Daily Archives: April 6, 2006

Vermont News & Blog Check

According to Freyne, Rockingham Selectman and CPA Tom Salmon Jr. (yeah, junior of the former guv) is considering a run for Auditor. Nice to have new folks involved, but its amusing that the Dems had to go fishing so far away from the deep Dem bench to run (sorry for the mixed metaphor). Everyone sees Randy Brock as supremely qualified and shied away. Why the Dems don’t understand that at the end of the day, this is a partisan political office so it doesn’t matter that much if you’re not an “auditor” per se, is weird. It’s like they’ve already forgotten the last two auditors (trust me, Ready didn’t lose to Brock because she wasn’t a CPA…)

Windham County residents can’t be sleeping well. The ratcheting up of power output from Vermont Yankee towards the 120% goal is continuing. This facility has a history of seeming to be held together by duct tape and administrated by corporate monkeys. And folks are none too happy that the Dem majority in Montpelier is enabling this scary scenario. Stay tuned. Invest in lead.

…speaking of Windham County, I hear unconfirmed rumors that Peter Shumlin is planning a return to the VT Senate. Pete evokes strong feelings every whichaway from people, but I’ve always liked him. I notice he signed the impeachment petition as well…a big plus in my book.

Congratulations to the Carpetbagger Report for placing in the Best Blog category of the Koufax Awards!

Rob Williams at Vermont Commons doesn’t support the impeachment movement because it doesn’t include an allowance for the dismantling of this American “Empire clinging desperately to global hegemony.” Neither do the laws on the books outlawing armed robbery, but presumably those are still okay.

Republicans are heaving Bennington Senator Mark Shepard overboard in their desire to throw as much support as possible, as quickly as possible to Martha Rainville in the US House Race (who has shown no compunction about talking out of both sides of her mouth in regards to who she’ll take money from). You gotta almost feel bad for Shepard. When the Republicans could take lessons from Dems (who didn’t pick favorites in their own Lt Governor primary) on party unity, you know they’re in for trouble.

Philip Baruth has joined the choir wondering what’s up with Vermonters First and founder Adam Quinn. The rumors abound. Did Douglas run him out (ha!)? Is the site under investigation by the Secretary of State for directing campaign contributions to candidates (sorry, that’s legal)? Has Adam found gainful employment? I’ve heard all these things, but what’s as interesting to me is why equally-prolific front pager Nat Kinney left. Nat — I know you’re a GMD reader. Care to comment? Inquiring minds and all…