Daily Archives: November 8, 2006

Live Election Thread

FINAL UPDATE FOR THE NIGHT 10:55 – My laptop battery is almost toast, so you all are on your own. If we take the US House or Senate, I’ll post the Spongebob victory song again, but until then, yer on yer own…

UPDATE 10:43 – Welch is giving his victory speech, and after being so gloomy and pessimistic about this race, it sure is a relief to hear. There are also 8 net pickups in the US House across the country so far, and three in the Senate. Vrginia Senate is still too close to call, buts it’s looking like Allen’s at this point – which would mean a 50-50 is the best we could hope for (assuming the victorious Joe Lieberman in Connecticut keeps pretending to be a Democrat…. what the hell were CT voters thinking??)

UPDATE 10:17 – It hasn’t been officially called by anybody, but Douglas and Dubie will be back in easily. What’s interesting is that Auditor is still too close to call, despite the fact that Tom Salmon Jr. hasn’t even run a campaign, for all intents and purposes…

I’m having a terrible time getting a solid signal from the Dem Victory Party here in Burlington. Bernie just wrapped his victory speech, and the early word is looking great for Dems in much of the state – including a return to Democratic hands of Rutland City! That veto-proof majority is looking increasingly likely.

nationally, news is mixed. Rhode Island, Pennsylvania and Ohio are all reporting Dem Senate pickups, but Virginia is looking sketchy. House races are solid, and I recommend folks go visit dKos for breaking news, particularly on the US House races, which are looking very, very good – with pickups in state like Indiana and Kentucky…

…still too early to tell for Scudder Parker and Matt Dunne, but it’s not looking good.