Daily Archives: March 29, 2006

So Much Local News, So Little Space…

Philip Baruth at VDB explains how Martha Rainville’s inexperienced campaign staff is it’s own worst enemy, with a timeline of how she let the far more experienced Welch campaign turn a yawner non-issue into a full blown campaign contribution scandal. Read the piece and then head to the online petition at the VT Dems site and keep the squeeze on.

Freyne at Seven Days (always required reading) reports that President Bush, after rejecting the recommendation of Sen Leahy and Gov. Douglas regarding the vacant US Attorney post in Vermont, is now set to install a cheerleader for the god-awful USA Patriot Act. What a shocker.

Vermont Commons not only wants an independent Vermont republic, it seems they’d also like to lock the borders and keep the pesky foreigners out. J. Arthur Loose combines the usual, simplistic reasoning that says we have to choose between promoting a fair, equitable society and accepting that foreigners are covered under the concept of “inalienable human rights” with a disturbing metaphor that suggests a very low regard for Mexicans in general. Somehow, the 2nd Vermont Republic is sounding less like a country I want any part of.

Where’s Adam? Since the fallout over his brouhaha with the Governor, blogger aq at Vermonters First has been AWOL. Hopefully he’s just on break. Mr. Quinn has done a lot to make the VT blogosphere a lively place. Come on back soon, aq…

The Blier Watch vs. conservative theocrat Kevin Blier saga gets covered by 802 Online’s Cathy Resmer in Seven Days (with input from entertainingly-designated “straight man,” yours truly). In the piece, to soften his image, Blier claims he would never use the epithet “fag” which he calls “the F word.” GMD readers will recall that he has no qualms about letting others use it on his website, however, as an article entitled Fag Commentary: Rebuke Them Sharply was printed there. Unfortunately, the original has dropped off Google’s cache, and only the “cleansed” version remains. Hopefully the BW folks saved a copy.

…and a few days ago, Green MT Daily passed the 100 registered users mark! What a month! Traffic is up, and we’re linked all over (including a front page link at MyDD.com!) For myself, I’ve managed to draw indignation from Dems and Progs alike. Don’t worry folks — I get very seasonal-affective-disordered. Now that the sun’s shining, I’ll get nicer…

Standing Against Bush Good For Vermont’s Economy…?

This is an email sent in response to the online impeachment petition, reprinted with permission from the petition administrator and the author:

Dear Ms. Allen,
I am not a Vermont resident, so unfortunately I cannot sign your petition, but I want you to now that there are plenty of people here in Mass. who support the Vermont towns who have voted for resolutions to impeach Pres. Bush.  I’ve read stories about Newfane and other communities who have taken such action, and some of the right wing backlash that has resulted.  My family vacations in Vermont every summer, and we are proud to spend our tourist dollars in a state that has a conscience. Keep up the good work!

Bill Santoro

Cool, huh?