Col. Abu Amad Davari — in the first round of raids. Chirazi is the No. 3 official in the al-Quds Brigade and the highest ranking Iranian ever held by the United States”.

Yesterday’s raids were both in Irbil, a Kurdish city in northern Iraq. One was carried out at 3 a.m. on the Iranian Liaison Office, which is used by the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a local headquarters, U.S. officials said. Kurdish officials said U.S. troops came in helicopters. They disarmed the security guards, broke through the gate, entered the building and detained six men, Iranian officials told the Iranian news agency. One was later released.  Another raid was at the Irbil airport, where U.S. forces tried to detain people until Kurdish troops intervened — and almost ended up in a confrontation with U.S. troops, said Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari. “A massacre was avoided at the last minute,” he said. A U.S. official confirmed that the incident nearly resulted in U.S. and Kurdish allies firing at one another”.

If these aren’t acts of war, I don’t know what is. Add to this more warships off the coast of Iran, and we are doomed.

Call Leahy, Sanders and Welch first thing Monday morning to stop this insanity!  No more blood for oil!


Rally in Montpelier Sat Jan 20

Passing this along to anyone interested…

Saturday, January 20th 2007 10 am
Montpelier, VT USA

Website: http://www.unitedfor…

Gather: 10 am- Montpelier City Hall
March to Statehouse:10:30 am
Rally at Statehouse: 11 am
Speak out in VT on Jan 20… speak out in D.C. on Jan 27.

Montpelier City Hall and VT State House Main St and State St Montpelier VT 05602

Debra Stoleroff

Sponsored By:
PeaceVermont, US-Law, VT Peace and Justice Center, Central VT Peace and Justice, VT- AFSC, Central VT WILPF, Vermonters for a Just Peace in Palestine/Israel, Green Mtn Veterans for Peace, Iraq Vets for Peace, ISO, UVM Students Against the War, Middlebury Students Against the War, Johnson State College Students Against the War, many other peace and justice organizations in Vermont.