It’s creeping fascism and it’s quite creepy. I woke up this morning and turned on C-SPAN to watch Washington Journal. What do I see on the “spellcasting machine?” Senator Orin Hatch is exhorting the virtue of using the Constitution as notepaper to send the Supreme Court a message: “Don’t limit the power of Congress.”
The burning issue of the day in Hatch’s mind is flag desecration. He wants Congress to have the power to turn the flag into a national sacrament, something we will all treat with the greatest of reverence. He thinks it is a big issue that the Supreme Court said … years ago … that flag-burning was an exercise of free speech protected by the Constitution. So he and his Republican co-conspirators want to turn the flag into a national religious sacrament to signify that we have now become a secular state with a religious symbol which is sacrosanct. The next step will be treating the Government like God.
It reminds me of the story a few months ago of the cartoons from Denmark which led some Muslims to violent and destructive protests over the defamation of the image of Muhammed these cartoons allegedly portrayed.
So we are trying to compete with Islam for fundamentalist idiocy, for pandering to moronic reasoning and unquestioned support for our government. There’s a word in the dictionary for this kind of thing: FASCISM.
Excuse me, is it OK to shred the Constitution in order to protect the flag? I’m uncertain. Is the Constitution protected against defamation as well or is it only the flag?
One man called into the CSPAN show and pointed out that most of our flags are made in China nowadays. I suppose that’s OK, even if they were made by slave labor and paid for with borrowed money. It’s the symbol which matters most, not the people or the processes associated with it.
The Republicans made a big deal about these seven Miami “terror suspects” who where apprehended last week. But their ambition was more “aspirational” than “operational” according to the government. In other words, they wanted to do something but didn’t have the means or the plan to actually accomplish it.
They were poor people living in a warehouse who felt some compulsion to DO something about the state of affairs. Is it any wonder they picked a violent course when given the chance by an FBI undercover agent? Our government is constantly instigating violence with our foreign policy in Iraq and Afghanistan. Now they are doing it at home as well.
Excuse me for my irreverent attitude towards our government. We should all worship our government, right? It can do nothing wrong. Afterall, it’s a Republican-dominated government and everyone knows that Republicans have the best interests of all Americans in their hearts, right?
Wrong. They have the interests of power in their hearts. Their hearts are blackened with greed and powerlust, of service to the rich and the super-rich, and for the desire to control everyone and every thing in the world. The Republicans have lost their virtue. This November we should all do something good for our nation and “REJECT REPUBLICANS” at every level of government. They are trying to set up a fascist state with a “unitary executive” (dictator) who we can worship for as long as he lives. Please, people. Stop this insantity! Resist the temptation to seek certain security in a party or a person. It’s the wrong road.
Enough already! Show some reverence for the Constitution rather than the flag. Stand up to the fascist Republicans and “just say no” to amending the Constitution for wrongful purposes. The Constitution should be used to expand and protect our liberty rather than to restrict and assault it.
Steve Moyer
Think virtue. Teach virtue. Live virtue
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“Seek the truth.
Speak the Truth
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Steve Moyer
Candidate for U.S. Senate
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