Daily Archives: June 9, 2006

Why Media Matters

On May 12th, Media Matters sponsored a panel discussion called "Why Media Matters: The Role of the Media in the Democratic Process" which details the essentials of the differing perspectives of media critics and the members of the press who are on the receiving end of that criticism. Often a hot topic in netroots circles, to be sure.

Many of the arguments that I’ve heard from both sides were detailed and eloquently stated. And it provides a one-stop shopping spree for those of us like me who are obsessed with the discussion of — as Greg Sargent puts it the tagline of his blog Horse’s Mouth — the reporting of politics and the politics of reporting. Or, as Brattlerouser and Jamison Foser would remind us: It’s the media, you rather-less-than-super-sharp person.

Media Matters described the panel, moderated by Media Matters founder, David Brock this way…


  • Eric Boehlert is an award-winning journalist who has written  extensively about media, politics, and pop culture. His new book is Lapdogs: How the Press Rolled Over for Bush.

  • Kathy Kiely, Congressional reporter, USA Today

  • Lynn Sweet, Washington D.C. bureau chief, Chicago-Sun Times

  • Dick Polman, national political reporter, The Philadelphia Inquirer

  • Paul Waldman is a senior fellow at Media Matters for America. His new book is Being Right Is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn From Conservative Success.
  • Now, of course, Boehlert, Waldman and Brock represented the conventional wisdom of today’s active progressive media watchdogs. Kathy Kiely and Lynn Sweet provided the media insiders perspective. But Dick Polman was there as the media insider who backed up the critics’ claims.

    The two sides, thought not mutually exclusive, boil down to this…

    From the critics, Boehlert…

    I think the press needs to be held accountable for what happened in  the 2000 campaign, and the 2004 campaign. And I think what’s happening  today in terms of not being fair with Democrats and not giving them,  you know, whether it’s keeping them off the Sunday shows, as Media Matters has documented, or lots of other ways.

    They’ve held the Bush administration to a completely different  standard, and I think again, there was sort of a titanic shift when  Republicans came to town in how the press was going to deal with the  White House.

    Polman adds this perspective from the trenches…

    And when I finally got [a story about the Downing Street Memo]  in, we ran it on a Sunday, but we ran it on  page six, which of course, anybody that knows newspapers, or is within  the newspaper business — the left-hand side is six, and that’s not  considered a good page either. The right-hand side — you know, the eye  goes to the right when you open it up. So if you’re on page six, it’s a  bad page. I rarely, if ever, have been on page six. Ever. In the Sunday  paper. So it was very interesting it was for that story, and there was  no reference to it on the front page. It was just sort of stuck in  there in this little funny, space…

    …now there’s so much sort of "bad news" or true news about intelligence  snafus and covering up stuff that didn’t go with the program and the  White House — there’s so much of it out there, that now it’s like it’s  almost not news. So you know, the paradox is that the White House in  some ways gets an advantage there, because you know, a lot of — a lot  of media won’t consider it to be news to report yet another person  coming forward. So I think all these factors come into play here.

    But both Lynn Sweet and Kathy Kiely provide what seems to be the most common first kneejerk defensive response to media criticism, which doesn’t actually address the critiques… To me, this always seems simply a way to dismiss all this evidence as just tinfoil hat stuff from those annoying peasants with pitchforks out in flyover country…

    Monolithically,  Sweet says…

    …the media’s not monolithic, there is no we, it’s me. You know, I don’t  get my instructions from central — from the central office. You know,  here’s the plan today, what to do or not. And actually if you saw how  papers really get out each day, you’d be surprised that we — you know,  that everything comes together from the crosswords to the front page,  because it’s an incredible process. It is. So the kind of — with all  respects, when I get broadsides about the press, we’re talking about a  lot of different organisms that live independently…

    Monolithically, Kiely adds…

    …I can tell you from a first-person standpoint that the press definitely is not monolithic. In fact, if anybody tells you that there’s a media conspiracy, just know this — we should be so organized.

    But, within some rather well-stated comments which provide a fuller picture of the daily lives of reporters, they ultimately come to kind of agree with the critiques (and echo the Daily Howler) and suggest that because of  reporters’ — as well as the minority Democrats — lack of subpoena power, it’s just too darn hard to challenge the Bush administration.

    Which Brock couldn’t help using for this jab…

    I think Lynn and Kathy have given us one of the stronger arguments I’ve  heard to turn over the Congress this Fall to the Democratic hands,  because then we’ll have a press that isn’t acting like lapdogs. 

    But, whether one thinks corporate media is controlled by fat white men in closed rooms, or not,  Boehlert uses the lack of reporting on Stephen Colbert’s recent performance in front of Bush to say this (my emphasis)…

    if we have all these independent news organizations, how can they  routinely come to almost the exact same editorial decisions? A quick  point about liberal bias I stay away from it, too. I mean, if you think  about liberal bias, what — the argument is that essentially all  reporters are essentially Democratic operatives who purposely spin the  news in order to achieve a political agenda. That is probably one of  the most far reaching conspiracy theories ever hatched, and yet people  take it seriously. So thankfully, most people on the left do not  ascribe to any sort of conspiracy. It’s not a bias. People don’t do  this purposely because they’re all trying to advance the Republican  agenda.

    My argument, and I think, other people, is there’s a mindset, and  there’s this group thing. And I understand it’s dangerous to, describe  all media outlets as the same, and you can’t. And yet you come back to  the same thing. Downing Street Memo. How could literally every news  organization in America know that that memo was out there? And every  news organization in America, for six weeks decide we’re not going to  print and we’re not going to talk about it.

    And Kiely’s response?

    I think one thing that a lot of people don’t understand who are in  politics who are advocates for a cause, which is wonderful. Reporters  generally aren’t like that. Reporters are people who psychologically  have a problem with commitment, and we love being sort of in the  middle, and looking at the one side and on the other side…

    …I’m going to let Dick talk about the Downing Street Memo, because I  personally haven’t — that’s not my area of coverage and I don’t know  that much about it.

    Boehlert responds…

    The — Stephen Colbert and the Downing Street Memo may in fact be two  symptoms of the same thing. Which is that in both cases I said it was  part of I think the problem is that he made fun of the reporters, and  that may have made people a little unhappy. With the Downing Street  Memo, when you go back now and look at — do a critique of some of the  things that the Bush administration said in order to bring us into  Iraq, you are also doing a critique implicitly if nothing else, of the  press’s performance during that time. And I don’t think there are a lot  of reporters who are very proud of the — of their profession in  general regardless of what they wrote their organization did, who are  all that proud of how the press performed in the run up to the Iraq  war. And so when you start to go back and look at things like the  Downing Street Memo, or look at things like what Tyler Drumheller was  saying, I think it makes a lot of people uncomfortable because you’re  naturally raising those sorts of questions about why the press didn’t  do its job.

    So besides the groupthink, what’s really at play here? Paul Waldman speculates on what might be a  bit of self-loathing and projection by members of the  news media concerning the idea of Democratic elitism.

    Eric talked about this whole liberal bias critique that the right  has thrown at the media for a few decades now. What you hear them say  is that reporters are a bunch of out-of-touch liberal northeastern  elitists. Now, as it happens, that’s largely true. The irony though is  that that doesn’t mean that Democrats get better coverage, and  progressives get better coverage. In fact, a lot of the times it’s just  the opposite, and to illustrate that I’m going to tell you a little  story that Media Matters uncovered a while back.

    As a reporter I may as well say who she is — Candy Crowley from CNN was giving a speech right after the 2004 election, talking about the  election and her coverage. And she told a story about how she was in  Iowa in the early part of the campaign with John Kerry, and they sat  down at a diner to have lunch, and the waitress came over and asked him  what he wanted. And Kerry asked if they had green tea, and the waitress  said no, we only have Lipton’s. And he said okay, I’ll have Lipton’s.  And as Crowley told her audience she informed the Senator that if he  wanted green tea, he was going to have to bring his own to Iowa. And  probably a lot of other places in the — in the country. And she said  that she remembered this, it stuck with her because it just showed what  an out-of-touch elitist Kerry really was.

    Well, when Media Matters checked this out, they found out  that she was a little bit mistaken. First of all, green tea accounts  for about 20% of Lipton’s sales in the United States. And if you’re in  Dubuque, and you want some green tea, you can get it at that snobby  elitist grocery known as K-Mart. (Laughing)

    So what does this tell us? Well, first of all, it tells us that the  out-of-touch elitist in this case was the reporter. But that didn’t  mean that it manifested itself in scorn for the people of Iowa. No. It  manifested itself in scorn for John Kerry, because he supposedly was  the out-of-touch elitist. And so what do you see kind of running  through so much coverage of social issues and politics when it comes to  these sorts of questions? It’s the idea that places here there are a  lot of Republicans are truly American. Places where there are lot of  Democrats, are not so much.

    So, what does this mean for Vermont? Does the same kind of elitist clubbiness exist here?

    Since odum’s "Vermont’s Own Tony Snow?", I’ve been trying to answer this for myself. But, because there is so little political reporting in Vermont — from so few reporters — I’m not sure I’ll be able to. (Though I am keeping score on Darren Allen‘s snark to see if it is more commonly directed left or right. Jury’s still out.)

    But, I thought the exchange I had with Peter Welch during some live-blogging on Blog for America, was interesting…

    I asked this question:

    In your view, how does Vermont media compare to the national media in  terms of these kinds of hurdles to getting a Democrats message out? (It  seemed to be a major problem for Peter Clavelle.)

    His response was simply:  "Governor Dean is the guy to ask how the Vermont media compares to the national media!!"

    Reading way more into that comment than perhaps is warranted, I took his comment to mean a few things…

    One, it was a way to say ~Hey Dean supporter person, I’m on your side… Dean was railroaded!~ But I also felt that it reflected the small town civility (or perhaps arguably small town clubiness?) that likely exists in the tight circle of Vermont politics. Or maybe the same concern national Democrats seem to have; that directly confronting the mechanisms of press coverage is political suicide. Or both.

    Anyway, there’s lots and lots more great comments in this discussion. And though my obvious bias is for the critics, the reporters are quite honest about how the day to day operations of a news organization. If you get a chance, you would be well-served to read the whole thing.

    [Crossposted at What’s the Point?]

    Rallies this weekend

    Just a quick note to share the news of two important rallies in Vermont this weekend:

      PEACE MARCH & ART EXHIBIT: Saturday, June 10; 3 pm- Peace March; 4 pm- Art Exhibit; State House Lawn.

      VT SPEAKS UP: RALLY TO STOP GENOCIDE IN DARFUR: Sunday, June 11; 2 PM; City Hall Park, Burlington.

    The war comes home

    Iraq isn’t strictly a local Vermont story, but the front page of today’s http://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/apps/pbcs.dll/section?Category=NEWS01 carries two stories that  fit together to show what’s wrong with the Bush Administration’s policies in Iraq.

    First, we have the story that about 375 Vermont National Guard members are on their way back from Iraq. This is obviously good news, and we are glad that they will soon be reunited with their families.

    Second, and also good news, is the well-deserved death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.

    So what’s the problem, you say? Well, it’s something you didn’t read in the Free Press, or in most of the other MSM coverage of Zarqawi’s death, but it’s crucial to what’s happening in Iraq today. You see, we had a chance to get Zarqawi way back in 2002. “Here we had targets, we had opportunities, we had a country willing to support casualties, or risk casualties after 9/11 and we still didn’t do it,” said Michael O’Hanlon, military analyst with the Brookings Institution.

    The reason was simple: taking Zarqawi out of the picture would have taken him off the table as a rationale for invading Iraq. “People were more obsessed with developing the coalition to overthrow Saddam than to execute the president’s policy of preemption against terrorists,” according to terrorism expert and former National Security Council member Roger Cressey.

    Think what that would have meant:

    Nicholas Berg, Eugene Armstrong, and other Americans beheaded by Zarqawi: maybe they’d still be alive today.

    The suicide bombings around Iraq that Zarqawi organized, and the hundreds killed: maybe they never would have happened either.

    And that invasion of Iraq, the one sold to us and to the world based on claims that Iraq was supporting terrorists: well, we know the story about chemical and biological weapons was a lie, we know the story about support for terrorists was a lie, and we know it took a hard sell to get Congress to approve military force. It’s hard to say that this one piece of evidence would have made the difference, but you never know.

    And with no invasion of Iraq we wouldn’t have to read about Vermonters being separated from their families. And we wouldn’t have those families worrying about whether their loved ones will be coming home.

    Vermont Blog Rundown

    UPDATE: Ack! In my Daily Kos duties and wild travelling over the past few days, I made a goofy cut-and-paste error and named the wrong Martha below (which is very embarassing given that I KNOW the one I put in there…sorry MH, feel free to give me hell for it if you’re reading) Thanks for ANONYMOOSE for pointing it out, even if you got yer feelings hurt by having yer team’s knuckles rapped. Oh, the humanity…

    Some quick stuff for readers to check out. I’m a little checked out myself and will continue to be for a few days, as I’ve agreed to help out with the “diary rescue” front page feature at Daily Kos while the usual suspects are at the Vegas convention.

    Over at Vermont Hum, poster anonymous (widely presumed to be Haik Bedrosian) is defending GMD’s honor in a back and forth with conservatives about the Tarrant push-poll piece. In the battle-of-the-anonymouses over there, the right winger posts “Actually, the story makes it pretty clear that no one knows who’s behind the polling, if it actually took place.”

    Look again Sherlock. It says the “VT GOP and/or the Tarrant Campaign.” In other words, the Republicans are behind it (my “Tarrant Democrat” refused to confirm or deny it, as a matter of fact — oh, and check out the VDB follow-up piece that makes a star out of my friend Wendy while comparing me to rust, but in a good way).

    Baruth has had a great week, and has posts here and here tracking the rumor that Anthony Pollina is shopping for a residence in Burlington to run for Chittenden County Senator. Love ’em or hate ’em, it’s clear the Progs don’t worry too much about residence when targeting elected office (what with residence questions around officeholders Steve Hingtgen, Martha Abbott, Chris Pearson, potential officeholder Emma Mulvaney-Stanak and now Pollina…and yeah, I know there were questions around a couple Dems, but ye gods, dudes — that’s a hefty proportion of your lineup, there!)

    Peachy. Bernie’s doing the tacky give-teenage-volunteers-a-laptop-and-call-them-interns thing too, just like Tarrant. Just brilliant. It looks bad when the good guys do it too, Bernie.

    Kinda disturbing, surreal painting of Rumsfeld on display at What’s the Point by an Iraqi artist.

    Cool Blue takes Leahy to task for not taking King George’s word that everyone held in Guantanamo is a murderous terrorist and should be allowed to rot with no contact with the outside world. Hard to imagine what it must be like to have such absolute, unwavering faith in the purity and infallibility of your chosen political holy men, despite any evidence to the contrary.

    Over at Rational Resistance, Jack wonders what Bush could possibly mean when he suggests immigrants should “learn American values” given that Bush himself has stomped on all of them.

    And if you get Channel 17 in Chittenden County, I’ll be on the local media show at 5:25 PM on Tuesday June 13th talking about…well…political blog stuff, I guess… along with Haik Bedrosian of Burlington Pol, Darren Allen of Hall Monitor (and that reporting gig he’s got), and somebody else whose identity I couldn’t figure out from the confirmation email we all got. Probably one of the conservative crowd. It’s a call-in show, so call in at 862-3966. We’re encouraged to recruit callers, but I’m too lazy for that. I’m sure it will make for thrilling viewing. Especially the car chase.