Daily Archives: July 19, 2006

Republicans For Phony Maple Syrup?

From a great and (relatively) new blog, The Yankee Doodler out of New Hampshire (that also covers Vermont):

New Hampshire public servants want to allow chemicals and corn syrup into your pure New Hampshire maple syrup.

Yes, you read that right. The National Uniformity for Food Act (how Soviet-sounding!), co-sponsored by Senator Powerball Gregg and passed in the House with the support by our two hapless lackey reps, Jeb Homophobia Bradley and Charlie “BassMaster”.

Read it and weep:

the legislation… would effectively block states from controlling what goes into food produced or sold in the state, said New Hampshire Agriculture Commissioner Stephen Taylor.

…New Hampshire law requires that anything labeled “New Hampshire maple syrup” be derived entirely from maple-tree sap and have nothing added to it.
…“If our law gets pre-empted, you could put corn syrup in it for all I know,” Taylor said. “It’s just outrageous.”

In case it’s not clear from the above snippet – this is a law that would trump regulations in every state – not just New Hampshire (and not just over maple syrup). And it’s all about overturning California’s “law that requires producers to place warning labels on food that California officials believe could cause cancer or birth defects.” Now try and tell me you’re surprised.

Now, how will the Vermont press and candidates respond to this broadside on Vermont’s emblematic export? Will they notice?

We’ll keep an eye open for any reactions.

Tarrant: Still Mr. Tough Guy to the Press, but Afraid to Debate Bernie

The best campaign blog in the state without question is Bernie’s. And it doesn’t just win by default, it’d probably be the best even if the other campaigns were actually committed to maintaining their own. It’s made Bernie’s campaign site the only campaign site I’ll stop in at daily.

As you can imagine, they’ve made real hay out of Tarrant’s refusing to debate, while at the same time trying to crash the US House candidates “Conversations on the Green” (which he didn’t even show up at after all). Here’s blogger ‘David-DC’ on July 13th:

Is this any way for an All-American to try to win a championship? Riding the bench in the hopes that if his team pulls through, no one will be able to tell his ring from those of the starters?…

…As one of many candidates just, you know, hanging out on the green, Rich doesn’t have to say much. Let the people who know and understand issues do the talking, then maybe throw in a “Me too,” or “What he said,” or maybe “I hate hatred,” now and then, just so the folks don’t notice he’s not participating.

And of course, as Tarrant has just been hiding from real debates, he’s also been hiding from some of his own proposals for campaign ground rules. Consider (again from David-DC) all the elements of the proposed campaign ground rules that Tarrant Campaign Spokesperson Kate O’Connor rejected out-of-hand:

1. Reject spending caps that include a 20% bonus for her candidate
2. Reject the elimination of sneaky negative ads
3. Reject his own proposal to bar third-party spending
4. Reject an offer to debate Bernie at least once in every county in the state

So here we are, with both candidates agreeing that they should prohibit third-party spending in this race, but what blows the deal up on that score? Bernie proposes putting teeth in the agreement.

As we’ve seen from the Rainville camp, the GOP candidates are only interested in loophole-ridden psuedo-campaign spending caps that give them an advantage.

All of this gave one GMD reader his own idea that he dropped me in an email rather than write a user diary (ah, stage fright):

[Bernie should] just go ahead and scheduling a series of debates to be held in high school gyms, and Bernie would bring a basketball with him. They could even settle the spending cap issue with a foul shooting contest. For every consecutive shot Tarrant makes, he gets to spend another, say, quarter mil


From the Vermont Press Bureau (Hall Monitor)

McCain to Tarrant: Get off the train!

July 18, 2006

Sen. John McCain this weekend is bringing his straight-talk express to Vermont on behalf of Congressional candidate Martha Rainville.

But supporters of another GOP candidate for another seat — Senate hopeful Richard Tarrant — could be excused for thinking that the Arizona maverick is also coming to town to support their guy.

In an e-mail sent to supporters yesterday, Tarrant all-but-said McCain was here for him. “Rich Tarrant will campaign with Senator John McCain on Saturday!” the e-mail said. “Please join us: A Town Hall Meeting With Senator John McCain.”

McCain’s people were furious, and immediately denounced the move. “It’s not fair,” said Michael Dennehy, a senior strategist with Straight Talk America, McCain’s organization. “He’s coming to Vermont to campaign for Martha Rainville.”

No word yet from the Tarrant camp; we’ve left a message with campaign manager Tim Lennon. We’ll keep you posted.


Only one word for that: chutzpah!  First he tries to horn in on Peter Welch’s Congressional Town Meetings, then strongly suggests that he’s supported by John McCain.  What is his campaign thinking?  If they can’t control him now, imagine what he’d be like in the Senate!

I’d like to see a huge group going to Rutland on Saturday.  McCain will join Martha Rainville at a town hall meeting at 1 p.m. July 22 in the gymnasium at the College of St. Joseph. This will include a question and answer session:  We can ask if either one supports Bush in his renewed assault on Social Security, We can ask if they believe that invading Iraq with no exit strategy in place ‘supports our troops’. 

We can ask if they believe using depleted uranium and white phosphorus constitutes (the US) using chemical warfare.  We can ask if they support the Geneva Convention, as written.  (McCain is famous for passing his anti-torture amendment, but Bush, in a signing statement, said he would  reserve his constitutional right to waterboard, etc. when it will “assist” in protecting the American people from terrorist attacks.) And on and on.  We need to keep these issues on the front page.

Republicans are increasing our risk of terrorist attacks, not protecting us from them.  Would they address this, and how would they change Administration policy (as if they could!)


My response to Bernie on Health Care

Rights are asserted with reason.  The statement “health care must be a right” is a contortion of the word and its true meaning.
Rights come from a reasoned understanding of our relationship with nature and each other.  No man has the right to own another.
This was true long before the emancipation proclamation.  It has to do with  “right relations” between people and the necessity
of free will to have the liberty to express itself.  If free will is to be honored then all men must be free to exercise it.  Therefore,
slavery is wrong.  This is how rights are realized.

If you assert that health care MUST be a right then you are diminishing the reasoned assertion that it IS a right.

Health care IS a fundamental human right.

The questions concerning health care are:

1. HOW are we to provide health care for each other
2. WHO is going to bear the burden of the cost
3. HOW MUCH health care is the right amount?

Beyond these three basic questions is the implied question of HOW WILL WE DECIDE?

Yes, we are in a health care crisis.  But much more important is the economic crisis.  Money has failed us.  The focus
of health care has been on the profits for the health care INDUSTRY rather than the health of the people.  Money is a
failed system. It is on artificial life support.  We are living on “debt money” and selling our jobs, our property and our viture
to win “another day for money.”  We are working for money rather than money working for us.  The servant is now master.

Please address the root philosophical problems with the “money paradigm.”  We have everything yet we are acting as if
we can’t afford that which we need.  Why?  The money system serves to enslave us to itself rather than free us from it.
Whether we seek government subsidies and programs or whether we seek money though private sector activities, we are
still chasing  after money.  If money was truly a good thing it would be liberating us from the need for more government and
more money.  Instead, the knot of tyranny grows tigher every year.  Our bondage to money is nearly complete.  Our dependence
on government grows daily. Money and government work together to become the “tyranny of our lives.”

We need to work for freedom FROM money AND government rather than dependence ON money THROUGH government.
We need less government rather than more government.  Money needs competition.  People need choice.

I recognize the necessity for a Universal Health Care System administered through government. Why?  Because
we worked our way into a box where we are incapable of imagining how health care could be delivered in any other way.
But part of the plan needs to be oriented towards REDUCING the cost of health care and INCREASING the health of
the population, without more requirements for money or government control.

How is this possible?  I’ll be laying out my health care plan shortly with specific measures we can take to reduce
the cost of health care and increase the health of the people.  Many of these initiatives are already being taken in
small ways.  They need to be “amped up” so they can be more effective.

Put simply, my plan does MORE with LESS.  Creativity is a virtue.  Truthfulness is a virtue.  Service is a virtue.
When we tell the truth in service to a higher purpose we can create better solutions.

I welcome the opportunity to join in this discussion.

Steve Moyer
Independent Candidate for U.S. Senate

P.S.  Remember the 14th amendment:  EQUAL PROTECTION under the law.  Everyone deserves
the SAME health benefits regardless of age, class or other divisions.

On 7/18/06, Sanders for Senate wrote:

  Bernie Believes Health Care is a Right

  Bernie Sanders believes health care must be a right of all citizens, not a privilege.  He also believes we are in the middle of a health care crisis and need action now to help everyone gain access to affordable health care.  We currently have a health care non-system that allows the insurance companies and the pharmaceutical industry to enjoy huge profits while 46 million Americans are uninsured, millions more are under-insured and the cost of health insurance is soaring.  The money spent on health care is staggering.  The U.S. spends twice to three times as much as other developed nations on health care, with too much money wasted on administration costs.

  Fortunately, there’s hope—Bernie has always fought a health care system that would provide affordable coverage for everyone.  He believes we must join every other industrialized country by guaranteeing health care to all our citizens, and we must stop paying the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs.  Bernie has always supported a single-payer health care plan administered by the states, which would allow innovation and the creation of different systems for different needs.  This is a universal health insurance program, not government-run, state administered health care.  The actual care would be delivered through some of the same providers but would be publicly funded.  Patients would be free to choose their doctors or hospitals.  For example, Vermont has the very successful Dr. Dynasaur program that provides health care insurance for children, teenagers, and pregnant women.  Bernie would like to see this program expanded. 

  Bernie’s Strong Record of Achievement on Health Care

  Bernie has accomplished many things to expand access and lower the cost of health care.  Here are some highlights: 

  He expanded health and dental care access for thousands of Vermonters through the establishment of 3 new Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs). 

  He helped thousands of Vermont veterans receive the VA benefits to which they are entitled, and has brought millions into the state for VA health care. 

  He was the first member of Congress to take constituents across the Canadian border for low-cost prescription drugs. Today millions of Americans are buying their medicines abroad and six states have developed drug re-importation programs. 

  Recently, Bernie helped the Health Center in Plainfield health center achieve a new designation that will cover some of its costs in providing medical care on a sliding scale to all of its 7,800 patients.  You can read about it in the Burlington Free Press here.


Think virtue.  Teach virtue.  Live virtue

Lightheartedness Assertiveness Faithfulness Kindness Respect Caring Flexibility Love Responsibility Cleanliness Forgiveness Reverence Compassion Friendliness Mercy Self-discipline Confidence Generosity Moderation Service Consideration Gentleness Modesty Steadfastness Courage Helpfulness Obedience Tact Courtesy Honesty Orderliness Thankfulness Creativity Honor Patience Tolerance Detachment Humility Peacefulness Trust Determination Idealism Prayerfulness Trustworthiness Enthusiasm Joyfulness Purposefulness Truthfulness Excellence Justice Reliability Unity.

“Seek the truth.
Speak the Truth
Support the Truth”

Steve Moyer
Candidate for U.S. Senate

Web site: http://stevemoyer.us 
Blog: http://stevemoyer.us/blog
Vermont Democracy Network: http://vermont.stevemoyer.us

RR1 Box 60,  Warren, VT 05674
802-583-2163  202-370-6653