Daily Archives: September 11, 2006

Stop the Tire Burn!

(Sen. Dunne remains the only elected official to take us up on our invitation to front page any user diaries they might care to offer. Thanks again for contributing, Matt. – promoted by odum)

Dunne Calls for Boycott of International Paper Products Sold in Vermont

With Lake Champlain and the Ticonderoga paper mill as a backdrop and an impending decision by the EPA due today, Matt Dunne and several Addison County supporters including fellow state senators Claire Ayer and Harold Giard announced a new strategy to fight the proposed burning of toxic tires across the lake.

“If the Bush Administration won’t protect Vermont’s air, water, mountains, and milk by stopping the tire burn, Vermonters will make our own plan of action,” said Dunne. “After years of conventional discussions and negotiating, it’s become clear to me that International Paper simply doesn’t care about Vermonters’ health or land.”

“Boycotts like this are not to be used lightly,” Dunne explained. “We have given IP every opportunity to install technologies already in use at their other plants to prevent toxic air from polluting Vermont, including an offer to fund its installation. Time and time again, IP has ignored our appeals. With the test burn imminent pending the EPA’s decision, it’s time for concerned Vermonters, businesses, and especially state government, to send a clear and strong message to IP: Don’t trash Vermont.”

“I applaud the work of Attorney General Sorrell and Governor Douglas to pursue a legal strategy against this tire burning. However, until a legal remedy is achieved, every Vermonter and their state government can use the power of their pocketbook to send this message,” continued Dunne.

In a press conference held in Shoreham today, Dunne and his fellow state senators Claire Ayer and Harold Giard of Addison County joined local opponents of the tire burn to announce a three point plan of action to pressure IP to stop the tire burn:

1. Citizen Boycott of International Paper Products

Vermonters who oppose the tire burn can visit www.MattDunne.com starting at 5pm today to learn what products not to buy, as well as find contact information for the company CEO to send letters about their decision to boycott.

Vermont businesses, especially in the agricultural and milk industries, can boycott the purchase of many IP products. A working group of state officials and industry leaders is already forming to explore these possibilities in detail.

2. State Government Purchasing Boycott of International Paper Products

Working with Governor Douglas and other agency officials, state government must begin an immediate review process to determine what IP products are currently purchased with taxpayer dollars, and work expeditiously to stop any further purchasing, including the purchase of pink envelopes used daily in the State House to for inner-agency communications.

Divestiture of All State-Controlled Pension and Endowment Funds from International Paper

Working with State Treasurer Jeb Spaulding, all government-managed pension funds, endowments, or other invested securities should be immediately reviewed to see if any publicly managed funds are invested in International Paper, and if they are, should be immediately divested in favor of sustainable and appropriate investment opportunities.

Information about the health effects of the potential tire burn is available www.lesspollution.org
