Daily Archives: May 15, 2006

The Axis of Evil; Dubya, Dick, Condi — first Iraq, and now Iran

(An insightful assessment of the State of Things. The anger and fear conveyed by the diarist is what I can only hope would take hold with the people, if they could be made to understand. I do hope it doesn’t take yet ANOTHER war.
-ed – promoted by Ed Garcia

Will we ever return to a rational Federal government that actually has qualified people there to serve us?  We have had one nightmare scenario after another since 2001, continually raising our ‘fear factor.’ Lies, lies and more lies.

Personally, I’m much more concerned about our own out-of-control government than I am about terrorists striking us here.  I would not be surprised to see Bush refusing to leave the White House on January 20, 2009, backed by a military junta.

The Republicans know they are in trouble, and will lose their majorities in November unless they can justify a new war to convince voters not to ‘change horses in midstream’ … and I can vividly imagine a Strait of Hormuz-type incident  taking place well before the November elections.

Israel is obviously pushing — do it or we will –but they should realize they will lose much international support (at least from people) if they do, especially using nuclear bombs they do not admit having.  Israel is subsidized heavily, and would be forced to put ‘sanctions’ on their own people if this happened.

The U.N. Security Council is floating a plan to affirm Irans’ right to a peaceful nuclear energy program if Iran would suspend enrichment for a few years while the UN (read U.S.) goes through the books, as it were, and is satisfied Iran has no weapons program and no intention to pursue one. (This would call the bluff of Bolton and his superiors, and I can’t see them voting for it.)

I am embarrassed, as an American, to support a resolution asking another country to, in effect, bend over and let the dominator have his way.  This may gain some short term relief here but will inflame tensions not only in the Middle East, but all over the world. Nobody likes a bully.  It will not change any plans Bush already has in place; just force him to think up another excuse.

Wonder if Bush/Cheney will get special visiting rights to Karl Rove in prison?  They certainly wouldn’t want that brain to atrophy!

For us, we need to keep on top of all rhetoric from Bush and Condi and be a truth squad — not just here, but in all our local letters to the editor.  If their plans are finalized to censor the internet it may be our last best chance to find out what reality is!

The next Congress must insist that ‘signing statements’ made by any President are only a personal opinion and do not have the force of law. Congress must take back the reins and again become the lawmakers, and insist the laws be followed.  We need to keep track of these!
