Daily Archives: May 19, 2006

GMD Entrepreneurship: Don’t have $5000 for a Bush Pic? No Prob.

Apparently the Vermont GOP and the Rainville Campaign are charging $5000 to have a picture taken with Laura Bush when she stops by to raise money for the General.

We at GMD know that $5000 is pretty steep — and we know a dose of market competition always does a body good! Therefore, thanks to the miracle of Photoshop, GMD is proud to announce that we’ll be happy to set you up with a picture of yourself and Laura for a mere $1000! (Wotta deal!) And you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your home! Just imagine…

…and if you act now, for a mere $200 more, we’ll also throw in another patriotic American of your choice! Click for an example —

Yes sir, with a deal like this how can you go wrong? Sure, Martha won’t get your money — but that’s okay! She’s got Tom DeLay’s and Duke Cunningham’s crowd for that!

Tell your friends… first twenty get a free cowboy hat…