Daily Archives: March 31, 2006

AP reports former DeLay aide will plead guilty

“The Associated Press is reporting that Tony Rudy, a former aide to Tom DeLay will plead guilty to one count in connection with the ongoing federal investigation of Jack Abramoff’s scandal-ridden activities.”

Like the drip, drip, drip of Watergate, the dominos are beginning to fall.

Evacuation Plan

(GMD has insufficient VT Yankee coverage…thanks to Ed for this – promoted by odum)


Two committees of the Vermont State Legislature will travel to Brattleboro to take direct testimony from people affected by the State Emergency Plan and the local nuclear emergency response plan.

House and Senate Government Operations Committees will hold a joint hearing at Brattleboro Union High School Gymnasium, Wednesday, April 5, at 6:30 pm. To accommodate the large turnout expected, speakers may be limited to three minutes each.

Judy Davidson, speaking for the local grass-roots activist group Nuclear Free Vermont by 2012, commented, “The rest of the state doesn’t know what it’s like to live next to a nuclear reactor that’s cracking and vibrating. This is a perfect opportunity to educate legislators from other parts of the state about our increased concerns about accidents because of Entergy Nuclear’s plans to increase power by 20% and operate for 20 years longer.”

Nuclear Free Vermont was the sponsor of Town Meeting Day Resolutions in six towns around the reactor that called for increased spending by Entergy Nuclear to improve local evacuation plans. The measure passed in all six towns, and won 84% of the vote in Brattleboro.