Daily Archives: April 5, 2006

Articles of Impeachment

( – promoted by Jack McCullough)

I wouldn’t ordinarily post about a book before I’m done reading it, but this is so timely I just have to.

The book is Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush and it’s put out by the Center for Constitutional Rights. The book is a closely reasoned exposition of the compelling grounds for impeachment, including illegal electronic surveillance in violation of FISA and the Constitution; his illegal war in Iraq; arbitrary detentions of citizens and non-citizens; and arrogating excessive power to the executive branch in contravention of the doctrine of separation of powers.

The Democratic State Committee is meeting this Saturday to discuss whether to call on the Legislature to support an impeachment resolution. Maybe it would be a good idea for some of the delegates to familiarize themselves with this book to be prepared to make the sound legal arguments that compel impeachment.

I know that the central issue here is not legal but political. Nevertheless, when the legal and moral issues are as compelling as they are, I think they must take precedence over political considerations.

I also don’t think this idea is bad politics. The current slogan for the Democratic Party nationally is Together, America Can Do Better. Taking a stand on the impeachment resolution proves that the Democrats offer an alternative.