Daily Archives: August 24, 2006

Facing the Media Crisis

(And now, Part II of Bill McKibben Day here on GMD…)

I keep forgetting about this pretty amazing event that will be happening October 6-8th at both the Wyndham Hotel and Champlain College in Burlington.

Luckily a friend just sent me this reminder…

Those activists from Vermont and nearby locales worried about the corruption of democracy by the mass media should attend the “Facing The Media Crisis” Summit happening in Burlington, Vermont from October 6-8, 2006, sponsored by ACMEvt (Action Coalition for Media Education). More here – http://www.acmecoalition.org

The conference features keynotes and workshops featuring Pacifica Radio’s Democracy Now host Amy Goodman, author/speaker Bill McKibben, author/citizen activist Diane Wilson, U.S. Representative and Senate Candidate Bernie Sanders, and actor/activist David Strathairn.

Representatives from local alternative and public access media outlets as well as national figures in the media reform movement will all be present to discuss ways for media makers, educators, and students to claim their independence from corporate media.

It promises to be a once-in-a-lifetime event for Vermonters interested in media and social change.

We look forward to seeing you in Burlington in October. Please share this introduction with your friends and colleagues who might be interested in this great opportunity to focus on the impact of mass media in our society.

Jerome Armstrong will also be on hand to discuss Crashing the Gate. No word if he’ll read your palms for $20, too (sorry, couldn’t help it).

And many, many others, including Middlebury author Vermont film director, Jay Craven. [Sorry, synapse error. I read it as Jay Parini, which is weird cuz I’ve seen Craven’s films, but have never read any of Parini’s books]

Here’s the full schedule (annoying PDF link).

But, warning… It’s not free and is pretty pricey. Full registration is $295.00.

Unfortunately, the ACME website is pretty awful, so save yourself some trouble and just go here to register online if you’re interested and can afford it.

And here’s the far less horrible Vermont chapter site.

So, can anyone out there get me in for free? Anyone?

I’ll buy lunch… Really…

UPDATE: Oh, I just noticed that it’s just $25 to go to either the Friday or Sunday headline events.

Labor Day Walk for Action on Global Warming with Bill McKibben – Please Join!

( – promoted by odum)

Noted author Bill McKibben will lead a five-day walk from Ripton to Burlington beginning Aug. 31 and ending September 4 in Burlington. The goal? Raise awareness about the problem of global warming. Why? Because a warmer world puts Vermont’s quality of life and homegrown economy – skiing, maple sugaring, agriculture, and tourism – at risk. This event promises to be a fun, hopeful opportunity to demonstrate broad-based support for tackling this issue – so much so that Vermont’s political leaders are compelled to act.

Read all about this event here: www.fromtheroadlesstraveled.org

A couple things to consider:
1. If you can only come for part of this five-day event, please think about walking the last leg of the journey – from Shelburne to Burlington. Hundreds of people walking into Burlington calling for action on climate change will send a clear message. Stay for the culminating rally in Battery Park, where there will be music, Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, and inspiring words from Bill McKibben. We have also invited political leaders and candidates for office to speak about what action they are taking – or would take – to address this issue. NOTE: Busses will be available in Burlington to return people to their cars at Shelburne Farms if you do indeed walk the last leg.
2. PLEASE let organizers know you’re coming so they can better plan this event. Do that by signing up online for any or all legs of the journey you plan to take at www.fromtheroadlesstraveled.org.
3. For exact details of the event, and to sign up to walk, visit www.fromtheroadlesstraveled.org.

Other ways you can help make this event great:
2. VOLUNTEER. This event will take serious people power to pull off well. Your help as a volunteer during any of the five days would be most appreciated. Again, sign up online to volunteer. Go to: www.fromtheroadlesstraveled.org.

Help make this the largest demonstration calling for action on global warming this nation has ever seen. HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE.