Daily Archives: August 7, 2006

Green Mountain Daily to Host Vermont’s First Online Debate Between Dem Lt. Gov Candidates, Aug 28th

On Monday, August 28th at 12:00 noon, Green Mountain Daily will host Vermont’s first online political candidate debate between the Democratic primary candidates for Lieutenant Governor, Representative John Patrick Tracy of Burlington and Senator Matt Dunne of Hartland. The debate will be held in a live chat room linked from the GMD front page, with comments from viewers in a parallel live-blogging thread.

Yours truly will be moderating, and GMD front pagers Jack McCullough and Vermonter will be on site with the candidates for the duration of the debate.

Details on the format and updates will be forthcoming between now and the 28th. As you can imagine, we’re pretty excited. Mark your calendars and bring a bag lunch to work!

Liber-Man al-Loser: The Book Of The Loss (Thelema of CT-Sen)

The study of this diary is encouraged. It is wise to recommend after the first reading.
All questions of the Law are to be decided only by appeal to my writings, each for himself.
Those who gather to discuss the contents of this Diary shall do so below the fold.
(crossposted from Daily Kos)

Liber-Man al-Loser:
The Book of the Loss

Thelema of CT-Sen

1. Ha! The manifestation of Ned.

2. The unveiling of the complicity of Joe.

3. Every man and every woman is a Dem. Or if they ain’t, they oughta be.

4. Every such voter is included; there is no disregard.

5. Help me, o warriors of the blogosphere, in my unveiling of the sycophants of the bush!

6. Be thou in Hartford, but one centre, one heart and one town!

7. Behold! we were reviled by Bar-Ba-Ra, the minister of Hwat-the-Fuck?

8. The Kiss was on the Tube, and the Tubes are called the ‘Net.

9. Watch thou then the Kiss, and behold its light make you throw up in your mouth a little bit. Then of the Kiss shall be made a Float, which shall be borne before all upon wheels.

10. We are above Joe and in Joe’s face. Our ecstacy is his pain. Our Joy is no more Joe.

11. They are fools that Bush adore, both his pols and his pundits are fools.

12. Let his servants be few and far between, they shall be OWNED by the many and the knowing.

13. Come forth, O children of the Left, and take your party back!

14. For Bush is ever a Son, and we are as Bats of the Moon. But to us is the winged secret flame of Rightness, which is Leftness.

15. But Joe is not so chosen.

16. Burn upon his brows, his bald head, and his big ears.

17. Now, Behold, I am known to you in part by the name Kestrel, to which is added the number One Hundred times Ten times Nine.

18. Multiply, then multiply again, and understand.

19. Then saith the posse and the slaves of the Traitorous One: How dare he who brings the Challenge eateth the Burgers in peace? We shall disrupt his meal, and as one reveal our T-shirts of Doom. The steamed burgers shall grow Tepid upon the Plates; indigestion shall befall those who would eat them.

20. For Joe is not only kissed by the Son of the Forty-One, but he is beloved of the Sean, the Ann, and he who knows not the difference between the Loofah and the Falafel.

21. The word of Sin is TRIANGULATION.

22. Every gop is the same, there is no difference.

23. We must teach, but may make severe the ordeals. At least, we sure hope so.

24. The word of the Law is ELECTION.

25. The numbers of Quin-Ni-Pac are Fifty-Four over Forty-One.

26. O Joe, refuse not your constituents! O constituents, if thou wilt, depart!

27. In the sphere we are everywhere but the center, for in the middle of the road shalt thou be run over.

28. Them that speak of the Fox, and the Wolf that Blitzeth upon Cee-Enn-Enn do not speak the words of the Ol-Ber-Mann; they throweth not the wads of paper, counteth not the days since the Forty-Third, who woreth the Suit of Flight, spewed forth the Word of the Offal of the Bull from the deck of the Mighty Ship.

29. Li-Ber-Man and Li-Ber-Al are not the same. Them who speak this lie are accursed! Accursed be them to the aeons! Hell.

30. Their Lament shall be Lamont, and their anguish shall be of their own making.

31. I see some that shake their heads, but I care not, for I am moved past the first Pack of Six into the Second.

32. And this is why these words are brought unto Dai-Lee-Kos.

33. For the hours between now and the Reckoning grow shorter and shorter.

34. And says Li-Ber-Man: Ye are against the people, O my chosen!

35. But he speaks this in words that are set against themselves: one day he is kissed of the bush, and damns his own that damn it; yet when his own damn his words and his kiss, his tune he suddenly changeth.

36. But it is the same old song, but with a different meaning once he is gone.

37. For we are sick and tired of hearing his song, telling us how he will change right from wrong, and if you really want to hear our views; he hasn’t done nothing.

38. Wo-Ho-Ho! Doo-Di-Whop!

39. Let him rise forth and condemn the Minister of War! For those who hath wisdom know that in truth, it is that place at the Table of the Bush that is coveted by the Li-Ber-Man; for he knows that soon he will be shown the door.

40. The Forty-Second may be forgiven his transgression – though he did support the treacherous one who placed the knife into his back, in a short time may the Forty-Second demand silence of the Lie-Ber-Man. Then shall we once again smile upon the Forty-Second and say, We have forgiven the stain upon the azure gown, and this shall we forgive as well. But shall he not demand the silence, then the Forty-Second shall we shun, and shall we shun his wife, except to ask of them wherefore such treachery is rewarded! And we shall ask this at every turn, in loud and angry voices. 

41. With our Donkey’s Hooves shall we kick the Ass of the Joe.

42. With the screech of a raptor shall I cheer on those of Co-Nect-Tic-Cut.

43. I flap my wings in the face of the Dee-Ell-See and blind them.

44. Alfrom! VilSack! I spit on your crapulous creeds!

45. The fool readeth this Book of the Loss, and its comment; & he understandeth it not.


Do with thy vote shall bring it home for Lamont.

  Whosoever disregards this does so at his own risk and peril. These are most dire.

  There is no Law beyond Do with thy vote.

  Love is the law, love under will.

  The priest of the princes,
