Monthly Archives: May 2006

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Burgers! Sunshine! Balloons! Big Fun for ALL!

The rumors are true! Vermont Daily Briefing and Green Mountain Daily are teaming up for…

…our First Annual VDB/GMD Political Barbeque and Hamburger Summit

When: July 9, 2-6
Where: North Beach, Burlington, Vermont

All readers of this site (as well as any other site) are encouraged to attend, have fun, throw a frisbee, bring the kids, go swimming, or just schmooze with fellow political enthusiasts, bloggers, hacks, wonks, pols or other exotic creatures. Spread the word! Bring a friend! And keep an eye on this site as well as Philip’s for updates.

And don’t worry. Sunshine is guaranteed. God told me so (what, you think he only gives weather reports to Pat Robertson?)

UPDATED: Critical Moment for ‘Net Neutrality’ RIGHT NOW!!

[Victory! The committee passed out the ‘Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of 2006’ intact. Just a matter of weeks ago, this wouldn’t have been possible, but the public feedback has been enormous. Read the details by clicking here. — odum]

I just got this in my email and thought activists in Vermont should see it. Please take a moment to call these legislators, even though none of them are from our state. It’s a national issue, and they should get a national response. If you aren’t aware of the issue, and the attempt to move towards corporate control of the internet, click the SAVE THE INTERNET link on the top left of this page.

Tim Karr of Free Press and the SavetheInternet Coalition here. A critical vote is going down in Congress right now and we need you and your readers to get phones ringing off the hook on Capitol Hill.

The House Judiciary Committee is beginning to “mark up” a good Net Neutrality bill at around 11am (EST) this morning. Then they’re going to vote on whether to bring it to the full floor. Many in the Committee are being pressured by AT&T, Verizon and other major telcos to vote down the net neutrality provisions in this bipartisan bill.

Below are the members who need to hear from you and your readers to support this important bill. Urge them to support the Sensenbrenner-Conyers “Internet Freedom and Nondiscrimination Act of 2006” (HR 5417) in the Judiciary Committee — and to support it without amendment. (Saying without amendment is key as the telcos want to re-write it in a way that guts Internet freedom).

Here are the members who need to hear from you and your readers right now:

Contact info after the link:

Marty Meehan (D-Mass. 5th)
Phone: (202) 225-3411
Fax: (202) 226-0771

Howard Berman (D-Calif. 28th)
Phone: 202-225-4695
Fax: 202-225-3196

William Delahunt (D-Mass. 10th)
Phone: (202) 225-3111
Fax: (202) 225-5658

Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-Texas 18th)
Phone: (202) 225-3816
Fax: (202) 225-3317

Bobby Scott (D-Va. 3rd)
Phone: (202) 225-8351
Fax: (202) 225-8354

Chris Van Hollen (D-Md. 8th)
Phone: (202) 225-5341
Fax: (202) 225-0375

Maxine Waters (D-Calif. 35th)
Phone: (202) 225-2201
Fax: (202) 225-7854

Mel Watt (D-N.C. 12th)
Tel. (202) 225-1510
Fax (202) 225-1512

Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y. 9th)
Phone: (202) 225-6616
Fax: (202) 226-7253

Robert Wexler (D-Fla. 19th)
phone: (202) 225-3001
fax: (202) 225-5974

Howard Coble (R-NC 6th)
phone: (202) 225-3065
fax: (202) 225-8611

Elton Gallegly (R-CA 24th)
phone: (202) 225-5811
fax: (202) 225-1100

Bob Goodlatte (R-VA 6th)
phone: (202) 225-5431
fax: (202) 225-9681

Steve Chabot (R-OH 5th)
phone: (202) 225-2216
fax: (202) 225-3012 (fax)

Dan Lungren (R-CA 3rd)
phone: (202) 225-5716
fax: (202) 226-1298

William Jenkins (R-TN 1st)
phone: (202) 225-6356
fax: (202) 225-5714

John Hostettler (R-IN 8th)
phone: (202) 225-4636
fax: (202) 225-3284

Mark Green (R-WI 8th)
phone: (202) 225-5665
fax: (202) 225-5729

Ric Keller (R-FL 8th)
phone: (202) 225-2176
fax: (202) 225-0999

Your help on this is critical. Please call now.

Thank you,

Tim Karr
Campaign Director
Free Press

P.S. – For updates throughout the day, visit Also, you & your readers can watch the hearings live at (scroll down below the calendar to live webcast link).

CEI: Does Al Gore Need To Go On An `Energy Diet’?

Okay, energy/environment diaries are not my primary forte. I’m sure someone could do a way, way better job with this than I could.
But being in media, I get all kinds of funky emails. I got one from CEI a couple of hours back that we’ll have fun tearing up below the fold.

I seem to have found myself in an email exchange with this media relations person at the moment. She asked me what I don’t like about the “CO2 is Life” ads. Have at, GMDers, and here’s what I found in my mailbox about an hour ago:

Contact: Christine Hall   


Does Al Gore Need To Go On An `Energy Diet’?

New Video Exposes Behind-the-Scenes Story of Gore’s Own Energy Use

Washington, DC, May 24, 2006–As former Vice President Al Gore’s documentary on global warming fears debuts today, a new video from the Competitive Enterprise Institute tracks Gore’s own “carbon footprint.”  CEI’s 70-second video points out that Gore himself is a big user of the hydrocarbon fuels that produce carbon dioxide when combusted.

Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” asks, “Are you willing to change the way you live?”  The Gore documentary and new book of the same name go on to suggest ways that people can reduce their carbon footprint, yet Mr. Gore has clearly not taken his own message to heart.  He even says in the documentary that he has given his global warming Power Point slide show more than 1,000 times all around the world.

The CEI video, which may be viewed at:… includes footage of Gore and his constant air travel with two CO2 meters running at the bottom of the page that compare Gore’s carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions with those of an average person.

“All the evidence suggests that Mr. Gore is an elitist who passionately believes that the people of the world must drastically reduce their energy use but that it doesn’t apply to him,” said Myron Ebell, CEI’s director of energy and global warming policy and the creator of the video.

“While the CEI video pokes fun at Mr. Gore’s profligate consumption of the world’s petroleum resources, we don’t begrudge his lifestyle that requires using as much energy as a small village in America or a medium-sized town in Africa,” Ebell explained.  “The mobility that jet fuel and gasoline provide is a good thing and the benefits of abundant energy should be available to all people, not just the elite.  CEI calls on Mr. Gore to stop preaching against the petroleum products he uses so lavishly and instead join us in promoting access to energy,” Ebell concluded.

Some examples of Gore’s recent travels: In promoting his movie in mid-May, he and his entourage appeared at a gala preview screening in Atlanta on Monday the 15th , at an even more glamorous preview in Hollywood the next night, and at another lavish preview in Washington the night after that.  That’s two cross-country trips in three days.  By the end of last week, Mr. Gore was at the Cannes film festival in France, where it was reported that he and his entourage used five large SUVs to travel 500 yards.

The CEI website also contains two brief CEI public service advertisements that point out the enormous benefits we derive from hydrocarbon energy, which provides approximately 85% of global energy needs, and the biased media coverage of the scientific debate over global warming.

CEI is a Washington, DC-based non-profit, non-partisan public policy group dedicated to the principles of free enterprise and limited government.  For more information about CEI, please visit our website at

Okay. Doesn’t this attack on Al Gore show a certain…..desperation?
I’m actively corresponding with Christine Hall-Reis at the moment, to the extent I can while working. She asked me, “What is it about the ads you don’t like?”
My response, done on the fly, with very little time to do real research:

Lies. Carbon dioxide is poison to animal life., we all know this. I was an emergency medical technician. They teach us these things, you know? Symbiotic gas exchange works just fine, thank you, without smokestacks belching more into the air. I found the statement about “produced by the fuels we use that saved us from centuries of backbreaking labor” particularly disingenuous.
Global warming, Michael Crichton notwithstanding, is accepted science. Burning petrochemicals and production of hydrocarbons contributes significantly to that. I also find disiongenuos CEI’s claim to be a nonpartisan organization when it has been clearly demonstrated that these efforts, and these attacks on Al Gore for speaking a truth inconvenient to Exxon, are funded by Exxon.

You may find this interesting:…

Also interesting, but brief: (skim through the comments)…

This isn’t brief. It’s very, very detailed, but it lays it out very well:…

Take a lunch with this diary.

In short, to quote Dear Leader Bush:

“There’s an old saying in Tennessee — I know it’s in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can’t get fooled again.”

Cheers! and CLEAN AIR.


THE FIRST VERMONT PRESIDENTIAL STRAW POLL (for links to the candidates exploratory committees, refer to the diary on the right-hand column)!!! If the 2008 Vermont Democratic Presidential Primary were

View Results

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Blogs as Policy Incubators, Part 1: Energy

Some extrordinary things are happening in the blogosphere. Far from simply being a place for the disaffected or dissatisfied to rant (or even just to organize), activists with experience, expertise and genuine passion are increasingly using the blogosphere to network, collaborate, and present substantive proposals on the issues of the day. Over the next few weeks, I’ll be trying to bring the most discussion worthy to light.

The cream of the crop is definitely the Energy Proposal put forth by several bloggers, with Jerome a Paris on point, by way of Daily Kos. I will reprint the executive summary here, and then provide a link to the complete, voluminous plan, for those interested enough to peruse it and comment on it here. It’s truly extraordinary.

Energize America – Achieving U.S. Energy Security by 2020 – Executive Summary


To provide the U.S. with Energy Security by 2020 and Energy Independence by 2040 by: 1) reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 75%, 2) reducing oil imports by 50%, 3) generating 25% of electricity from renewable sources, and 4) creating or preserving over three million new jobs by 2020.


America remains dangerously and increasingly addicted to fossil fuels, which directly threatens national security, economic stability and the overall quality of American life.  In addition to remaining critically dependent upon imported oil to meet transportation needs, America remains highly dependent upon domestic coal to meet its needs for electricity.  The rapidly growing use of both of these fossil fuels generates enormous amounts of GHGs, which become trapped in the earth’s atmosphere and contribute to global warming and its associated extreme weather events and sea level changes.

Interruptions to oil, gas or coal supplies by natural or man-made events can cause significant and prolonged economic pain and social turmoil with little or no warning.

America once led the world in both automotive and renewable energy engineering, but has seen this lead vanish to foreign competitors along with well over a million manufacturing jobs.

Energize America is a grassroots effort created and refined by informed citizen activists, and not by lobbyists or politicians.  As such, it takes an unvarnished and objective look at U.S. energy policy with the single goal of achieving U.S. energy security by 2020, defined as the ability to withstand a prolonged supply interruption, and U.S. energy independence by 2040, defined as energy self-sufficiency.

Energize America provides an ambitious but achievable 20-point plan to wean America from its fossil fuel addiction, to dramatically and responsibly reduce GHG emissions, to rebuild America’s manufacturing base, and to insulate the American economy from the effects of political turmoil, natural catastrophes and shrinking oil supplies worldwide. 

Energize America strongly favors a free market-based approach to solving our energy dilemma, though the plan is clearly guided by a strategic vision of a sustainable energy future and a public-private partnership model based on the highly-successful Apollo lunar program.

Energize America will leverage the incredible power and innovation of American industry to research, develop and commercialize energy efficiency technologies that will provide significant and continuous improvements to American consumers, and will help focus and unleash this creativity through clear and consistent policies and substantial long-term tax and regulatory incentives.

Energize America aims to create a level playing field for all energy providers, consumers and technologies.  For renewable energy sources, this will mean subsidizing the development and deployment of wind, solar, biomass and other solutions.  These investments will help these clean and local sources of energy compete more effectively with fossil fuels, which have benefited from decades of direct subsidies and other benefits.  Figure 2 below highlights one example of the historical disparity in federal financial support for nuclear and wind power – with nuclear power enjoying nearly 40 times the financial assistance of wind over an initial 15 year development period while delivering only slightly more gross electricity production.


Energize America will transform American society – from the way we generate and use energy, to the way we design and drive vehicles, to the way we think about energy efficiency and conservation, to the way we deal with foreign governments.  In short, Energize America will create an energy-aware culture that treats energy as a strategic and vital economic resource, and which leads the world in the design and manufacture of renewable energy systems and energy efficient products.

Energize America will:

enable Americans to soon drive vehicles that are far safer, cleaner, and dramatically more fuel-efficient than today’s vehicles,

maximize energy efficiency in homes and businesses,

strengthen the U.S. industrial base,

ensure that the United States leads the world in the benefits of clean coal, in the design, manufacture and export of renewable energy systems, and in the reduction of GHGs, 

save taxpayers money by lowering the cost of operating federal, state and local governments,

save the US economy billions of dollars per year through reduced medical and other costs associated with global warming and pollution.

Most importantly, Energize America will ensure that all Americans can enjoy continued access to safe, reliable and affordable energy. 

In sum, Energize America will save Americans trillions of dollars in energy costs and reduce GHG emissions 75% by 2020, and make energy independence by 2040 attainable.

Benefit Examples

Homeowners – will save money from:
1)  highly energy efficient dwellings,
2)  an ability to directly control energy costs,
3)  greater energy provider choice, and
4)  the ability to generate some or all of their own electricity needs.

Businesses – will benefit from:
1)  energy-optimized buildings and factories,
2)  increased control over energy costs,
3)  greater ability to generate some or all of their energy needs, and
4)  access to new markets for energy-efficient products and services

US Automakers – will profit from:
1)  access to a ready market for ultra fuel efficient vehicles
2)  the creation and retention of over 1 million auto manufacturing jobs
3)  a rare opportunity to regain a competitive edge globally

Communities – will gain from:
1)  energy availability in the event of an unplanned, large-scale power failure
2)  energy solutions matched to local needs and resources
3)  new jobs from renewable energies, particularly for rural and remote communities
4)  enhanced ability to attract and retain new residents and businesses

Environment – will benefit from:
1)  stabilized GHG levels
2)  the protection of natural resources and designated ecosystems

Energize America will undoubtedly be attacked by special interests — namely the fossil fuel lobbies that will resist its aggressive migration to renewable energy sources.  In addition, those who do not agree that global warming poses a growing threat may challenge its GHG emissions goals.  Energize America will not please everyone, but it is designed with all Americans, and all future generations, in mind.  Following is a summary of Energize America’s position relative to existing energy sources.

Energize America is driven by the reality of ‘Peak Oil’, the fact our planet is reaching or has reached an irreversible period of shrinking oil production- which is compounded by rapidly growing demand worldwide.  Tar sands and other oil sources can provide some stop-gap relief from Peak Oil but cannot fully replace increasingly expensive and rare oil. Energize America aims to make the U.S. functionally free from imported oil by 2040 for national security, economic, and environmental reasons. 

America enjoys the largest coal reserves in the world, which is both a blessing and a curse.  Coal can meet our long-term needs for electricity and can also be liquefied into oil for transportation.  However, the mining of coal can be devastating to the environment if not done carefully, and the burning of coal can release significant amounts of GHGs into the atmosphere if not done responsibly. Energize America aims to minimize the environmental and GHG impact of coal use.

Nuclear power is experiencing a political resurgence of sorts, and several new plants are in various stages of planning.  However, the nuclear industry enjoys huge subsidies that shield the industry from nuclear disaster liability.  The nuclear industry and our government have also failed for decades to solve the nuclear waste problem.  These issues must be addressed before nuclear power is more widely used.


Energize America will require an investment of approximately $250 billion through 2020, or roughly $20 billion per year – a strategic investment that will provide substantial returns immediately and for generations to come.  Included in Act XX is a balanced funding strategy to achieve U.S. energy security. 

Energize America Acts

The following Acts are detailed in the full version of the plan (to be posted tomorrow):

I…….The Passenger Vehicle Fuel Efficiency Act (“500mpg cars”)
II……The Transportation Industry Efficiency Act (“Long Haul”)
III…..The Fleets Conversion Act (“Mass Transit”)
IV…..The Community-Based Energy Investment Act (“Neighborood Power”)
V……The Passenger Rail Restoration Act (“Bullet Trains”)
VI…..The Clean Coal Generation Act (“Clean Coal”)
VII….The Wind Energy Production Tax Credit Act (“Reap the Wind”)
VIII…The 20 Million Solar Roof Act (“Harness the Sun”)
IX…..The Renewable Portfolio Standards Act (“Fair Everywhere”)
X……The Federal Net Metering Act (“Get on the Grid”)
XI…..The State-Based Renewable Energy Investment Act (“Green States”)
XII….The New Energy Technology Demonstration Act (“Liquid Coal and Golden Glow”)
XIII…The Sustainable Energy Economic Prosperity Act (“Focused for Lasting Success”)
XIV…The Carbon Reduction Act (“Atmosphere Stability”)
XV….The Federal Energy Policy Enforcement Act (“People’s Energy Watchdog”)
XVI…The National Energy Efficiency & Conservation Act (“EnergySMART”)
XVII..The Home Efficiency Act (“C the Light”)
XVIII.The Demand Side Management Act (“Real Time Energy Pricing”)
XIX…The Telecommuter Assistance Act (“Work Smart”)
XX….The Energy Security Funding Act (“Paying the Piper”)

Interesting, yes?

For the complete plan, click here.

Great going, Jeb

You may be aware of the effort to boycott Exxon-Mobil products because of their grossly irresponsible environmental practices. It is true that even in the slimy world of oil companies, Exxon-Mobil stands out as a bad actor, and it doesn’t start or end with the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

This is an especially important effort in Vermont, where Exxon and Mobil stations seem to dominate most local markets, but the effort to reform the company doesn’t have to end with consumers.

Democratic State Treasure Jeb Spaulding has joined with other institutional and governmental shareholders to push Exxon Mobil to adopt more responsible environmental policies.

In a letter addressed to the Exxon-Mobil board of directors the investors, who together manage $525 billion in assets, calling on the company to meet to discuss the challenges raised by global warming and the worldwide addiction to petroleum products.

This is a big thumbs-up to Jeb and the other money managers for taking action on this vital issue! It’s hard, if not impossible, to be in the market and have perfectly clean hands, but that doesn’t mean we have to sit back and let the companies use our money to keep ruining the environment.

For more on Exxon-Mobil, take a look here

His Highness, Governor Douglas!

You’ve heard of the imperial presidency, but right here in Vermont we have the imperial governor.

This past legislative session one of the fights was about the so-called deliberative process privilege, a phony legal principle that the Douglas Administration has used to block citizen access to important state agency documents relating to environmental safety. The legislative response was to propose H. 615, a bill with tri-partisan support that was signed into law on May 4 as Act 132, and explicity excludes the deliberative process privilege in Open Records Act cases against the executive or legislative branches of state government. It goes into effect July 1.

But guess what?

Apparently getting a new law from the Legislature, and signed by the Governor, isn’t good enough for some of Douglas’ political appointees. The Boston Globe reports that Thomas Torti, Secretary of the Agency of Natural Resources, is still sitting on a buttload of documents requested by the Conservation Law Foundation. They say they’re “reviewing [their] options.”

How about this for an option: don’t wait until you have to be ordered by a court to release the records. Do the right thing, comply with the letter and the spirit of the law, and make the information public.

Oh, and have you noticed one other thing? They never seem to have any trouble releasing information when they think it will make them look good, do they?

so let’s talk about Scudder…and our Jim

Have you met Scudder Parker?
Have you talked to him?
Listened to him?
What do you think he needs to do to win the Governor’s race?
Does he have any historical/political baggage that needs to be disposed of before he can rise to the top?
I don’t think so. But I am asking because I don’t know.
In my interactions with him he has been respectful, compassionate and articulate. He has integrity and speaks passionately, from his gut. His eyes don’t glass over when he is confronted about specific controversial legislation. He listens and responds.
I have seen him touch the spirit within people and leave them feeling good, hopeful and motivated.
He isn’t afraid to speak plainly yet has a deep well of knowledge on most of the issues facing the state.
Yet he is humble.
He’s anxious to learn.
He asks the right questions.
He knows that the Governor’s job is to Govern; not to make friends and cut ribbons, but to make decisions that will do the greatest good for the most people.
His campaign staff has been gracious and appreciative of input as well. I like that.
So I contemplate the question that was asked by an astute activist the other day, “What has Governor Jim Douglas actually done in all his time in office?”
What has this Governor initiated that benefits the Vermonters he governs?

I may be new to the game, but I can’t think of an answer to that question.
Not an honest answer that is devoid of the Administrations spin.
In my opinion we all have to do everything we can to replace the Governor.
Unless we elect Scudder Parker there will be no further health care reform and our future energy policy will become more precarious. We need a “green” economic plan for the state. Scudder has addressed these issues. He has detailed plans.
We need a leader. Scudder is one.
The way I see it, together, Vermont can do better than Jim Douglas. Much better.
But, he has the GOP behind him with their war chest.
What can we, the “netroots” do to combat that?
Creative ideas abound in the net. I want to hear some. Don’t you?

Vermonters Continue to Inspire the Nation

Even if the grassroots impeachment movement couldn’t inspire more than a handful of Vermont legislators, it does continue to inspire activism and hope across the rest of the nation, particularly among the younger set (the “holy grail” demographic, always targeted by political campaigns with never more than limited success). From the UCLA Daily Bruin:

Great state of Vermont, stand and be recognized! I have made fun of you before, but you have rushed to the rescue with the most important breakthrough in grassroots activism since the invention of Birkenstocks. Over the past couple months, various townships in Vermont have made national news by calling for the impeachment of Bush. However, such calls made only so much noise until, according to The American Prospect, a Rutland, Vt., man stumbled across an arcane, never-used provision – Section 603 – of a parliamentary manual written by Thomas Jefferson that forces the House of Representatives to consider impeachment proceedings submitted by a state legislature. The Rutland County Democratic Committee adopted the call for impeachment, which became known as the Rutland Resolution, as did several other cities in Vermont. Rep. Dave Zuckerman, P-Burlington, submitted the Rutland Resolution to the Vermont Legislature on April 26.

Other states have followed Vermont’s lead. Illinois Rep. Karen Yarbrough, D-Maywood, joined by two colleagues, has submitted a resolution under Section 603 to the Illinois General Assembly, and California Assemblyman Paul Koretz – who represents Westwood and much of West Los Angeles – has submitted his own resolution to the California Assembly, according to the Sacramento News & Review.

Details of Section 603’s authorship notwithstanding, the piece only gets better after the link…

Suddenly, town halls across the U.S. are holding impeachment hearings against the president of the United States. Petitions are circulating, urging the state legislatures with impeachment proposals to pass them. It has the potential to be the most triumphant volley from the poor little states across the bow of the big, bad federal government since Wyoming beat the Department of Commerce in checkers in 1962. However, let’s not get ahead of ourselves – once the House of Representatives receives any impeachment proposal from a state legislature, it will of course quash that proposal like a bug. But Section 604 of Jefferson’s manual states that the House must act on an impeachment proceeding before it deals with any other business. In other words, the House will be required to squash the impeachment proposal immediately and very publicly. So it would be a pretty big deal, as far as meaningless gestures go, but it would still be only a gesture.

Some, however, are against the gesture; they think it can only give ammunition to Republicans in the midterm elections. But I fail to see how this is possible; why would threatening to fire the boss give momentum to his management team? Since he won’t be impeached unless Democrats take back the House (and even then, probably not), submitting such articles of impeachment would merely be a pretty good indication to Bush and his posse that we Americans take sucking at your job pretty seriously when it’s the most important job in the world.

So there is something disaffected students can do, after all. Where once we were merely able to call Bush names or to suggest improper places where the president can “stick it,” we can now sign the online petitions urging Illinois and Vermont to pass their versions of Section 603.

And for those who do not reflexively dismiss what the “impeachment crowd” has accomplished (and continues to work for) in this state, but instead genuinely wonder why, Vermont Daily Briefing provides a succinct reminder:

* The President has the right to arrest American citizens, on American soil, and detain them without trial indefinitely. Theoretically, these individuals can then be moved to a secret island prison, a place declared a law-free zone by Government officials. There, they can be tortured, abused, or simply disappeared.

And if the secret island prison should prove, ironically, too public, these individuals can be spirited to a network of more secret prisons in Eastern Europe.

* The President can suspend any legislation Congress passes, at his own discretion.

* The President can order the NSA to suspend warrants for the collection and examination of telephone records, not in the case of a handful of suspects, but in broad groups of hundreds of millions of Americans.

* The President has proposed moving an active-duty General to head one of the most crucial civilian counter-balances to the military, the CIA.

* And finally, the Secretary of Defense can now deploy troops within US borders, and these troops will be slowly woven into the fabric of American life in peace time.

…and of course, Philip only scrapes the tip of the iceburg.

The damage being done to our nation and to real human lives is undeniable, and as such conscience and honor demand we do whatever is in our power within the constraints of ethics and law to speak out and fight back. As citizens, we only have so many means by which to be heard.

As Legislators, our elected Representatives have another very powerful means. We would hope that more than a handful would feel as we do; morally obliged to use the tools available to them to do what they can, rather than so readily play the role of Pontius Pilate.

In any event, the matter is gaining steam again as 603 proponents are expanding their working group and discussing formally incorporating to build support before the next legislative session. Details on that when (and if) it happens…

Invest in Vermont

John Berkowitz came to speak to the Washington County Democratic Committee tonight to talk about his organizationVermonters for a Fair Economy and Environmental Protection. I think the message is very powerful, if a bit diffuse. The top line of their full-page newspaper ad is Invest In Vermont, and the message is to raise taxes on the wealthiest Vermonters and use the revenue to fund human needs. Their three-point plan would raise personal income taxes on the top 5% of Vermonters, end the capital gains tax exclusion, and create a financial assets tax, and would raise over $80 million a year.

The obvious question to me is this: where was this agenda during the just-concluded legislative session?

We have majorities in both Houses of the Legislature and plenty of need for the money, but I don’t recall seeing a big push to generate needed revenues from the people who benefit the most from what government does: the rich.

Let’s take education as an example. Douglas proposed a $15,000,000 scholarship program but it didn’t pass  because he wanted to raid the tobacco settlement fund to do it. My reaction is, why do we need the scholarship program? The state is now contributing about $38 million to UVM each year: how about using the fair tax program and dedicate $20 million to the  university? Other potential uses for the money could be transportation, affordable housing, low income energy assistance, or restore the Medicaid dental program.

There are benefits to having Vermont’s income taxes coupled to the federal rate, but we pay a terrible price when the feds slash taxes on the rich. Governor Snelling agreed to raise the top rate when we needed the money back in the 1980’s and I don’t see why we can’t do the same now.

Let’s fight for a stronger Democratic majority in the Legislature and make it happen.

Here’s the kind of candidate we need

( – promoted by Jack McCullough)

Cross-posted from Rational Resistance

The rap on the Democrats is that we’re pusillanimous. From what we see happening in Congress there is some justice to that. We’ll never get anywhere unless we stand up to the power, even if we pick up a majority in Congress in November. As I’ve said before, the function of the opposition party is to oppose, and we need to be electing candidates who will do that.

In New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District, where I grew up, there is an important primary race to decide who will oppose incumbent Republican Scott Garrett. The party bosses in the county have annointed Paul Aronsohn, who seems to take pusillanimity to a new level. He likes to describe himself as a “pro-defense, pro-business, moderate Democrat.” He says he would have voted for the so-called PATRIOT Act if he’d had the chance, and his idea of solving health care is to have a little sit-down with the insurance companies and drug companies that are the problem, not the solution.

Oh yeah, he’s also used his muscle squeeze his political opponents off the Democratic Party line on the ballot all across the county, although when he was caught doing it he backed down.

His opponent is Camille Abate, a civil rights lawyer who is committed to standing up to the lies and illegallity of the Bush Administration. In the interest of full disclosure I should say that my brother Mark is her campaign manager, so you can take this comment for what it’s worth. Still, I think she’s worth a look, and any support you can provide.