Daily Archives: November 18, 2006

C&L: Leahy wants to investigate Laura Ingraham!!!!!

(Crossposted from Daily Kos)
UPDATE: I gotta give a hat tip to proudprogressiveca, who tipped me off to the C&L posting as a possible diary subject. He couldn’t do it himself; he’d already used his diary for the day. “…without whom none of this etc.”
Thanks, bud.

As we are all aware, among the Republican voter intimidation/suppression efforts put forth by the Republicans in the 2006 election was right-wing radio spewer Laura Ingraham encouraging her listeners to jam the Democratic voter assistance hotline.

Looks like she pissed off the wrong person.

Laura, were you so confident that we would lose, you were willing to stick your neck out that far?

You just may be about to get Anne Boleyn’d for your trouble.

Below the fold.

I’ll tell you what, Laura: like I said, you done went and pissed off the wrong person. It’s gonna suck to be you.

From Media Matters:

Ingraham encourages listeners to jam phone lines of Democratic voter assistance hotline

As the weblog Firedoglake first noted, during the November 7 edition of her nationally syndicated talk radio show, Laura Ingraham urged listeners to jam the phone lines of 1-888-DEM-VOTE, a voter assistance hotline sponsored by the Democratic Party. Ingraham stated: “I want you to call it and I want you tell us what you get when you call 1-888-DEM-VOTE. They’re on top of all of the shenanigans at the polling stations. One problem: you can’t get through.” Minutes later, while talking with a listener who called the hotline, Ingraham said: “Let’s keep ‘dem’ lines ringing.”

Mistake, Laura:

John Amato at Crooks and Liars is reporting that soon-to-be-Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee is calling for DOJ to investigate Laura Ingraham’s call for her listeners to jam the Democratic voter assistance hotline.

He has the audio, it’s here.

Laura ingraham’s show is carried by the Talk radio Network which is also home to such luminaries as Michael Weiner Savage and Jerry Doyle.

Contact Talk Radio Network, and demand Ingraham’s suspension or termination in light of the potential investigation. Their affiliate relations number is (888) 383-3733. Emails can be sent to affiliates@talkradionetwork.com.

Let’s make an example of Laura and get the airwaves free of this kind of crap, and while were at it, let’s talk about restoring the Fairness Doctrine.

It is time for the end of the reign of the AM hatemongers.

This is MY industry, and I take it very personally.  If a local station carries any TRN programming, call them and insist they drop it.

Attack. Now. End the catapultation of the propaganda.