Daily Archives: June 5, 2006

We’re back!

You may have noticed the site was down for several hours this afternoon. I’m told from the Soapblox crowd that it’s because of the increased traffic related to the Tarrant push-poll story below. A readership spike sounds like a great reason to be down to me, but I noticed I couldn’t get any of their other sites (such as My Left Wing) either, and the site meter shows..well, only half-a-day’s worth of hits, so I don’t know what was up.

Democracy in Action, Word and Deed

( – promoted by odum)

The demonstration against John Negroponte at the St. Johsnsbury Academy this morning was unhindered by rain or hecklers and we had a fine, peaceful turn out. I am posting here the speech I gave which is but a poor sample of the many moving and articulate statements that were made. I would like to thank everyone who came out, as well as the respectful police presence and the Academy for their restraint. I would also like to congratulate the class of 2006 on their launch into the world and encourage them to stay active, aware and vocal.

I do not come today to cast aspersion on John Negroponte as a father or supporter of the Academy, for these qualities are not in question, nor are they relevant. I would, however, like to express my congratulations to all of these fine graduates of the class of 2006, even those angered or distressed by my presence today.

In this, as in all graduating classes, are many proud and admirable parents who could provide insightful, inspirational and unique counsel to these students. Why choose one whose advice comes from a history of conspiracy, amorality and dishonesty?

Because of Mr. Negroponte’s “special project” Battalion 316, and the human rights abuses he condoned while Ambassador to Honduras, the United States stands condemned for international terrorism in the World Court. Because of his perpetuation, before the United Nations, of administration lies, many of our brave young people in the armed forces are being sent to fight an illegal and unjust war in Iraq. Because of his support of warrentless wiretapping and domestic spying programs, Mr. Negroponte has stripped all Americans of their rights and privacy, treating us with contempt and suspicion.

This is the man who has been chosen by the St. Johnsbury Academy to lead the young people of our community toward their bright futures. Under such guidance, they too may become the agents of murder, lies, greed and corruption.

The Academy is guilty of the sin of omission in failing to inform their students of the truth about former Ambassador Negroponte’s career. Furthermore, they are providing a poor example for these graduates in refusing to allow any criticism of Mr. Negroponte or his record.

The price of greatness is responsibility. If Mr. Negroponte or the Academy that implicitly endorses him refuses the responsibility of critique, then they forfeit any greatness that may be due them.

This school has shunned discourse and balanced information. This school has denied constitutional rights. This school offers as a role model a man whose record has been in question since before these graduates were born. Any such institution is more than shameful. Any such institution is un-democratic, even un-American.

John Negroponte is no more a criminal today than he was yesterday. But the Academy is more deplorable on this day than I have ever known it to be.

My name is Berrian Eno-Van Fleet, graduate of St. Johnsbury Academy, class of 1999.

Rally to Stop the Genocide in Darfur

( – promoted by Vermonter)

Just got an email from TrueMajority.org alerting me to the Vermont Speaks Up Rally to Stop the Genocide in Darfur.

Date: Sunday, June 11, 2006
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Place: City Hall Park in Burlington

Speakers will include Suliman Giddo, co-founder and president of Darfur Peace and Development, Ben Cohen, and members of Burlington’s faith community, among others.

Politicians on hand will be: Matt Dunne, Pat Leahy, Bernie Sanders, Rich Tarrant, and Peter Welch.

And featuring entertainment by Ethan West & Company Green, Jeh Kulu Dance & Drum Theater, and Phil Cohen.

VT GOP and/or Tarrant Campaign Conducting Unethical “Push Polls” Using Controversial Utah Firm

A controversial Utah firm frequented by the GOP and implicated in scandal is push polling this evening for Rich Tarrant in Vermont.

Push polling, if you don’t know, is the practice of “polling” with loaded questions (“Would you vote for candidate X?” “Would you vote for candidate X if you knew he beat his wife?”). It is universally considered a sleazy, dirty campaign trick.

Callers are receiving “survey” calls asking them their opinions in the US Senate race, US House race, and then their general opinion of Governor Douglas. Callers are then asked if they’ve seen and approve of Rich Tarrant’s television ads.

Finally, if the recipient indicated support for Bernie, they are asked if they would still support Bernie after knowing he “voted to not allow rape victims to know if their assailants are HIV positive?”

This sort of polling is a smear, plain and simple. Bernie has one of the most pro-women voting records in the House and Tarrant knows it. This is another example of the GOP strategy of trying to take down a target by aiming at their strengths (Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, anyone?).

Although the caller wouldn’t identify herself to my source, caller ID revealed that the polling firm is Venture Data out of Salt Lake City. Venture is a usual suspect go-to firm for Republican push calls, having a track record in such states as Wisconsin, Washington and Missouri.

In Missouri where they were nabbed red-handed, the company had the nerve to deny it rather spectacularly:

On its Web site, Venture Data says it “has never conducted nor participated in what is commonly referred to as ‘push polling,’” a position company general manager Jeff Call reiterated.

“If we were involved, I can guarantee it was not a push poll,” he said.

Currently, it’s website has a link about “push poll” questions right on it’s front page. Apparently, it’s a very touchy subject. The website states:

We recognize that in the heat of highly charged election campaigns tempers will flare and accusations of impropriety are likely to fly.

In light of this, we want to make it clear that Venture Data L.L.C. has never conducted nor participated in what is commonly referred to as “push polling.” Our activities are strictly limited to conducting telephone survey research wherein we gather the opinions of a limited number of representative voters and deliver that data to our clients. We adhere to strict methodological standards.

In fact, the firm was embroiled in controversy a few years back when Pennsylvania Republican House Majority Leader John Perzel used his taxpayer-funded expense account to have Venture (and many other firms) do a hit job on a Democratic target:

Perzel paid $42,000 to Venture Data, a Salt Lake City polling firm, in December. His spokesman said pollsters called 800 Pennsylvania residents and asked them “public policy” questions, but that spokesman would not release the actual questions.

Jeff Call, the company’s general manager, did not return numerous phone calls seeking comment

This is the kind of mentality we’re dealing with. If you can’t make your case on the issues, resort to sleazy character assasination and deny, deny deny. In the end it doesn’t matter because they assume the electorate is just too stupid to notice or care that they’re being manipulated in such a craven way.

And mark my words, this will only be the beginning.