Daily Archives: November 2, 2006


I just realized something amazing: more gay men voted for the Defense of Marriage Act than voted against it.

The idea being: no one’ll suspect I’m gay if I gay bash. 

When Republicans and others gay bash, it’s a confession.

Weissman’s law says it: people who are down  on gays in public have been down on gays in private.

John Kerry and “Us”

How ironic that the key word preventing the completely fake John Kerry story from dominating the news cycle is “us.”

Had Kerry included “us” in his comment, none of this absurdity would have come to pass.

Had he not omitted that word, he’d have said “”You know education, if you make the most of it, you study hard, you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you can do well, and if you don’t, you get us stuck in Iraq.”

The joke on Bush would’ve been clear.

But, that single dropping of “us” allowed the Right Wing Noise Machine and the complicit Freak Show press to go into overdrive.

When I was very briefly (a week and a half, maybe) the Grand Leader of All Things Internet Strategy for Zephyr Teachout’s bid for the Vermont seat in Congress — since this potential run was in the news, I hope she doesn’t mind me talking about it — I advocated for using  “for U.S. House” instead of “for Congress” as her tagline.

I liked the “U.S. = us” reference — as opposed to the somewhat randy “congress.”

And, of course, Bernie Sanders’ campaign has since made a nice use of the “for US” underlined in  “for US Senate” in his campaign materials.

But, Kerry, by accident, skipped the “us” in his attempt at mocking Bush and all hell broke loose.

How absurd. And how sad. Because, all of “us” are in this together.

Except those who shamelessly bend the truth for political gain… And those, in the press, who enable them to do so.