Daily Archives: April 15, 2006

Vermont News & Blog Roundup (better late than never!)

Oh lord where to begin…as some may have noticed I usually like to have these up on Thursday…now how about some discussion on these for a change…?

* In this diary from way back in the Burlington mayor’s race, I took the Progs to task rather severely for digging up Dem candidate Hinda Miller’s ex-business partner in order to smear Miller personally. While I still don’t think it’s an honorable line of attack, it does seem that – contrary to what was reported at PoliticsVT – Lisa Lindahl stepped forward on her own in response to an email (a copy of which was sent my way) sent out from the Miller campaign to rally support before the Dem caucus. Consider my culpa mea’d.

* Speaking of Progs, it seems there was dissention in the ranks. S.88, a bill relating to the membership of the Labor Relations Board that was supported by organized labor was just killed in committee by a Progressive. Holland Rep. Winston Dowland (who is becoming quite the handful for the Progs) voted with the Republicans and against labor, despite the reportedly very vocal displeasure expressed by fellow Progressive Rep. Sarah Edwards of Brattleboro outside the committee room. Ouch. Welcome to major party life, guys.

* Holy crap! Peter Welch raised $262,175 this last reporting period and has $612,776 on hand! That’s a lot of bumper stickers! Martha Rainville raised $218,972, and $130,000 of that came from Washington insider GOP Pacs such as Tom DeLay’s Retain Our Majority PAC. Martha Martha Martha…

* Speaking of the US Congress race, if you haven’t read Philip Baruth’s interview of GOP dark horse candidate Mark Shepard, get over there NOW. It’s something else. Shepard, an unabashed conservative, speaks openly about being not just dumped by his own Party, but piled on and humiliated more with each passing day. He also discusses how his far-right views are based on simple “logic.” We’re gonna have fun with that one in a later post…

* Hey — the Liberty Union Party got major party status back when I wasn’t looking. Primary time! (Thanks to Burlington Lib for pointing that out)

* Check out this diary from GMD user vtpeace from today and tell me that the latest thing from the Tarrant for Senate camp is not just weird, creepy and wrong. Barbara, if you or anybody else can provide details or links on this, it’d be greatly appreciated.

* …and finally, it’s not local, but –seriously — maybe we should be asking if there are any retired Generals that don’t want Rumsfeld to resign (oh yeah, besides this one)